
12.0.0 • Public • Published


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This project is an HTTP Server API providing fast and extensible markdown parser. It is the Markdown engine powering Zeste de Savoir.

It is a small express server leveraging the remark processor and its MDAST syntax tree, rehype (for HTML processing) and textr (text transformation framework). It also provides MDAST to LaTeX compilation via rebber (and its plugins).

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"md":"Hello word"}' http://localhost:27272/html
#return: ["<p>Hello word</p>",{"disableToc":true,"languages":[],"depth":1},[]]


  • Convert Markdown to HTML ;
  • Convert Markdown to EPUB compatible HTML ;
  • Convert Markdown to LaTeX ;
  • Convert Markdown to TEX file;
  • Convert ordered list of Markdown extracts into one of the above formats.


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Install with npm:

npm install zmarkdown

Getting started

  1. Start your zmarkdown server npm run server
  2. Send a POST request to http://localhost:27272/{endpoint}

pm2 monit: provides a realtime dashboard that fits directly into your terminal, it is a simple way to monitor the resource usage of you server.

Limit the resource usage of your server

You can change the number of threads (default: 3) and the max-memory of each thread (default: 150M) in your package.json at scripts.server :

    "server": "pm2 start -f server/index.js -i 3 --max-memory-restart 150M",


All endpoints respond to HTTP POST. The request body must be JSON with a required md key. An optional opts key can be provided, the value of which depends on the endpoint.


POST http://localhost:27272/{endpoint}


Required Body JSON Value

Name Type Description
md string markdown source string or ordered list of Markdown extracts (see below)

Optional Body JSON Value

Name Type Description
opts JSON Options specific to this endpoint. This object is documented in the Request section of each endpoint.


All endpoints return [contents, metadata, messages] as JSON.

Name Type Description
contents string the rendered HTML or LaTeX.
metadata object depends on request options. This object is documented in the Response section of each endpoint.
messages string[] info/debug/errors from parsers, plugins, compilers, etc.

Only metadata is described in the Response sections below.



Markdown to EPUB compatible HTML


POST http://localhost:27272/epub

Request opts values

Name Type Description
opts.images_download_dir bool see /latex
opts.local_url_to_local_path string see /latex

Response metadata values

Name Type Description
metadata.disableToc bool Whether or not the input Markdown did not contain headings (#, ##, …). This property is named that way because we use it to disable Table of Contents generation when no headings were found.
- disableToc: true means no headings
- disableToc: false means at least one heading.


Markdown to HTML


POST http://localhost:27272/html

Request opts values

Name Type Description
opts.disable_ping bool default: false, pings won't get parsed.
opts.disable_jsfiddle bool default: false, JSFiddle iframes are disabled.
opts.inline bool default: false, Only parse inline Markdown elements (such as links and emphasis, unlike lists and fenced code blocks).
opts.stats bool default: false, Will compute and return statistics about markdown text.

Response metadata values

Name Type Description
metadata.disableToc bool Whether or not the input Markdown did not contain headings (#, ##, …). This property is named that way because we use it to disable Table of Contents generation when no headings were found.
disableToc: true means no headings
disableToc: false means at least one heading string[] undefined if opts.disable_ping: true
The list of nicknames returned by remark-ping. Can be used to send "ping" notifications to the corresponding users.
Note: this is fully customizable, remark-ping can validate potential pings by any means, including sending an HTTP request (we recommend HEAD) to a REST API to make sure this username actually exists.
metadata.languages string[] A list of unique languages used in GitHub Flavoured Markdown fences with a flag.
metadata.stats object stats about the parsed text:
- signs: number of chars, spaces included.
- words: number of words.


Here is a quick example of the request to be made to the http://localhost:27272/html endpoint, using the software of your choice:

  "md": "# Hello\n\nThis is @zmarkdown, a wonderful [Markdown]( parser. You can **embed** code in it:\n\n```js\n\nconst zmd = require('zmarkdown/modules/common')\n\n\n\nconst globalParser = common(opts, processor)\n\n```\n\n- Oh wait, this is *Mise en abyme*, isn't it?\n\n- Of course it is, you @silly.\n\n- Silly, me? Let me remind you that the main usage of this module is to launch the server directly, not using this Node.js crap:\n\n```bash\n\nnpm -g install pm2 && npm install zmarkdown\ncd ./node_modules/zmarkdown && npm run server\n\n```\n\nNow you know how it works, at least for the API endpoint, but we do support a lot more syntax, if you want.",
  "opts": {
    "stats": true

This request will trigger the following response from the server:

  "<h3 id=\"hello\">Hello<a aria-hidden=\"true\" href=\"#hello\"><span class=\"icon icon-link\"></span></a></h3>\n<p>This is <a href=\"/@zmarkdown\" rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"ping ping-link\">@<span class=\"ping-username\">zmarkdown</span></a>, a wonderful <a href=\"\">Markdown</a> parser. You can <strong>embed</strong> code in it:</p>\n<div class=\"hljs-code-div\"><div class=\"hljs-line-numbers\"><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span></div><pre><code class=\"hljs language-js\"><span class=\"hljs-keyword\">const</span> zmd = <span class=\"hljs-built_in\">require</span>(<span class=\"hljs-string\">'zmarkdown/modules/common'</span>)\n\n\n\n<span class=\"hljs-keyword\">const</span> globalParser = common(opts, processor)\n</code></pre></div>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p>Oh wait, this is <em>Mise en abyme</em>, isn’t it?</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Of course it is, you <a href=\"/@silly\" rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"ping ping-link\">@<span class=\"ping-username\">silly</span></a>.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Silly, me? Let me remind you that the main usage of this module is to launch the server directly, not using this Node.js crap:</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<div class=\"hljs-code-div\"><div class=\"hljs-line-numbers\"><span></span><span></span></div><pre><code class=\"hljs language-bash\">npm -g install pm2 &#x26;&#x26; npm install zmarkdown\n<span class=\"hljs-built_in\">cd</span> ./node_modules/zmarkdown &#x26;&#x26; npm run server\n</code></pre></div>\n<p>Now you know how it works, at least for the API endpoint, but we do support a lot more syntax, if you want.<p>",
    "ping": [
    "disableToc": false,
    "languages": [
    "depth": 5,
    "stats": {
      "signs": 386,
      "words": 78


Markdown to LaTeX


POST http://localhost:27272/latex

Request opts values

Name Type Description
opts.disable_images_download bool Default: false, does not download images.
opts.images_download_dir string Where to download the images to.
opts.images_download_default string Default: black.png, image used when the distant image is not found.
opts.images_download_timeout number Default: 5000 ms. HTTP request timeout for each image, in milliseconds.
opts.local_url_to_local_path - see below this table.
opts.disable_jsfiddle bool see /html


  • [from: string, to: string], default: <none>

    If provided, local images referenced in Markdown source (such as ![](/img/example.png)) will be copied to images_download_dir after replacing the string from with to using the following RegExp:

    '/img/example.png'.replace(new RegExp(`^${from}`), to)

Response metadata values

This endpoint only returns {} as metadata, i.e. an empty object.


Markdown to TEX file


POST http://localhost:27272/latex-document

Request required opts values

These values are required.

Name Type Description
opts.content_type string (required) Will be interpolated in \documentclass[${content_type}]{zmdocument}
opts.title string (required) Will be interpolated in \title{${title}}
opts.authors, string[] (required) Will be interpolated in \author{${authors.join(', ')}}
opts.license string (required) E.g. CC-BY-SA will be displayed as-is, using ${license_directory}/by-sa.svg as license icon with a link to
opts.license_directory string (required) Path to the directory where CC license SVG icons are stored, see license above.
opts.smileys_directory string (required) Path to the directory where smileys are stored.

Request opts values

Name Type Description
opts.disable_images_download bool see /latex
opts.images_download_dir string see /latex
opts.images_download_default string see /latex
opts.local_url_to_local_path string see /latex
opts.disable_jsfiddle bool see /html

Response metadata values

This endpoint only returns {} as metadata, i.e. an empty object.

Manifest rendering

Since version 10.0.0, ZMarkdown supports manifest rendering, which means it is capable of processing asynchronously an ordered list of Markdown extracts, and assembling them back together. Manifest rendering works with all the four endpoints described above. Let's take an example with HTML; the following request body:

  "md": {"text":"# foo\n\nHello @you", "children": [{"text": "Foobar"}, {"text": "Barfoo"}]},
  "opts": {
    "stats": true

Will lead to the following response from the server:

    "text": "<h2 id=\"foo\">foo<a aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"#foo\"><span class=\"icon icon-link\"></span></a></h2>\n<p>Hello <a href=\"/@you\" rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"ping ping-link\">@<span class=\"ping-username\">you</span></a><p>",
    "children": [
        "text": "<p>Foobar</p>"
        "text": "<p>Barfoo</p>"
    "ping": [
    "stats": {
      "signs": 24,
      "words": 5
    "depth": 1,
    "disableToc": false,
    "languages": []

As you can see, the extracts are positionned in the right order, and VFiles are automatically assembled. Calling the latex-document endpoint will also concatenate the extracts and produce a complete document.

Client Architecture

Four client builds are currently available (starting from version 9.0.0), they can all be found in the client/dist folder:

  • zmarkdown-zmdast compiles Markdown to MDAST and return the result, and optionally an inspector to get a pretty output;
  • zmarkdown-zhtml compiles Markdown to HTML, using the same modules as the server, but this renderer is quite huge (1.8 MB), so it is not recommended for use in a web browser;
  • zmarkdown-zhlite is a browser-friendly version of the MD-to-HTML renderer; it has the same capabilities, except for KaTeX and highlight.js, so you'll need to provide yourself if you want to use them;
  • zmarkdown-zlatex compiles Markdown to LaTeX, using the same modules as the server.

Getting started

Simply import one of the three files mentionned above, it will expose a ZMarkdownZ*, depending on the imported file. For instance, zhlite exposes a ZMarkdownZHLITE object. This exported object have a render method, that takes the input string and a callback.


ZMarkdownZHTML.render("# Hello", (err, vFile) => {
  // will display: "<h1 id="title">Title<a aria-hidden="true" href="#title"><span class="icon icon-link"></span></a></h1>"

Specific MDAST renderer

The MDAST renderer is synchronous, unlike the other renderers, so it will return instead of requiring a callback. Moreover, this renderer exposes an inspect method, from unist-util-inspect.


Dev build

If you want to watch the local files while working zmarkdown, you can use npm run watch:client. Run the client by opening ./public/index.html.

Note: the current implementation (parallel-webpack) doesn't support hot-reload, you will have to manually refresh the webpage after each change.

Production build

To build for production, just run npm run release. Generated files are located in ./dist.



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  • situphen
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