
0.1.5 • Public • Published

File Datastore

This is an alternative for Dropbox datastore, which has been deprecated from April 29th, 2016.

With Datastore; structured data (e.g. contacts, to-do items, etc.) can be stored and synced effortlessly across multiple devices.

Files are used as database to store data. Data is stored as a series of deltas, where each delta is a list of changes. The datastore stores the full list of changes in files, and the state (a.k.a. snapshot) of a datastore can be obtained by executing the entire list of changes, in sequence, starting with an empty datastore. These deltas can be synced between multiple devices.

Delta (Change):

A delta has following structure :-

   "< table-name >" : {
        "i" :  {
          "< record-id >" : <object (Record Data)>
         "d" : [ "< record-id >"],
         "s" :   < object (table-snapshot) >,
         "u": {
          "< record-id >" : < object (Update Data) >

where in above i,d,s,u stands for insert, delete, snapshot and update respectively.

Conflict Resolution :

In case of conflict between deltas of different devices, Following precedence is considered :-

  • insert :- Insert will always win. In case where there is an insert in remote and local, both the insert will go into database.
  • delete :- Delete will always win. In case there is a delete irrespective of, remote and local, delete will always reflect in database.
  • snapshot :- From time to time a snapshot of the database is taken and stored as delta to reduce file size. A snapshot has lower precedence than insert and delete but higher than update.
  • update :- In case there is an update to the same record data, remote will always win. Update operation has the lowest precedence.

This module is Browserify Compatible.

NOTE: Current implementation supports Dropbox, but this can be extended for other storage providers (e.g. Box, Google Drive etc.) as well.


var fileDatastore = require('file-datastore');
fileDatastore.openDatastore('address_book', {
    storageType: "dropbox",
    storageOptions: {
        auth: {
            token: "<authToken>"
}, function(err, datastore) {
     if (err) {
        console.error(err, "unable to open datastore");
     var tableContact = datastore.getTable('contact');
     // inserting a new record
     var record = tableContact.insert({
            "name":"John Smith",
            "city":"New York",
     // commit the changes to file. 
     // changes won't get reflect until and unless a 
     // commit is called on datastore.
     // updating a record 
     record.get('city'); // New York .. since commit is not called
     record.get('city'); // Chicago
     // querying a record
     var matchedRecords = tableContact.query({
     matchedRecords.length // 1        

Usage :

openDatastore(< string >name, < object >options, < function > callback) - opens a datastore with the options provided. callback has 2 parameters: < Error >err, < Datastore >datastore. Valid options properties are:

  • storageType < string > : Type of storage. Currently supported value is 'dropbox'.

  • storageOptions < object > : Properties required for initializing storage provider. Since only dropbox is currenty supported following are the valid values. {
    auth: { token: "< token >", } }

  • path < string > : Path where datastore will be created. Default is "/".


Datastore.getTable(< string >tableName) : Returns an instance of Table.

Datastore.commit(< function >callback(optional)) : save the changes into file.

Datastore.addRemoteChangeEventListener(< function >eventHandler) : add eventlisteners that get fired when there is a change in remote data. eventHandler has 1 parameter :- array of deltas.


Table.getAllRecords() : Returns all records.

Table.getRecord(< string > Id) : Returns a record based on record id.

Table.insert(< object > recordData) : inserts a new record into the table and returns an instance of that record. Record Data must be a simple key value javascript object.

Table.removeRecord(< string > id) : Removes record based on record Id.

Table.query(< object > queryObject) : Returns list of records that matches the query object.


Record.getId() : Returns the id of the record.

Record.get(< String > key) : Returns the value of the key specified.

Record.set(< String > key,< string/number >) : sets the value of the specified key.

Record.deleteRecord() : removed the record from the table.

Adding a new storage provider :

A new storage provider can be added to the module.

addNewStorageProvider(< string > storageType, < function> StorageContructor) : Add a new storage provider. StorageContructor should be a function that can be invoked using new keyword.


var fileDatastore = require('file-datastore'); 

var CustomStorageProvider  = require('/path/to/storage/xyz');


fileDatastore.openDatastore('<datastore-name>', {
    storageType: "xyz",
    storageOptions: {}
}, function(err, datastore) {
    if (err) {
       console.error(err, "unable to open datastore");
    // do something with datastore

An instance of storage provider must adhere to following methods :-

Storage.exists(< string > path, < function > callback) : Check whether the path exists. The callback has 2 parameters : < Error >err, < boolean > exists.

Storage.createDir(< string > path, < function > callback) : Created a directory in the following path. The callback has 2 parameters : < Error >err, < object > response.

Storage.getFileList(< string > path, < function > callback) : Gets the array of file names in the order in which they are created from the path provided. The callback has 2 parameters : < Error >err, < Array< string > > fileNames.

Storage.getLatestFileName(< string> path, < function > callback) : Gets name of the latest file created in the directory path. The callback has 2 parameters : < Error >err, < Array< string > > fileNames.

Storage.getFile(< string > filePath, < function > callback) : gets the file data from file path. The callback has 2 parameters : < Error >err, < string > fileData.

Storage.saveFile(< string > filePath, < string > fileData, < function > callback) : Creates a new file based on file path. If the file with the same name already exists, than the error parameter of the callback should be an object with a key 'conflict', whose value should be true. The callback has 1 parameters : < Error >err .

Storage.deleteFiles(< Array< string >> fileNames, < function > callback) : Delete files by file paths present in the array.The callback has 1 parameters : < Error >err.


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