
0.9.3 • Public • Published


NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save o2web-react-core


Available components and methods

// using ES6 modules
import {
} from 'o2web-react-core';

Example in /example

GraphQL Requests

This package uses Apollo Client as GraphQL client.

Duplicate .env.sample file and add GraphQL endpoint


Check /example/src/app/actions/artworks directory for GraphQL queries definition examples

export default {
  fetchArtwork: `
    query($id: ID!) {
      artwork(id: $id) {
  fetchArtworks: `
    query($limit: Int) {
      artworks(limit: $limit) {
        artworks {


This package is intended to authenticate with a GraphQL Authentication with JWT. You can use the gem graphql-auth if you are using rails for your api

The authentication forms Components are located in `example/src/app/components/user


This package uses Redux to manage data states

Check /example/src/app/reducers directory for reducers stucture

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { i18nState } from 'redux-i18n';
import { reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form';
import artworkReducer from './artwork';
import artworksReducer from './artworks';
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  form: formReducer,
  artwork: artworkReducer,
  artworks: artworksReducer,
export default rootReducer;

react-redux is use to connect Redux data state to React components

import { connect } from 'react-redux';
export default connect(mapStateToProps, actions)(Artworks);

This package also uses redux-action-creator to define Redux actions types

Check /example/src/app/actions/artworks directory for redux action types examples

import { async, createTypes } from 'redux-action-creator';
export default createTypes([

Define the Redux Store this way src/config/redux/store.js

import reduxThunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import reducers from '../../app/reducers/index';
const middlewares = [reduxThunk];
const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(...middlewares)(createStore);
const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(reducers);
export default store;


This package uses redux-i18n for texts translation

Check /example/src/app/components/pages/About.js for translation examples

function About(pros, { t }) {
  return (
About.contextTypes = {
  t: PropTypes.func,

Create a directory with translations in /example/src/config/locales directory

t('pages.titles.about') matches /example/src/config/locales/en/pages.js definition

export default {
  titles: {
    home: 'Home page',
    about: 'About page',

Translation keys can be nested


This package uses react-router v4 to define translated routes. These routes must be named with their translations keys.

Check /example/src/config/locales/en/routes.js for routes definitions

export default {
  en: 'en',
  about: 'about',
  artworks: 'artworks',
  demo: 'demo-form',

<BaseRoute />, <LanguageSwitcher />, <NavLink />, <Route /> can be used for translated routes


This package uses react-breadcrumbs to generate automatic breadcrumbs.

Routes must be nested so react-breadcrumbs can generate breadcrumbs. Check /example/src/app/components/layouts/PrimaryLayout.js for automatic breadcrumbs definition examples

  <Breadcrumbs />
  <Route exact path="/en" component={HomePage} />
  <CrumbRoute exact path="/en/about" title="about" component={AboutPage} />
    render={({ match }) =>
        <Route exact path={match.url} component={Artworks} />
        <CrumbRoute path={`${match.url}/:artworkId`} title="artwork" component={Artwork} />
  <CrumbRoute exact path="/en/demo" title="demo" component={DemoForm} />

<CrumbRoute /> can be used for translated routes


Update redirects array located at /example/src/config/redirects/redirects.js

const redirects = [
  { from: '/en/route', to: '/en/redirect-to' },


This package uses react-helmet to manage document head

<Helmet /> can be used in nested components. The most nested definition will be displayed in the page. Check /example/src/app/components/App.js for document head definition example

Tag Manager

Add GTM ID in the .env file REACT_APP_TAG_MANAGER_ID=GTM-000000. Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-gtm-module.


This packages uses redux-form for form definition

Check /example/src/app/components/forms/Demo.js for form example

import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
import Input from './fields/input/Input';
<form onSubmit={submitForm} className="form--demo">
    placeholder="Your name..."
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(reduxForm({
  form: 'demo',
  enableReinitialize: true,
}, mapStateToProps)(DemoForm));


This package uses redux-cookie

<CookiesProvider /> is defined in /example/src/app/components/App.js so cookies prop is available to children components


This article was used to create the CacheBuster component.

React apps can sometimes get stuck on the client's side cache (ex: when the app is added to the phone's homepage). You can use the CacheBuster component to help refresh the app. Here are the steps to help you set it up.

  • Copy the generate-build-version.js script to your app folder
  • Add the generate-build-version task to your app's package.json and call it with the prestart/prebuild hook. This will generate a meta.json file in your static folder.
"scripts": {
    "generate-build-version": "node ./generate-build-version.js",
    "prestart": "npm run generate-build-version",
    "pressr:build": "npm run generate-build-version",
    "prestatic:build": "npm run generate-build-version"
    "static:build": "REACT_APP_CURRENT_APP_VERSION=$npm_package_version react-app-rewired build", # hosted on Heroku
    "static:build": "react-app-rewired build", # not hosted on Heroku
  • If your app is hosted on Heroku, you must add this REACT_APP_CURRENT_APP_VERSION=$npm_package_version to the build and start script in package.json to include the current version in your build.
  • If your app is not hosted on Heroku, you can simply add REACT_APP_CURRENT_APP_VERSION=$npm_package_version to your .env file.
  • In the root component of your App (generally src/app/components/App.js), add the CacheBuster component around your app code
  • The CacheBuster will now compare the current version, from your .env file, which should be cached, and the current build version, from the generate-build-version.js, which should not be cached, because we fetch it asynchronously and browsers don't cache XHR requests.

Advanced usage

Add custom Apollo client

You can add a custom Apollo client to further customize your app with advanced features. To do so, you need to create a custom client, import it in your action files and send it as a parameter to the async query object. You can find an example of this feature in the example folder (custom client in example/src/config/graphql/client.js and usage in example/src/app/actions/artworks/index.js).


Start package core

cd /
npm install
npm start

Start example app

cd /example
npm install
npm start

Run server build

To run the server build update package.json at the root of the project to point to the server build.

"ssr:serve": "nodemon -r dotenv/config ./example/build/server.js",

Javascript Linting

This package uses ESLint with Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide as React/JSX style guide

Package created with create-react-library


MIT © o2web


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