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Pick the most suitable value from a list of possible values

This is a flexible library which facilitates the rendering of text based on a template and a list of alternate parameters. Alternate parameters can be evaluated against a criteria to select the fittest.


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import pav from "pick-alternate-value"

const tUpper = value => value.toUpperCase();
const conf = {
  templates: ['<a>{{a}}</a> to <b>{{b}}</b> to <c>{{c}}</c>',
  props: { a: ['k1', 'k2'], b: [tUpper, 'k3'], c: ['k4', 'k5', 'k6'] },
  placeholders: {
    clean: [['<a>{{', '}}</a>']],
    extract: [['<b>{{', '}}</b>'], ['<c>{{', '}}</c>']],

const data = {
  k1: 'k1v1',
  k2: 'k1v11',
  k3: 'k3v',
  k4: 'k4v',
  k6: 'k4v66',
pav.renderLongest(conf, data)
// return <a>k1v1</a> to <b>K3V</b> to <c>k4v66</c>
pav.renderLongest(conf, data, 10)
// return <c>k4v</c>


pickLongestSize(list, defaultValue, max)object

Pick the first string (or object) with the longest size

pickShortestSize(list, defaultValue, min)object

Pick the first string (or object) with the shortest size


Adds the size of all the items in the list


Finds the minimum size of all the items in the list


Finds the maximum size of all the items in the list


Returns true if the list does not contain any null

discardPlaceholders(template, phStart, phEnd)string

Discard the placeholders of a string template. Useful to check the minimum length of a template.

extractPlaceholders(template, phStart, phEnd)array

Extract the placeholders of a string template.

getArrInArr(arrIdx, listOfList)array

Gets an array using an array of indexes

decArrayIndex(arrIdx, maxIdx)array

Decrements an array of indexes from left to right. For right to left, uses .reverse(). This is useful for iterating over indices.


Combine a list of list in a similar as imbricated for loops

highestRankedCombination(listCombination, rankFn, filterFn)array

Finds the combination with the highest rank

coalesce(fns, value)array

Run functions sequentially until one succeeds or return null.

extractValuesFromPaths(props, data)object

Uses json paths mapping to transform an object

voidTemplate(placeholders4clean, template)object

Creates a template without specific placeholders

getTemplateParams(propsData, placeholders, selected)object

Build template parameters based on given placeholders

renderFittest(conf, data, selector)string

Render text based on a template with selection of the most suited (fit) parameters.

renderLongest(conf, data, max)string

Render text based on a template with selection of the longest parameters.

pickLongestSize(list, defaultValue, max) ⇒ object

Pick the first string (or object) with the longest size

Kind: global function
Returns: object - The object or string that is the longest

Param Type Description
list array list of strings or objects
defaultValue object the object/string to return if null
max integer the maximum size that is allowed


// returns abcd
pav.pickLongestSize(['ab', 'a', 'abcd'])

pickShortestSize(list, defaultValue, min) ⇒ object

Pick the first string (or object) with the shortest size

Kind: global function
Returns: object - The object or string that is the longest

Param Type Description
list array list of strings or objects
defaultValue object the object/string to return if null
min integer the minimum size that is allowed


// returns a1
pav.pickShortestSize(['abd', 'a1', 'a2', 'abc'])

sumSize(list) ⇒ integer

Adds the size of all the items in the list

Kind: global function
Returns: integer - The sum of all the sizes

Param Type Description
list array list of strings or objects


// returns 7
pav.sumSize(['ab', 'a', 'abcd'])

minSize(list) ⇒ integer

Finds the minimum size of all the items in the list

Kind: global function
Returns: integer - The minimum of all the sizes

Param Type Description
list array list of strings or objects


// returns 1
pav.minSize(['ab', 'a', 'abcd'])

maxSize(list) ⇒ integer

Finds the maximum size of all the items in the list

Kind: global function
Returns: integer - The maximum of all the sizes

Param Type Description
list array list of strings or objects


// returns 4
pav.maxSize(['ab', 'a', 'abcd'])

hasNoNull(list) ⇒ integer

Returns true if the list does not contain any null

Kind: global function
Returns: integer - true if no null

Param Type Description
list array list of strings or objects


// returns false
pav.hasNoNull(['ab', null, 'abcd'])

discardPlaceholders(template, phStart, phEnd) ⇒ string

Discard the placeholders of a string template. Useful to check the minimum length of a template.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - The template without ny placeholders

Param Type Description
template string list of strings or objects
phStart string the placeholder start keyword
phEnd string the placeholder end keyword


// returns 123456

extractPlaceholders(template, phStart, phEnd) ⇒ array

Extract the placeholders of a string template.

Kind: global function
Returns: array - all the placeholders

Param Type Description
template string list of strings or objects
phStart string the placeholder start keyword
phEnd string the placeholder end keyword


// returns placeholder

getArrInArr(arrIdx, listOfList) ⇒ array

Gets an array using an array of indexes

Kind: global function
Returns: array - the selected list

Param Type Description
arrIdx array an array of indices
listOfList array a list of list


// returns ['b', '1']
pav.getArrInArr([1, 1], [['a','b'], [1, 2]])

decArrayIndex(arrIdx, maxIdx) ⇒ array

Decrements an array of indexes from left to right. For right to left, uses .reverse(). This is useful for iterating over indices.

Kind: global function
Returns: array - the selected list

Param Type Description
arrIdx array an array of indices
maxIdx array an array of the maximum indices


// returns [1, 2, 4]
pav.decArrayIndex([2, 2, 4], [3, 2, 4])

combineListOfList(listOfList) ⇒ array

Combine a list of list in a similar as imbricated for loops

Kind: global function
Returns: array - All the possible combinations in reverse order

Param Type Description
listOfList array a list of list


// returns [['b', 2], ['a', 2], ['b', 1], ['a', 1]]
pav.combineListOfList([['a','b'], [1, 2]])

highestRankedCombination(listCombination, rankFn, filterFn) ⇒ array

Finds the combination with the highest rank

Kind: global function
Returns: array - The highest ranked combination

Param Type Description
listCombination array a list of list
rankFn function a function which returns the rank. Default by size
filterFn function a function which filter only the suitable combination.


// returns ['bb', 22]
pav.highestRankedCombination([['bb', 2], ['a', 22], ['b', 1], ['a', 1]])

coalesce(fns, value) ⇒ array

Run functions sequentially until one succeeds or return null.

Kind: global function
Returns: array - The result of applying the passed function

Param Type Description
fns array a list of functions
value object a value to be passed to each function


// returns the result of f1('value') otherwise the value of f2('value')
pav.coalesce([f1, f2], 'value')

extractValuesFromPaths(props, data) ⇒ object

Uses json paths mapping to transform an object

Kind: global function
Returns: object - An object with the extracted data

Param Type Description
props object describe each property with a list of paths. Optionally, the first element can be a transformer function.
data object the data to extract the values from


// returns { a: ['3', '4'], b: '13' }
const x13 = value => value*13;
const data = {q: '1', p: {a: '3', b: '4'}}
pav.extractValuesFromPaths({ a: ['p.a', 'p.b'], b: [x13, 'q'] }, data)

voidTemplate(placeholders4clean, template) ⇒ object

Creates a template without specific placeholders

Kind: global function
Returns: object - a template without these placeholders

Param Type Description
placeholders4clean array a list of placeholders'start and end.
template string the template


// returns AABB
pav.voidTemplate([['<a>{{', '}}</a>']], 'AA<a>{{jdsljals}}</a>BB')

getTemplateParams(propsData, placeholders, selected) ⇒ object

Build template parameters based on given placeholders

Kind: global function
Returns: object - the merging of relevant parameters with default ones.

Param Type Description
propsData object default parameters for the template
placeholders array a list of placeholder names
selected array the values associated with placeholder


// return { a: 'X', b: 'C', c: 'D', d: 'Y' }
pav.getTemplateParams({ a: ['A', 'B'], b: ['C'], c: [null, 'D', 'E'],
d: 'G' }, ['a', 'd'], ['X', 'Y'])

renderFittest(conf, data, selector) ⇒ string

Render text based on a template with selection of the most suited (fit) parameters.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - the rendered template

Param Type Description
conf object configuration of the renderer
data object the live data
selector function a function which return the best selection of parameters


// return <a>k1v</a> to <b>K3V</b> to <c>k4v</c>
  const tUpper = value => value.toUpperCase();
  const conf = {
   templates: ['<a>{{a}}</a> to <b>{{b}}</b> to <c>{{c}}</c>',
     '<b>{{a}}</b> to <c>{{b}}</c>'],
   props: { a: ['k1', 'k2'], b: [tUpper, 'k3'], c: ['k4', 'k5', 'k1'] },
   placeholders: {
     clean: [['<a>{{', '}}</a>']],
     extract: [['<b>{{', '}}</b>'], ['<c>{{', '}}</c>']],

 const data = {
   k1: 'k1v',
   k2: 'k2v',
   k3: 'k3v',
   k4: 'k4v',
pav.renderFitest(conf, data, selector)

renderLongest(conf, data, max) ⇒ string

Render text based on a template with selection of the longest parameters.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - the rendered template

Param Type Description
conf object configuration of the renderer
data object the live data
max integer maximum length of the generated string


const tUpper = value => value.toUpperCase();
 const conf = {
   templates: ['<a>{{a}}</a> to <b>{{b}}</b> to <c>{{c}}</c>',
   props: { a: ['k1', 'k2'], b: [tUpper, 'k3'], c: ['k4', 'k5', 'k6'] },
   placeholders: {
     clean: [['<a>{{', '}}</a>']],
     extract: [['<b>{{', '}}</b>'], ['<c>{{', '}}</c>']],

 const data = {
   k1: 'k1v1',
   k2: 'k1v11',
   k3: 'k3v',
   k4: 'k4v',
   k6: 'k4v66',
 pav.renderLongest(conf, data)
 // return <a>k1v1</a> to <b>K3V</b> to <c>k4v66</c>
 pav.renderLongest(conf, data, 10)
 // return <c>k4v</c>


MIT © olih

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  • olih