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Digraph-based state management

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Think atomically

graph-state motivates the use of granular stores, or we call them "nodes", that is, nodes that only store a single state.

import { node } from 'graph-state';

// A simple graph node usage
const counter = node({
  get: 0,

Nodes can have either a constant value as a default state, or provide a function that lazily computes the default state.

const randomState = node({
  get: () => Math.random(),

Dependency graph states

graph-state leverages the cumbersome process of connecting stores to communicate one another by seamlessly connecting them. A node's get propery receives an interface which can be used to read other node's state. Once a node reads another node's value, the read node becomes a "dependency": whenever the dependency node updates value, the dependent node recomputes it's state.

const greeting = node({
  get: 'Hello',

const person = node({
  get: 'John Doe',

const message = node({
  get: ({ get }) => {
    // Read the greeting and person nodes
    const greetingValue = get(greeting);
    const personValue = get(person);

    // When greeting or person updates their state
    // message re-runs its get function to create a new state.

    // Return the derived state
    return `${greetingValue}, ${personValue}.`;

It doesn't matter when get is called or how it is used:

const example = node({
  get: ({ get } => {
    const cond = get(A);

    if (cond) {
      return get(B); // If A is truthy, B becomes a dependency.
    return get(C); // Otherwise, C becomes the dependency instead of B.

Whenever get is called, the dependency list is rebuilt, so the timing doesn't matter for a node to become a dependency.

Lazy Evaluation

Nodes, even though can be created on any level of context, does not evaluate until needed/used.

const example = node({
  // This function does not run until
  // example is read.
  get: () => runExpensiveComputation(),


Nodes may accept a key field:

const example = node({
  key: 'example',
  get: 'Hello',

If another node of the same key is attempted to be created, the first instance is always reused.

Keys you define are dev-only. Production environment will produce a unique id in place of the keys you provided.


graph-state allows managing subscriptions for side-effects. This is useful for subscribing to events (e.g. addEventListener), timers (setTimeout), etc.

const timer = node({
  get: ({ subscription }) => {
    subscription(() => {
      const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1000);
      return () => {

Similar to get, it doesn't matter when subscription is called. Every recomputation runs the cleanup function returned by subscription, and re-runs the callback.


There are two kinds of state update in graph-state: mutate and set. mutate directly changes a node's state. set's default behavior is similar to mutate, but if the node has a custom set function, the custom function is called instead of mutate. This is useful for building actions.

Both get and set received interfaces has functions that allow mutation.

// A node that mutates itself.
const secondClock = node({
  get: ({ mutateSelf, subscription }) => {
    subscription(() => {
      // an internal variable that tracks a state.
      let count = 0;

      // Subscribe to an interval timer
      const timeout = setInterval(() => {
        // Update our counter
        count += 1;

        // Perform self-mutation
      }, 1000);

      return () => {

    return 0;


Inspired by Redux and Flux architecture, nodes can have an action-receiving function called set, which overrides the state mutation of the node. The set function accepts the same interface as get (excluding subscription) and the action being received. In contrast with get, set does not react nor connect to read nodes.

An example of a graph node emulating a Redux store.

const counter = node({
  get: 0,

const reduce = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'INCREMENT':
      return state + 1;
    case 'DECREMENT':
      return state - 1;
      return state;

const reducer = node({
  get: ({ get }) => get(counter),

  set: ({ get, set }, action) => {
    set(counter, reduce(get(counter), action));


Nodes have their values memoized. Once a node attempts to update its state with an equivalent value, dependencies don't get notified with the new state, thus bailing out of recomputation. node accepts another optional field named shouldUpdate which is a function that receives the current state and the next state. By default, the states are compared with


Nodes with asynchronous get or set may produce unwanted side-effects whenever both methods run immediately after one another. To fix this, nodes, internally, have built-in race conditions which allows further side-effects from occuring by preventing set, mutate, setSelf, mutateSelf and subscription from further evaluation.

const itemsList = node({
  get: async () => {
    const data = await db.query();
    return data;

const filteredItemsList = node({
  get: async ({ get }) => {
    // Read itemsList
    const currentList = await get(itemsList);
    subscription(() => {
      // This will not run if itemsList emits a new result immediately
      // before the previous result resolves.

    return applyFilter(currentList);

Nodes also accept a resolve method from interface which wraps a given Promise such that it will only resolve if the node has not yet recomputed.

const filteredItemsList = node({
  get: async ({ get, resolve }) => {
    // Read itemsList
    const currentList = await get(itemsList);
    subscription(() => {
      // This will not run if itemsList emits a new result immediately
      // before the previous result resolves.

    // Prevent from resolving if recomputed
    return resolve(applyFilter(currentList));

Nodes that return a Promise may also be converted into an ADT node which emits the stateful representation of the Promise result by using resource. The resource node emits an object with the following fields:

  • status: The status of the Promise result. Begins with "pending", and changes to either "success" or "failure".
  • data: Value being represented by status.
    • if status === "success", data is the resolved value.
    • if status === "failure", data is the rejected value.
    • if status === "pending", data is the resolving Promise instance.
const listResource = resource(itemsList);

const example = node({
  get: ({ get }) => {
    const { status, data } = get(listResource);

    // ...

A valid resource node can be reverted back to a promise using fromPromise.

Multiple resources can be concurrently handled using waitForAll or waitForAny, which correspondingly behaves similarly to Promise.all and Promise.race.

const [name, age, email] = get(waitForAll([


For producing multiple nodes with the same core logic but varying values, we can use factory:

const nameFactory = factory({
  // Similar to individual nodes except dynamic
  key: (id) => `/profile/name/${id}`,
  get: (id) => () => readProfileName(id),

// ...
const name = get(nameFactory(id));

factory produces a function that passes the arguments provided to key, get and set.

const updateName = factory({
  key: (id) => `/profile/name/${id}/update`,

  set: (id, defaultName) => ({ set }, name) => {
    set(nameFactory(id), name ?? defaultName);

set(updateName(id, 'John Doe'), newName);

If a factory returns a Promise, this factory can be wrapped with resourceFactory to produce resource nodes.


MIT © lxsmnsyc

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  • lxsmnsyc