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Cobe angular generator

Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a Angular application using gulp for the build process. This generator is build on top of the gulp-webapp generator.

Build by people from COBE with <3


Please see gulpfile.js for up to date information on what we support.

  • Write ECMA Script 6 code using babel
  • Error handling using plumber
  • CSS Autoprefixing
  • Pre commit hook that validates your code
  • Built-in preview server with BrowserSync
  • Automagically compile Sass with libsass
  • Automagically minify your scripts
  • Automagically generate angular templates
  • Automagically wire-up dependencies installed with Bower
  • Awesome image optimization
  • Easy unit testing with Karma and Jasmine
  • Easy e2e testing with Protractor

For more information on what this generator can do for you, take a look at the gulp plugins used in our package.json.


Keep in mind that libsass is feature-wise not fully compatible with Ruby Sass. Check out this curated list of incompatibilities to find out which features are missing.

If your favorite feature is missing and you really need Ruby Sass, you can always switch to gulp-ruby-sass and update the styles task in gulpfile.js accordingly.

Project Structure

├── app
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── img
│   ├── js                  - All the javascript is located here
│   ├── styles              - All the scss files are here
│   ├── config.json         - Environment variables are place here
│   ├── favico.ico
│   └── index.html          - index files with all the comments which are used by gulp
├── e2e                     - Our protractor end to end tests
│   ├── e2e.conf.json       - Configurtion file for protractor
│   └── test.e2e.js         - Initial protractor test
└── .gitignore              - ignores npm and bower files
└── .jshintrc               - initial jshint settings
└── gulpfile.js             - all the gulp tasks are defined here
└── bower.json              - all the frontend dependencies
└── package.json            - all node dependencies
└── karma.conf.js           - karma config file

An example of app/js folder structure

├── main
│   ├── controllers
│   │   ├── MainController.js
│   │   └── MainController.spec.js
│   ├── directives
│   │   └── TechDirective.js
│   ├── services
│   └── views
│       └── home.html
└── app.js

Getting Started

  • Install dependencies: npm install --global yo bower
  • Install the generator: npm install --global generator-cobe-angular
  • Run yo cobe-angular to scaffold your Angular app
  • Run gulp serve to preview and watch for changes
  • Run gulp validate to run your unit tests and lint your code
  • Run gulp constants to make angular constants out of your app/config.json
  • Run webdriver-manager start to run your webdriver server
  • Run gulp e2e to run your end to end tests
  • Run bower install --save <package> to install frontend dependencies
  • Run gulp to build your webapp for production
To run e2e tests you need to have gulp and webdriver server running.
You need to manually install npm install precommit-hook after git is initialized.


MIT license

Dependencies (4)

Dev Dependencies (0)

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