
0.1.1 • Public • Published


Replace inline template calls with precompiled template functions. Useful for complying with a strict CSP that doesn't allow eval or new Function(String).

What a stupid hack!

Why use this?

A strict Content-Security-Policy is a good thing. The strictest setting supported in the latest browsers completely blocks the use of eval in any form. Unfortunately, many widely-used templating libraries use eval or new Function(String) internally, making it difficult to comply with a strict CSP, even if you precompile all your own templates. For example, backbone-forms has a few _.template calls in its definition that will make it completely unusable under a strict CSP.

Rather than hack all your vendor libs, grunt-inline-template-compile can fix it for you.

The inline-template-compile task turns this:

// file src...
var foo = {
  template: _.template('\
    <fieldset data-fields>\
      <% if (legend) { %>\
        <legend>{{ legend }}</legend>\
      <% } %>\
    ', {legend: "foo"}, 
      evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, 
      interpolate: /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g, 
      escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g
// more file src...

Into this:

// file src...
var foo = {
template: (function (obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape, __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p +=, '') }
with (obj) {
__p += '    <fieldset data-fields>      ';
 if (legend) { ;
__p += '        <legend>' +
((__t = ( legend )) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</legend>      ';
 } ;
__p += '    </fieldset>  ';
return __p
})({legend: "foo"})
// more file src...

This prevents the need for eval at runtime and makes your boss happy.

Getting Started

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's Gruntfile with: npm install grunt-inline-template-compile

Then add this line to your project's Gruntfile:



Basic configuration

Basic, single file configuration:

inline-template-compile : {
  main : {
    src : 'src/main.js',
    dest : 'src/main.compiled.js'

Multiple files:

inline-template-compile : {
  main : {
    expand: true
    cwd: 'src/'
    src : ['*.js'],
    dest : 'dest/'

Default Options

grunt-inline-template-compile assumes the use of lodash/underscore, but does not require it. You can specify multiple identifiers to replace as well as a different template function, if you choose. Below is an example with default options:

inline_template_compile : {
  options : {
    // `compileWith` is the template function. Replace with a different one if you're using DoT, etc.
    // expects (tpl, data, options); if your template function does not, wrap it in a transformation function.
    compileWith: require('lodash').template,
    // The search string to look for. It will automatically be parsed into `{member}.{call}`, or `{name}` if there is
    // no owning object.
    // Define multiple compilerNames in an array, e.g. `compilerNames: ['_.template', 'lodash.template', '_l.template']`
    compilerNames: '_.template' 

How it's done

Parsing is done simply via node-falafel. The inputted compilerName is split, searched for within the AST, and replaced with a compiled template if possible.


Only inline templates can be properly replaced; if either the template string or the template options are stored in a variable defined elsewhere, it will not be possible to properly perform the transformation.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Release History

  • 0.1.1 Add proper loc reference to error message.
  • 0.1.0 Initial release.


Copyright (c) 2014 Samuel Reed
Licensed under the MIT license.

Dependencies (2)

Dev Dependencies (6)

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