
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Jus lite

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A tool for building static websites with no configuration and no boilerplate code.


Module available through the npm registry. It can be installed using the npm or yarn command line tool.

# Yarn (Recomend)
yarn global add jus-lite
# NPM 
npm install jus-lite --global




To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run test:

# Using Yarn
yarn test


async: Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code Author: Caolan McMahon License: MIT Version: ^1.5.1
babel-preset-es2015: Babel preset for all es2015 plugins. Author: Sebastian McKenzie License: MIT Version: ^6.3.13
babel-preset-react: Babel preset for all React plugins. Author: Sebastian McKenzie License: MIT Version: ^6.3.13
babelify: Babel browserify transform Author: Sebastian McKenzie License: MIT Version: ^7.2.0
browser-sync: Live CSS Reload & Browser Syncing Author: Shane Osbourne License: Apache-2.0 Version: ^2.11.1
browserify: browser-side require() the node way Author: James Halliday License: MIT Version: ^12.0.1
chalk: Terminal string styling done right Author: sindresorhus, qix License: MIT Version: ^1.1.1
cheerio: Tiny, fast, and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server Author: Matt Mueller License: MIT Version: ^0.19.0
chokidar: Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library Author: Paul Miller License: MIT Version: ^1.4.1
concat-stream: writable stream that concatenates strings or binary data and calls a callback with the result Author: Max Ogden License: MIT Version: ^1.5.1
connect-browser-sync: Connect middleware for BrowserSync. Author: Chris Schmich License: MIT Version: ^2.0.1
cors: Node.js CORS middleware Author: Troy Goode License: MIT Version: ^2.7.1
event-emitter: Environment agnostic event emitter Author: Mariusz Nowak License: MIT Version: ^0.3.4
exif-parser: A javascript library to extract Exif metadata from images, in node and in the browser. Author: Bruno Windels License: Version: ^0.1.9
express: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework Author: TJ Holowaychuk License: MIT Version: ^4.13.3
fs-extra: fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove. Author: JP Richardson License: MIT Version: ^0.26.3
get-image-colors: Extract colors from images. Supports GIF, JPG, PNG, and even SVG! Author: zeke License: MIT Version: ^1.5.0
handlebars: Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration Author: Yehuda Katz License: MIT Version: ^4.0.5
handlebars-helpers: More than 130 Handlebars helpers in ~20 categories. Helpers can be used with Assemble, Generate, Verb, Ghost, gulp-handlebars, grunt-handlebars, consolidate, or any node.js/Handlebars project. Author: Jon Schlinkert License: MIT Version: ^0.10.0
html-frontmatter: Extract key-value metadata from HTML comments Author: Zeke Sikelianos License: MIT Version: ^1.6.0
identicon: Identicon Generator for Node.js Author: Ajido License: Version: ^3.1.1
ignored: List all entries in .gitignore as an array Author: @nelsonic License: ISC Version: 2.0.4
image-size: get dimensions of any image file Author: netroy License: MIT Version: ^0.5.0
inflection: A port of inflection-js to node.js module Author: dreamerslab License: MIT Version: ^1.8.0
js-yaml: YAML 1.2 parser and serializer Author: Vladimir Zapparov License: MIT Version: ^3.4.6
lil-env-thing: A tiny convenience module for managing process.env.NODE_ENV Author: zeke License: MIT Version: ^1.0.0
lobars: lodash functions as handlebars helpers Author: zeke License: MIT Version: ^1.2.0
lodash: Lodash modular utilities. Author: John-David Dalton License: MIT Version: ^4.0.0
minimist: parse argument options Author: James Halliday License: MIT Version: ^1.2.0
morgan: HTTP request logger middleware for node.js Author: dougwilson License: MIT Version: ^1.6.1
myth: A CSS preprocessor that acts like a polyfill for future versions of the spec. Author: segment-admin, ianstormtaylor, moox, dominicbarnes, segmentio License: MIT Version: ^1.5.0
node-sass: Wrapper around libsass Author: Andrew Nesbitt License: MIT Version: ^8.0.0
open: Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform. Author: Sindre Sorhus License: MIT Version: 0.0.5
remark: unified processor with support for parsing markdown input and serializing markdown as output Author: Titus Wormer License: MIT Version: ^8.0.0
remark-highlight.js: Legacy remark plugin to highlight code blocks with highlight.js — please use `rehype-highlight` instead Author: Ben Briggs License: MIT Version: ^5.0.0
remark-html: remark plugin to compile Markdown to HTML Author: Titus Wormer License: MIT Version: ^6.0.1
remark-slug: Legacy remark plugin to add anchors to headings — please use `rehype-slug` Author: Titus Wormer License: MIT Version: ^4.2.3
require-dir: Helper to require() directories. Author: Aseem Kishore License: MIT Version: ^1.2.0
tmp: Temporary file and directory creator Author: KARASZI István License: MIT Version: 0.0.28
upath: A proxy to `path`, replacing `\` with `/` for all results (supports UNC paths) & new methods to normalize & join keeping leading `./` and add, change, default, trim file extensions. Author: Angelos Pikoulas License: MIT Version: ^0.2.0

Dev Dependencies

chai: BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic. Author: Jake Luer License: MIT Version: ^3.4.1
cross-env: Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms Author: Kent C. Dodds License: MIT Version: ^2.0.0
mocha: simple, flexible, fun test framework Author: TJ Holowaychuk License: MIT Version: ^2.3.3
nixt: Simple and powerful testing for command-line apps Author: Veselin Todorov License: MIT Version: ^0.4.1
path-exists: Check if a path exists Author: Sindre Sorhus License: MIT Version: ^2.1.0
semantic-release: Automated semver compliant package publishing Author: Stephan Bönnemann License: MIT Version: ^12.4.1
supertest: SuperAgent driven library for testing HTTP servers Author: TJ Holowaychuk License: MIT Version: ^1.1.0
travis-deploy-once: Run a deployment script only once in the Travis test matrix Author: Stephan Bönnemann License: MIT Version: ^4.3.3


gen-package: Intuitive and user-friendly generator of package.json Author: TiagoDanin License: MIT
gen-readme: Generate a README.md from package.json contents. Author: Tiago Danin License: MIT
jus: A tool for building static websites with no configuration and no boilerplate code Author: zeke License: MIT


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue. List of all contributors.



MIT © Tiago Danin

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  • tiagodanin