
5.5.0 • Public • Published

NodArt - The Art of Node.js

A complete framework
for creating microservices and
large-scale server-side applications for businesses

The framework adheres to the concept of "just install and use". Everything you need to run a server application:

  1. MVC; OOP (TypeScript, ECMAScript 6)
  2. ORM client, Working with databases (MySQL, PostgresSQL, SQLite, MSSQL, OracleDB, CockroachDB, Amazon Redshift)
  3. Working with a session
  4. Templating
  5. Error and Exception handling
  6. Working with a command line; Creation of custom commands
  7. Routing
  8. Custom events and states
  9. Dependency injection
  10. Observer pattern
  11. Repository pattern
  12. Module pattern

Everything of this is provided out of the hood. All that is needed for some of the above things to work is to specify the basic settings in the configuration file.

The framework provides a very flexible architecture, making it easy to extend and customize all of these things, up to and including completely changing the basic behavior by specifying class loaders and references in the same configuration file.

The framework is independent, thus it doesn't rely on other frameworks like Express.


System requirements:

  • OS Linux or Windows
  • Node.js >= v16.14.2

1. GIT

it downloads the current framework version's application with full usage examples.

git clone

2. CLI

it creates a base application structure from cli.

npx nodart create-app

it creates a microservice application file. Use flag "--js" when you are not using typescript in project.

npx nodart microapp --js[optional]


You can launch microservice or monolithic apps, or you can combine them, depending on the requirements. In this article, you can read more about application architecture.


import { App } from "nodart";

const config = require("./config");

    Be aware that this fundamental initialization 
    automatically creates the necessary app files and folders.
    (database folder, controllers folder, models folder, 
    services folder, views folder and etc.)

new App({ ...config }).init().then(async (app) => {
  const server = await app.serve(3000, "http", "");

  // do anything on startup, for example:

  // configure server:
  server.timeout = 30000; // setting max timeout on requests

  // or create payload for all HTTP requests:
  app.service.setRequestPayload((req, res) => {});

  // or launch HTTP service:
  const http = app.service.http;

  http.get("url/path/with/:params", (scope) => {});


import { App } from "nodart";

const config = require("./config");

new App({ ...config }).start(3000).then(({ app, http, server }) => {
  // base HTTP processing:

  http.get("/path/:first/:second/:+optional_id?", ({ route, http }) => {
    const { first, second, optional_id } = route.params;

    const { httpQueryStringParam } = http.query;

    // sending template from views folder:
    http.respond.view("path/to/template/from/views/folder", { queryParam });

    // sending file:
    http.sendFile("absolute/path/to/file.png", "image/png");

    // sending response JSON:{ first, second, optional_id }, 200);
    // or
    http.send({ first, second, optional_id }, 200, "application/json");
    // or just:
    return { first, second, optional_id };

    // throwing HttpException. The message will be sent to user.
    http.throw(500, "some error occurred.");

    // throwing RuntimeException. The message will not be sent to user,
    // but shown in server logs.
    http.exit(500, "some error occurred.", { someData });

  // fetching data from POST request:"/", ({ http }) => {
    const { someData } =;

  // fetching data from POST miltipart/form-data:"/", async ({ http }) => {
    const { fields, files } = await http.form.fetchFormData();

    const stat = http.form.stat("field_name");

  // dealing with services and models:

  import { SampleService } from "./services/sample";
  import { SampleModel } from "./models/subfolder/sample";

  http.get("/", async ({ service, model }) => {
    const sampleService = service().sample as SampleService;
    const sampleModel = model().subfolder.sample as SampleModel;

    const users = await"users");

    sampleService.scope.http.send({ users });

// "./services/sample.ts"

import { Service } from "nodart";

export class SampleService extends Service {
  get orm() {
    return; // or'orm').call()


You can change the basic behavior of class loaders by specifying in the base project configuration

import { App, ControllerLoader, nodart } from "nodart";

class ControllerLoaderOverride extends ControllerLoader {
  protected _pathSuffix = "Controller";

const config = <>{
  loaders: {
    controller: ControllerLoaderOverride,

new App(config);


An abstract class called RelationModel enhances the functionality of the standard query builder. The system by default use the well-liked Knex query builder:

Using pre-written database queries, RelationModel enables you to create query blanks and chain them together into a series of inquiries. In this manner, retrieving a list or a single object from the database does not require you to always develop new methods in the data model.



import { RelationModel } from "nodart";

export interface IBook {
  id: number;
  author_id: number;
  name: string;
  meta_keywords: string;
  meta_description: string;

export class Book extends RelationModel {
  declare model: IBook;

  get table() {
    return "books";

  static get table() {
    return "books";

  statements = (query: this["query"]) => ({
    author: <T extends string>(author_id: number) =>
      query.where("author_id", author_id) as T extends "list"
        ? Promise<IBook[]>
        : Promise<IBook>,


import { Controller, nodart } from "nodart";
import { Book, IBook } from "@/models/Book";

const statuses = nodart.http.HTTP_STATUS;

export class BooksController extends Controller {
  model = {
    Book: {} as Book,

  declare book: Book;

   * @property data?: {Object<{action: string}>}
  init() { = this.model.Book;

   @returns: {Object<IBook>}
  async get(id: number) {
    // Be aware to use the "result" property
    // at the end of the call chain.

    return await{ id }).result;

   @returns: {Array<IBook>}
  async list(author_id: number) {
    // The "result" property is not required
    // after "on" property.

    return await"id", "name");

  async patch(id: number) {
    const { name } =;
    const result = await{ name }).at({ id }).result;

    return result ? { ok: true } : this.http.throw(statuses.NOT_FOUND);

  async post() {
    const data = as IBook;
    const result = await; // Array<number>;

    return { ok: !!result?.[0] };

  async delete(id: number) {
    const result = await{ id }).result;

    return { ok: !!result };


nodart.mutable.MutableInterface is an interface that provides a property with methods to cast the source data to the desired data model.



import { RelationModel, nodart } from "nodart";

export interface IBook {
  id: number;
  author_id: number;
  name: string;
  meta_keywords: string;
  meta_description: string;

export interface IBookAPI
  extends Omit<IBook, "meta_keywords" | "meta_description"> {
  meta: {
    description: string;
    keywords: string;

export interface IBookMutable extends nodart.mutable.DataMutable {
  book(data: IBook): [Partial<IBookAPI>, (keyof IBook)[]];

  RelationModel implements nodart.mutable.MutableInterface
export class Book extends RelationModel {
  declare model: IBook;

  get table() {
    return "books";

  static get table() {
    return "books";

  readonly mutable: IBookMutable = {
    book: (data) => [
      // This data will be assigned to the source data:
        meta: {
          description: data.meta_description,
          keywords: data.meta_keywords,
      // This optional part specifies which properties
      // will be excluded from the source data:
      ["meta_description", "meta_keywords"],

  statements = (query: this["query"]) => ({
    author: <T extends string>(author_id: number) =>
      query.where("author_id", author_id) as T extends "list"
        ? Promise<IBook[]>
        : Promise<IBook>,


import { Controller } from "nodart";
import { Book } from "@/models/Book";

export class BooksController extends Controller {
  model = {
    Book: {} as Book,

  declare book: Book;

   * @property data?: {Object<{action: string}>}
  init() { = this.model.Book;

   @returns: {Object<IBookAPI>} -> {
      id: number;
      author_id: number;
      name: string;
      meta: { 
        description: string;
        keywords: string;
  async get(id: number) {
    const data = await{ id }).result;


   @returns: {Array<IBookAPI>}
  async list(author_id: number) {
    const data = await<"list">(author_id);



ROUTING is one of the main components of any backend and frontend application. Simplicity and clarity, as well as further support of the entire application, depends on the convenience of configuring routing. The routing system in the nodart framework is optimized for fast search and navigation.

Basic routing is defined in the configuration file and described as JSON notation:

import { nodart } from "nodart";

export = <>{

  routes: <nodart.router.RouteEntry>{
    /** The entry "path/Book" specifies the path
    * to your "BooksController"
    * under the "controllers" folder.
    * */
    "path/Books": [
         * The ":" pointer defines the route parameter entry;
         * The "+" pointer indicates that the parameter is
         *   of a numeric type, and casts its value to a number
         *   if the value is of a numeric type;
         * The "?" pointer indicates that the parameter
         *   is optional and may not be in the route path;
        path: "/:category/books/:+id?",

         * The "action" property defines which controller's
         * method must be called
         * (if not specified then the controller's action
         * named by the current HTTP method will be called)
        action: "list",

        /** The "method" property defines HTTP method on which
         * the action must be called ("any" by default)
        method: "get",
        path: "/books/:category/:name",

        /** Validating and filtering route parameters: */
        types: {
          category: (value) => {

            return ["history", "adventure"].includes(value)
              ? value
              : null;
          name: /(^book-)/ // Starts with "book-" in name


Now we can simplify the above example in "inline" manner:

import { nodart } from "nodart";

export = <>{

  routes: <nodart.router.RouteEntry>{
    "path/Books:list": "@get:/:category/books/:+id?",

    "path/MyBooks": [


Alternatively, we can call controller methods by appending the name of the HTTP method to the class method:

routes: <nodart.router.RouteEntry>{
  "path/Books:myBook": "/my/books/:+id?",
export class BooksController extends Controller {

  getMyBook(id) {

  postMyBook() {

  patchMyBook(id) {

  deleteMyBook(id) {


new App({ ...config }).init().then(async (app) => {
  const server = await app.serve(3000, "https", "", () => {
    const fs = require("fs");

    const ssl = {
      cert: fs.readFileSync("./localhost.crt"),
      key: fs.readFileSync("./localhost.key"),

    return require("https").createServer(ssl);
new App({ ...config })
  .start(3000, "http", "", (app) => {
    return require("http").createServer((req, res) => {
      app.resolveHttpRequest(req, res);
  .then(({ app, http, server }) => {


npm run dev


npm run start


System Commands:

npx nodart [command name] [command action optional] --[argument name optional] [argument value]

Project Commands:

node cmd [command name] [command action optional] --[argument name optional] [argument value]


Before making migrations you should insert database configuration options into "cmd/index.js" file

Creating and running a Single Migration

npx nodart migrate make --name migration-name
npx nodart migrate up | down

Creating and running the Group of Migrations in a single file

npx nodart migrate make-source --name source-name --migrations[optional] migration1 migration2 ...
npx nodart migrate source-up | source-down --name source-name --migrations[optional] migration1 migration2 ...
npx nodart migrate all-source-up | all-source-down --exclude[optional] excluded-migration-sourcename

Roll back the latest migration

npx nodart migrate rollback --all[optional]

Run all migrations that have not yet been run

npx nodart migrate latest

Retrieve and return the current migration version

npx nodart migrate version

Return list of completed and pending migrations

npx nodart migrate list

Forcibly unlock the migrations lock table, and ensure that there is only one row in it

npx nodart migrate unlock


Creates a new seed file, with the name of the seed file being added.

If the seed directory config is an array of paths, the seed file will be generated in the latest specified.

npx nodart seed make --name seed-name
npx nodart seed run

Creating and running the Group of Seeds in a single file

npx nodart seed make-source --name source-name --seeds[optional] seed1 seed2 ...
npx nodart seed source-run --name source-name --seeds[optional] seed1 seed2 ...
npx nodart seed all-source-run --exclude[optional] excluded-seed-sourcename


The framework is built on the premise that performance and functionality should be perfectly balanced. The performance of some well-known server-side frameworks is compared here.

Spoiler message: As you can see, the NodArt framework is not far behind the fastest Fastify, and in some aspects surpasses it and all other frameworks.


  • Computer: AMD Ryzen 5 4600H Radeon, 3000 MHz, 6 Cores, SSD, 16 Gb RAM
  • Benchmarking tool: AutoCannon
  • Benchmarking command:

autocannon -R 10000 http://localhost:3000

(10000 requests per second; Total connections/users: 10; Total time: 10 seconds)

1. Testing simple JSON response:

http.get("/", () => {
  return { hello: "world" };
Framework Bytes/sec Requests/sec
Fastify v4.0.0 1.91 MB 10183
NodArt v4.2.0 2.02 MB 10143
Express v4.18.2 1.94 MB 7683
Nest.js v9.0.0 1.61 MB 6395

2. Testing parametric route:

http.get("/test/:param1/:param2/:param3/:param4", ({ route }) => {
  const { param1, param2, param3, param4 } = route.params;
  return { param1, param2, param3, param4 };
Framework Bytes/sec Requests/sec
Fastify v4.0.0 2.27 MB 10143
NodArt v4.2.0 2.45 MB 10127
Express v4.18.2 2.17 MB 7531
Nest.js v9.0.0 1.8 MB 6239

3. Testing static file serve:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <h1>Hello world!</h1>
Framework Bytes/sec Requests/sec
NodArt v4.2.0 4.4 MB 7955
Fastify v4.0.0 2.32 MB 5295
Express v4.18.2 2 MB 4343
Nest.js v9.0.0 1.87 MB 4057


Join the development team, we will be happy to consider any of your ideas and codebase that will be included in the next release.


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