
0.1.2 • Public • Published


A Grunt [task] 1 for copying html assets to azure blob/cdn storage.


Install npm package next to your projects gruntfile.js file

    npm install grunt-azureblob

Add this line to your projects gruntfile.js


Environment Requirment

  • The Azure SDK provides a Node.js package for access to the Azure Table Storage. By default, this library uses the following environment variables for authentication (set as required as global, user, or with a task). I've had great success with grunt-env to manage the these settings as a task (sample usage shown below). These environment variables must be set to your appropriate values!

AzureBlob Options and default values

grunt-azureblob is a multi task that implicity iterates over all of the named sub-properties (targets). In addition to the default properties , task specific properties are also available inside each task function. Options are essentially globally available (across tasks), but can be overridden / set at each task level as needed.

      serviceOptions: [], // custom arguments to azure.createBlobService
      containerName: null, // container name, required
      containerDelete: false, // deletes container if it exists
      containerOptions: {publicAccessLevel: "blob", timeoutIntervalInMs: 10000}, // container
      copySimulation: false, // do everything but physically touch storage blob when true
      metadata: {cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31556926'}, // file metadata properties
      gzip: false, // gzip files
      maxNumberOfConcurrentUploads: 10 // Maximum number of concurrent uploads

Example gruntfile.js

    module.exports = function(grunt) {
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('insight-spa.jquery.json'),
        env : {
          options : {
           //Shared Options Hash
          configCDN : {
            AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT : 'azure storage account name to use',
            AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY : 'your-ssh-access-key-string would go here'
        'azureblob': {
          options: {
            containerName: 'assets',
            containerDelete: false,
            metadata: {cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31556926'}, // max-age 1 year for all entries
            gzip: true,
            copySimulation: true  // set true: dry-run for what copy would look like in output
          css :{
            files: [{
              expand: true,
              cwd: 'web/Content',
              filter: 'isFile',
              dest: '<%= pkg.version %>/',
              src: ['**/*', '!themes/**/*'] // copy all files from Content (exclude themes dir)
          js :{
            options: {
              containerDelete: false
            files: [{
              expand: true,
              cwd: 'web/scripts',
              filter: 'isFile',
              dest: '<%= pkg.version %>/',
              src: ['vendor*.js']

      // Load the plugin that provides all the pirate magic
      grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-env'); //
      // Default task(s).
      grunt.registerTask('blob', ['env:configCDN', 'azureblob']);

      grunt.event.on('qunit.spawn', function (url) {
      grunt.log.ok("Running test: " + url);
    grunt.event.on('qunit.moduleStart', function (name) {
      grunt.log.ok("Starting module: " + name);

Sample console run (from sample/build/gruntfile.js)

    c:\sample>grunt blob

    Running "env:configCDN" (env) task

    Running "azureblob:css" (azureblob) task
    azureblob:css - Create blob containter [assets] ...OK
            Copy index.css => assets/0.2.1/index.css >> skip copy ok
            Copy ajax-loader.gif => assets/0.2.1/images/ajax-loader.gif >> skip copy ok
    blobStorage copy completed (2) files...OK

    Running "azureblob:js" (azureblob) task
    azureblob:js - Create blob containter [assets] ...OK
            Copy amplify.min.js => assets/0.2.1/amplify.min.js >> skip copy ok
            Copy knockout-2.2.1.js => assets/0.2.1/knockout-2.2.1.js >> skip copy ok
            Copy q.min.js => assets/0.2.1/q.min.js >> skip copy ok
    blobStorage copy completed (3) files...OK

    Done, without errors.

Release History

  • 2013-08-24 v0.1.2 Fix #6 - blob "Content Type" meta not not be correct - issue with passing meta object.
  • 2013-07-05 v0.1.1 Includes pull-request from altano): Added maxNumberOfConcurrentUploads, remove maskBaseDir and destPrefix options (simplify files options for each task). Elminate restriction of gzip'd files to [.js, .css]
    As of v0.1.1 - the file option definition has changed. Each task definition uses Grunt's standardized file mapping utilities. Consult Grunt's documentation pages at for additional samples if needed.

Old syntax sample:

  css: {
        options: {
          destPrefix: '<%= pkg.version %>/'
          maskBaseDir: 'web/Content/'
        src: ['web/Content/**/*','!web/Content/themes/**/*']

New syntax sample: (standardized & straightforward):

  css: {
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: 'web/Content',
          dest: '<%= pkg.version %>/',
          src: ['**/*', '!themes/**/*']
  • <-- breaking changes -->
  • 2013-07-04 v0.0.5 Fix maskBaseDir and destPrefix default to '', which is falsey which doesn't set the destination
  • 2013-07-04 v0.0.4 Fix missing 'tmp' dependancy on install
  • 2013-07-04 v0.0.3 Fix deleteContainer bug
  • 2013-05-07 v0.0.2 Release to npm
  • 2013-04-19 v0.0.1 Initial release

Optional Ideas (specifically for .net web projects)

  • [Sample] 2 for .net web projects (SPA) to use BLOB/CDN based on version in project.json file


Thanks to litek/grunt-azure-storage for inspiration and my first experience with grunt and azure storage.

Dependencies (4)

Dev Dependencies (3)

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  • jstott