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1.2.3 • Public • Published

PO File Translation Tool for ChatGPT

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Translation tool for gettext (po) files that supports custom system prompts and user dictionaries. It also supports translating specified po files to a designated target language and updating po files based on pot files.

Read in other languages: English | 简体中文

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Set OPENAI_API_KEY before using this tool.

It is recommended to use the paid OpenAI API to improve translation speed, as the free OpenAI API is slower (only 3 translations per minute) and has usage restrictions.

Usage Scenarios

  • gpt-po sync --po <file> --pot <file> Update the po file based on the pot file, while preserving the original translations.
  • gpt-po --po <file> Translate specified po files to a designated target language.
  • gpt-po --po <file> --lang <lang> Translate specified po files to a designated target language (overriding language specified in po file).
  • gpt-po --dir . Translate all po files in current directory to a designated target language.
  • gpt-po userdict Modify or view user dictionaries
  • gpt-po userdict --explore Explore user dictionaries, if you want add new dictionaries or modify existing dictionaries. dictionaries can be named as dictionary-<lang>.json, for example, dictionary-zh.json is the dictionary for Simplified Chinese.
Usage: gpt-po [options] [command]

command tool for translate po files by gpt

  -V, --version           output the version number
  -h, --help              display help for command

  translate [options]     translate po file (default command)
  sync [options]          update po from pot file
  userdict [options]      open/edit user dictionary
  remove [options]        remove po entries by options
  help [command]          display help for command
Usage: gpt-po [options]

translate po file (default command)

  -k, --key <key>        openai api key (env: OPENAI_API_KEY)
  --host <host>          openai api host (env: OPENAI_API_HOST)
  --model <model>        openai model (default: "gpt-4o-mini", env: OPENAI_MODEL)
  --po <file>            po file path
  --dir <dir>            po file directory
  -src, --source <lang>  source language (default: "english")
  --verbose              show verbose log
  -l, --lang <lang>      target language (ISO 639-1 code)
  -o, --output <file>    output file path, overwirte po file by default
  --context <file>       context file path (provides additional context to the bot)
  -h, --help             display help for command
Usage: gpt-po remove [options]

remove po entries by options

  --po <file>                       po file path
  --fuzzy                           remove fuzzy entries
  -obs, --obsolete                  remove obsolete entries
  -ut, --untranslated               remove untranslated entries
  -t, --translated                  remove translated entries
  -tnf, --translated-not-fuzzy      remove translated not fuzzy entries
  -ft, --fuzzy-translated           remove fuzzy translated entries
  -rc, --reference-contains <text>  remove entries whose reference contains text, text can be a regular expression like /text/ig
  -h, --help                        display help for command
Usage: gpt-po sync [options]

update po from pot file

  --po <file>   po file path
  --pot <file>  pot file path
  -h, --help    display help for command

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  • ryanhex53