
0.0.3 • Public • Published


A node.js module allows you easily maintain simple data structure on Amazon S3 service (Use aws2js for S3 access):

  1. KeyList

Maintains a list of string keys. You can:

  • Add a key / keys into the list
  • Fetch a list of keys on list
  • Delete a key / keys / all keys from list
  • Tell whether a key is / keys are on list
  1. ObjectDB

Maintains a key value store. You can:

  • Store a value / object under a string key
  • Get the value / object of a string key
  • Delete a key
  • Tell whether a key exists


Either manually clone this repository into your node_modules directory, or the recommended method:

npm install aws2js

Getting Started


var s3db=require('s3db'); //--- load s3db module
var db=new s3db('your aws_access key id','your aws secrect access key');


var kl=db.open('KeyList','s3://mybucket.com/path_to_my_key_list/my_key_list'); //--Open a keylist
//--- fetch keys on list
kl.get(function(keys){ //--- callback will be called when operation completed without error.
    console.log(keys); //-- first 100 keys
    if(kl.is_truncated==true){ //--- if not all keys return in one request (default fetch only first 1000 keys), then continue to fetch the rest keys on the list.
            console.log(keys); //-- next 1000 keys
},function(error){ //--- callback will be called when error occurs
//--- delete all keys on list
kl.del_all(function(){  //--- callback will be called when operation completed without error.
    console.log('Operation completed'); //-- next 1000 keys


var odb=db.open('ObjectDB','s3://mybucket.com/path_to_obejct_db/my_object_db'); //--Open a ObjectDB
//--- store an object / hash under key 'mykey'
var obj={a:1,b:2};
odb.put('mykey',obj,function(){  //--- callback will be called when operation completed without error. 
    console.log('Operation completed');
    //-- get value under key 'mykey'
    odb.get('mykey',function(obj){  //--- callback will be called when operation completed without error. 
        console.log(obj); //--- will print out: {a:1,b:2}
    },function(e){ //--- callback will be called when error occurs
},function(e){ //--- callback will be called when error occurs

Promise Interface Support

Along with callback style API, Promise stlyle asynchronous programming pattern is also support (Based on JavaScript Library Q).

kl.get() //---get full key list
.then(kl.del) //-- del all key returned by kl.get()
.then(kl.get) //-- fetch key list again
    console.log(obj); //--- will print out: []
    console.log(error); //--- print out error during the whole process
//---Load underscore library for function bind
var _=require('underscore');
//--- store an object / hash under key 'mykey'
var obj={a:1,b:2};
                                 'mykey' //--- paramter for get method
    console.log(obj); //--- will print out: {a:1,b:2}
    console.log(error); //--- print out error during the whole process

API Reference


Method init(aws_access_key_id,aws_secrect_access_key,endpoint_prefix)

endpoint_prefix: default to ''. Example: 's3-us-west-1' The endpoint list is available here.

Method open(module,uri)

module: availble values: 'KeyList', 'ObjectDB'


Method get(ok_func,error_func,limit,marker)

ok_func: callback. Will be called if operation completed withour error. Optional if use Promise API. ok_func: callback. Will be called if error occurs. Optional if use Promise API. limit: Max. number of keys to fetch. Optional, default to 1000. A value larger than 1000 will be ignored. marker: Fetch the keys from the marker. For pagination purpose. Optional.

Method reset()

Reset internal marker so that get method will return result form the first key rather then where the result is truncated during last method get call.

Method put(key,ok_func,error_func)

key: Can be a string key or an array of keys that should be put on list

Method del(key,ok_func,error_func)

key: Can be a string key or an array of keys that should be deleted from list

Method del_all(ok_func,error_func)
Method on_list(key,yes_func,no_func,error_func)

key: Can be a string key or an array of keys yes_func: callback will be called if all keys are on list


Method get(key,ok_func,error_func)

key: String. key of the value / object

Method put(key,obj,ok_func,error_func)

key: String. key of the value / object obj: Object. The object should be store under the key.

Method del(key,ok_func,error_func)

key: String. key of the value / object

Method is_set(key,yes_func,no_func,error_func)

key: String. key of the value / object yes_func: callback will be called if the key exists

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