
1.0.1 • Public • Published


This library allows users to generate lorem text for javascript projects along with other string manipulation functions.

What you can do

generateLorem - number > string

Generates random lorem text. Takes in number input for how long of a string you want.

generateLorem(2); // lorem sit

generateRandomId - number=10 > string

Generates an firestore style ID. Takes in number input and returns a string

generateRandomId(); //5nvie30wsd
generateRandomId(20); //sfposnfpovsoinsverbe

encodeString - string, number=4 > string

Generates an encrypted string from a provided string. Takes string input to be encrypted. Takes number input for resolution, returns encrypted string

var text = "Hello World";
var enc = encodeString(text);
var encV2 = encodedString(text, 10);

decodeString - string > string

Deconstructs and decodes encrypted string from the above function. Takes a string input.

decodeString(enc); // Hello World
decodeString(encV2); // Hello World

asciiConsole - string

Creates a ascii style text for the console log

var text = "Hello World";

countLetterOccurance - string, string > number

Takes string input and counts number of occurances for check value.

var text = "Hello World";
countLetterOccurance("l", text); // returns(3)

checkValidPassword - string > Error | true

Takes string input and checks for validity

var pass = "0987654321"
var pass1 = "654321"
checkValidPassword(pass) // true
checkValidPassword(pass1) // Error: Password is small

checkValidEmail - string > Error | true

Takes string input and checks for validity

var email = ""
var email1 = "654321"
checkValidEmail(pass) // true
checkValidEmail(pass1) // Error: Email is small


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    • yashweblife