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3.2.3 • Public • Published


A command line tool for contribution reporting on git projects. The committers will be sorted based on contributions, taking into account commits, files changed, insertions and deletions.

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Usage example


You can see the commits uploaded on different branches and projects for a period of time. Run the command with followed by the relative path to the different projects you want to check separated by spaces. For example:

git-reporter ./node ./lodash

Other way to use the package is using -a option followed by the directory where you have all git projects you want to analyze. In this way the script will check all git projects inside the directory (only first level, it doesn't work recursively). Furthermore, this option ignore the paths passed as arguments.

git-reporter -a projects

Command line options:

Initializing git reporter 3.1.0

A command line tool for contribution reporting on git projects. 
The committers will be sorted based on contributions, taking into account commits, 
files changed, insertions and deletions.

  $ git-reporter

  -a, --anonymize            Anonymize author names and emails.
  -d, --directory=directory  Search for all git projects in a directory.
  -f, --forceUpdate          Update git projects before generating report.
  -h, --help                 show CLI help
  -s, --slackUrl=slackUrl    Slack url for publishing report.
  -v, --version              show CLI version
  -w, --weeks=weeks          [default: 4] Number of weeks in the past to look for commits.
  --verbose                  Set multiline committer contribution info displaying total insertions and 
                             deletions. Otherwise the committer contribution info is display in one 
                             line with total commits and total files changed.

Verbose mode

Using git-reporter with --verbose option will display all the report available info:

Usage example with verbose option

⚠️ Things to bear in mind with --forceUpdate option

  1. If any of the directories to analyze has uncommitted changes, the script will fail.
  2. For performing the git log across branches the script will perform a git fetch and git pull right before reading the git log on each directory.

Publishing on Slack

Create a Slack app and add a webhook. Use that url with -s or --slack option.

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npm i git-reporter

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  • ulisesantana