
0.0.17 • Public • Published

Time Controller

Time Controller is a node-red node for light controller (or other devices) that can fade the light or color channels in a specified time range. It is possible to control each channel separately or in rgb mode. It calculates the values depending on the start and end value and time.
The input values can be an integer or an array. The range doesn't matter, so it is possible to use percentages or rgb values or what ever you'd like.



At the moment Data is defined as an array of objects including the start time and value, the end time and value and the topic. The values can be an integer or an array of integers. It doesn't matter whether they are percentages or color values.
See example.json for a full set of a RGBWW controller.

Each object has the following format:

    "start": {
        "time": "06:00:10",
        "value": 0
    "end": {
        "time": "solarNoon",
        "offset": 10,
        "value": 78
    "topic": "rgbw/cmnd/channel1"
   "start": {
       "time": "06:00",
       "value": [80, 50, 10, 100, 100]
   "end": {
       "time": "solarNoon",
       "offset": 10,
       "value": [500, 50, 10, 1, 255]
   "topic": "light-entity"

Example for the home-assistant call service node if the input is defined as array


    "rgbw_color": [
    "brightness": "{{payload.4}}"


    "brightness_pct": "{{payload.0}}",
    "color_temp": "{{payload.1}}"

Entity id:


data object description
start.time start time, begin fading, "hh:mm:ss" or "suncalc event"
start.offset start offset in minutes, integer
start.value start value, integer or array [red, green, blue, brigthness, ...]
end.time end time, stop fading, "hh:mm:ss" or "suncalc event"
end.offset end offset in minutes, integer
end.value end value, integer or array [red, green, blue, brigthness, ...]
topic topic, e.q. a MQTT topic/ command like a channel or the light entity


The interval in seconds to refresh the topics. Default: 1

Latitude and Longitude

The coordinates of the location to calculate the correct sun events.

Use previous state of event on reload

If enabled then the Time Controller will emit the state of the previous event. Default: false

Output type

If enabled then the input values must be in percentage and will be returned as color value (0 - 255).

possible suncalc events

sunclac event datetime
nadir 2020-04-13T01:14:05.769Z
nightEnd 2020-04-13T04:14:23.086Z
nauticalDawn 2020-04-13T05:02:54.596Z
dawn 2020-04-13T05:46:23.778Z
sunrise 2020-04-13T06:21:37.913Z
sunriseEnd 2020-04-13T06:25:11.302Z
goldenHourEnd 2020-04-13T07:06:30.077Z
solarNoon 2020-04-13T13:14:05.769Z
goldenHour 2020-04-13T19:21:41.462Z
sunsetStart 2020-04-13T20:03:00.236Z
sunset 2020-04-13T20:06:33.626Z
dusk 2020-04-13T20:41:47.761Z
nauticalDusk 2020-04-13T21:25:16.942Z
night 2020-04-13T22:13:48.453Z


msg.payload description
"on" start the timecontroller interval
"off" stop the timecontroller interval
"hh:mm:ss" emit events at given time once without interval
"suncalc event" emit events at given time once without interval

Programmatic Control


Coming soon/ Todo

  • fullcalendar to define the time events in the frontend
  • programmatic control
  • instant on/ off events

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npm i node-red-contrib-time-controller

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  • koslo