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Shared utility library for sermit


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Release History

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Distributed under the MIT license. See for more information.


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API Reference

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Shared utility library for the http-server-md utility and supported templates, plugins, and other extensions. Provides general utilities (@see requireDynamicModule), and methods to render template (@see http-server-md-template-default) assets and SCSS stylesheets.



Error thrown when a path does not exist.



Renders a map of { [dest]: src } path pairs representing static assets, either files or folders.


Renders a map of { [dest]: src } path pairs representing SCSS stylesheets.


Generates an array of paths from '/' up to the provided path.

fsStat(path, [returnError])Promise

Safe wrapper for fs.stat with returns null or Error on failure instead of throwing.


Attempts to load any .gitignore file in the configured content root and returns a configured instance of ignore.


Creates a new scoped signale logger instance.

getRelativePath(absPath, config)string

Converts the provided absolute path to a path relative to the configured content root, with a / prefix for linking in rendered HTML.

logModuleResolved(moduleName, modulePath, [params])

Logs successful module resolution.

resolveGlobal(moduleName, [params])string | null

Safe wrapper around external:resolve-global that returns null on failure instead of throwing.

requireModule(moduleName, config, [load])object | function | string

Attempts to resolve a module by name from the configured basePath, searching every directory up from it, along with the local node_modules folder. Call with load false to get the module path.

If the module cannot be resolved by walking the path, an attempt is made to load it from the global module path.

resolveModule(moduleName, [paths])null | string

Safe wrapper around require.resolve that retuns null on failure instead of throwing an error.

readAsset(config, assetPath)AssetData

Attempts to read a template asset from disk.


AssetData : object


Shared utility library for the http-server-md utility and supported templates, plugins, and other extensions. Provides general utilities (@see requireDynamicModule), and methods to render template (@see http-server-md-template-default) assets and SCSS stylesheets.

See: http-server-md
License: MIT

PathDoesNotExistError ⇐ Error

Error thrown when a path does not exist.

Kind: global class
Extends: Error

  • [ ] colorize stack trace if color enabled.

new PathDoesNotExistError(path, [fsError], [color], [message], [stack])

Create a new PathDoesNotExistError object.

Param Type Description
path string path that does not exist.
[fsError] string | Error original native error or native message.
[color] boolean enables colorized message.
[message] string error message override
[stack] Array.<string> stack trace override


throw new PathDoesNotExist('/some/path')

pathDoesNotExistError.path ⇒ string

Get the non-existent path.

Kind: instance property of PathDoesNotExistError
Returns: string - path - path supplied to error. ⇒ Array.<string>

Get the non-existent path parts.

Kind: instance property of PathDoesNotExistError
Returns: Array.<string> - pathParts - path split by system path seperator.

pathDoesNotExistError.color ⇒ boolean

Get the color setting.

Kind: instance property of PathDoesNotExistError
Returns: boolean - color - indicates if the error message will be colorized

pathDoesNotExistError.fsError ⇒ Error

Get the original FS error object.

Kind: instance property of PathDoesNotExistError
Returns: Error - fsError

PathDoesNotExistError.message(path, [fsError], [color]) ⇒ string

Generate a message for PathDoesNotExistError.

Kind: static method of PathDoesNotExistError
Returns: string - message - error message

Param Type Default Description
path string path that does not exist.
[fsError] string | Error original native error or native message.
[color] boolean true colorizes message.


const message = PathDoesNotExistError.genMessage('/some/path')


renderAssets(params) ⇒ Promise

Renders a map of { [dest]: src } path pairs representing static assets, either files or folders.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - p

Param Type Description
params object params.
params.assets object asset dest paths key'ed by src path. Source paths starting with ~ are assumed module paths, and loaded via requireDynamicModule.
params.srcPath string absolute path to asset src folder.
params.buildPath string absolute path to asset build folder.
[params.requirePath] string path to directory containing node_modules; used to resolve module assets, not passed to require.resolve!
[params.quiet] boolean if false, progress is logged to the. console.
[params.dry] boolean if true, progress is logged but not files are modified.

Example (rendering assets to `public/`)

  dry: true,
  quiet: false,
  requirePath: path.join(__dirname, '../'),
  buildPath: path.join(__dirname, '../public'),
  srcPath: path.join(__dirname, '../res/assets'),
  assets: {
    fonts: 'fonts', // asset folder
    'css/highlightjs': '~highlight.js/styles' // module folder

renderStyles(params) ⇒ Promise

Renders a map of { [dest]: src } path pairs representing SCSS stylesheets.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - p - resolves to array of rendered CSS stylesheets

Param Type Description
params object params.
params.styles object scss stylesheet dest paths key'ed by src path.
params.includePaths Array.<string> array of absolute include paths to resolve @import statements.
params.srcPath string absolute path to scss src folder.
params.buildPath string absolute path to scss build folder.
[params.quiet] boolean if false, progress is logged to the. console.
[params.dry] boolean if true, progress is logged but not files are modified.

Example (rendering styles to `public/css`)

  dry: true,
  quiet: false,
  requirePath: path.join(__dirname, '../'),
  buildPath: path.join(__dirname, '../public/css'),
  srcPath: path.join(__dirname, '../res/styles'),
  styles: {
   'index.css': 'index.scss'

explodePath(params) ⇒ Array.<strings>

Generates an array of paths from '/' up to the provided path.

Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<strings> - paths

Param Type Default Description
params object params
params.fromPath string path to explode.
[] boolean indicates basePath is a directory; if not provided, the path is checked to resolve directory/file.
[params.prefix] string "''" prefix for all generated paths.
[params.suffix] string "''" suffix for all generated paths.
[params.paths] Array.<Array> [] target array to append generated paths too


await explodePath(__dirname, { prefix: '/', suffix: 'node_modules' })
const module = require.resolve(moduleName, { paths: searchPaths })

fsStat(path, [returnError]) ⇒ Promise

Safe wrapper for fs.stat with returns null or Error on failure instead of throwing.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - p - resolves to Stats, null, or Error object on failure.

Param Type Default Description
path string path to pass to fs.stat
[returnError] boolean false if true, Error object is returned on failure instead of null.


const _isNull = require('lodash/isNull')
const _isError = require('lodash/isError')

info = await statPath('/some/path')

if (_isNull(info)) {
  console.log('path does not exist')
} else {
  console.log('path stats: ', JSON.stringify(info))

info = await statPath('/some/path', true)

if (_isError(info)) {
} else {
  console.log('path stats: ', JSON.stringify(info))

getGitIgnore(config) ⇒ ignore

Attempts to load any .gitignore file in the configured content root and returns a configured instance of ignore.

Kind: global function
Returns: ignore - ignore

Param Type Description
config Config configuration data, with basePath set.

Example (load `.gitignore` and filter paths)

const nodes = {}
const ig = await getGitIgnore(config)
const allNodes = await fs.readdir(srcPath, { withFileTypes: true })

  .filter(n => n.isFile() || n.isDirectory())
  .forEach((n) => { nodes[] = n })

const visibleNodes = excludeGitIgnore
  ? ig.filter(_keys(nodes)).map(n => nodes[n])
  : _keys(nodes).map(n => nodes[n])

// do something with visibleNodes array...

getLogger(scope) ⇒ Signale

Creates a new scoped signale logger instance.

Kind: global function
Returns: Signale - l

Param Type Description
scope string scope


const l = getLogger('template:render-md')

getRelativePath(absPath, config) ⇒ string

Converts the provided absolute path to a path relative to the configured content root, with a / prefix for linking in rendered HTML.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - relPath

Param Type Description
absPath string absolute path
config Config config


const { state } = config
const { template } = state
const { genRawSrcMarkdown } = template
const relPath = getRelativePath('/home/user/markdown-it/', config)

await genRawSrcMarkdown({ relPath, ...genData })

logModuleResolved(moduleName, modulePath, [params])

Logs successful module resolution.

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
moduleName string name of module.
modulePath string path to module.
[params] object {} optional params
[params.logger] Signale signale logger instance, defaults to plain unscoped logger.
[params.lType] string "'debug'" signale logger type to use.
[params.loaded] boolean indicates if module was loaded or only the path was resolved.
[params.color] boolean enables colorized output.

Example (log module resolution)

logModuleResolved('http-server-md', process.cwd(), { color: false })

resolveGlobal(moduleName, [params]) ⇒ string | null

Safe wrapper around external:resolve-global that returns null on failure instead of throwing.

Kind: global function
Returns: string | null - globalModulePath

Param Type Description
moduleName string module to resolve globally.
[params] object optional params
[params.prefix] string resolved path prefix
[params.suffix] string resolved path suffix


const modulePath = resolveGlobal('http-server-md')

requireModule(moduleName, config, [load]) ⇒ object | function | string

Attempts to resolve a module by name from the configured basePath, searching every directory up from it, along with the local node_modules folder. Call with load false to get the module path.

If the module cannot be resolved by walking the path, an attempt is made to load it from the global module path.

Kind: global function
Returns: object | function | string - module

  • Error fails if the module is not resolved.
Param Type Default Description
moduleName string name of module passed to require.resolve.
config Config configuration, with basePath set.
[load] boolean true if false, the resolved module path is returned instead of the loaded module.

Example (load `markdown-it` anchor plugin)

const parserPlugin = requireModule('markdown-it-anchor', config)

resolveModule(moduleName, [paths]) ⇒ null | string

Safe wrapper around require.resolve that retuns null on failure instead of throwing an error.

Kind: global function
Returns: null | string - modulePath - null on failure.

Param Type Default Description
moduleName string name of module to resolve path to.
[paths] null | Array.<string> [] paths to attempt resolve from; passed through _uniq.

Example (resolve from cwd)

const modulePath = resolveModule('http-server-md-lib', [process.cwd()])

if (_isEmpty(modulePath)) {

const module = require(modulePath)

readAsset(config, assetPath) ⇒ AssetData

Attempts to read a template asset from disk.

Kind: global function
Returns: AssetData - data

Param Type Description
config Config configuration, with basePath set.
assetPath string relative to template public folder.

Example (read and serve template asset)

const serveAsset = async (ctx, url, config) => {
  try {
    const { type, src } = await readAsset(config, url)

    ctx.body = src
    ctx.type = type
    ctx.renderType = 'asset'

    return true
  } catch (e) {
    return false

AssetData : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
src Buffer asset contents
type string mime type, defaults to 'text/plain' if not resolved.

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