
0.1.1 • Public • Published


NodeJS Batch Module for Azure IoT Gateway

Using this module, developers can build Azure IoT Gateway solutions that batch and shred messages destined for Azure IoT Hub. The batching module is deisgned to go either before or after the gateway's IdentityMap module as it batches by a messages macAddress or deviceId properties. Additionally, this same module can be imported and leveraged on the cloud side, through services such as Azure Functions, to provide cloud-side processing functionality. When using with the Gateway, batching and shredding modules come with the proper interface to read and re-publish messages to the gateway's message broker.


npm install iot-gateway-batch-nodejs --save


This module, coupled with a data compression module, can enhance IoT deployments in low/constrained bandwidth conditions or where connectivity can be intermittent. Though the IoT Device SDK and Gateway both support batching modes, this module enables user defined batching and shredding functionality.


Messages are batched by either the macAddress message property when the module is placed before the IdentityMap module, or by the deviceId property when the module is placed after the IdentityMap module. This grouping is dynamically based on the properties of the messages passing through the module. All messages without a macAddress or deviceId property will simply pass through the module unchanged. The module will also publish all remaining queued messages, batched by the aforementioned properties, at module shutdown.

The following is the output of a batched message content section when converted from the origional Uint8Arry to a string (when deploying the batching module before the Identity Map module:


The value can be obtained by taking the batched content, converting it to a buffer and calling JSON.parse with a custom Uint8Array formatter:

    function UInt8ArrayFormatter(key, value) {
        if (value instanceof Uint8Array) {
            return Array.from(value);
        return value;
    var shreddedMessageArray = JSON.stringify(Buffer.from(batched_message.content).toString(), UInt8ArrayFormatter);

The only required confiugration element for the batcher, is the batchCount property. This property tells the module how many messages to batch at a time.

The batching module also provides two(2) optional property settings that can be activated via the module configuration for gateway installations or set directly via code for other installations (e.g. Azure Functions):

  • Excluded: The excluded property is an array for holding either macAddresses or deviceIds that the module will exclude from batching. This facilitates have select devices bypass this module.
  • PublishAsDevice: The publishAsDevice property allows batched messages to be published as an alternate device registered with IoT Hub. This feature is useful to indicate that the gateway was the source of the data rather than the field device.

Unlike the batching module, the shredding module will typically go before the IdentityMap module in a Cloud-to-Device workflow, as most cloud services will typically resolve only the cloud device identity, deviceId, for a given device.

*Note: schema for both of these settings can be found in the Configuration Schema section below.



Add the following module to the modules section of your gateway JSON configuration file:

    "modules": [
        "name": "batch",
            "loader": {
                "name": "node",
                "entrypoint": {
                    "main.path": ".\node_modules\iot-gateway-batch-nodejs\batch.js"
            "args": {
                "batchCount": 10,
                "excluded": ["01:01:01:01:01", "myDeviceId"],

Then in the links section, patch the module into the message flow:

    "links": [
        {"source": "{reader_module}", "sink": "batch"},
        {"source": "batch", "sink": "{identity_map}"},


Add the following module to the modules section of your gateway JSON configuration file:

    "modules": [
        "name": "shred",
            "loader": {
                "name": "node",
                "entrypoint": {
                    "main.path": ".\node_modules\iot-gateway-batch-nodejs\shred.js"
            "args": {

Then in the links section, patch the module into the message flow:

    "links": [
        {"source": "{cloud2device_reader_module}", "sink": "shred"},
        {"source": "shred", "sink": "{identity_map}"},

Azure Function

Add the package to your function, instructions here then import the module

var batcher = require('batch');


var result = batcher.stashMessage(message, batchCount, excluded);
    // do something with the batched message
} else {
    // null was returned from the batcher indicating the 
    // message was stashed in the device message array.

Configuration Schema

The module is configured via the args object with the following schema:

    "$schema": "",
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "definitions": {},
    "id": "",
    "properties": {
        "args": {
            "additionalProperties": false,
            "id": "/properties/args",
            "properties": {
                "batchCount": {
                    "id": "/properties/args/properties/batchCount",
                    "type": "integer"
                "excluded": {
                    "additionalItems": true,
                    "id": "/properties/args/properties/excluded",
                    "items": {
                        "id": "/properties/args/properties/excluded/items",
                        "type": "string"
                    "type": "array",
                    "uniqueItems": false
                "publishAsDevice": {
                    "additionalProperties": false,
                    "id": "/properties/args/properties/publishAsDevice",
                    "properties": {
                        "deviceId": {
                            "id": "/properties/args/properties/publishAsDevice/properties/deviceId",
                            "type": "string"
                        "deviceKey": {
                            "id": "/properties/args/properties/publishAsDevice/properties/deviceKey",
                            "type": "string"
                    "required": [
                    "type": "object"
            "required": [
            "type": "object"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"


npm test


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


When contributing to this repository, please create a GitHub issue to discuss the change you would like to make.

Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

Release History

  • 0.1.1 republish
  • 0.1.0 Initial release


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