
1.3.1 • Public • Published



When I had been building web apps on React since 2020 I used to manipulate dates with heavy and powerful library Moment.js

I had met a lot of issues and limits working with it and decided to create something to use instead on JavaScript

Now I'm looking for new features and hope you can help me and other developers to have great experience of building library and using these methods in your projects for free.


JavaScript library to handling, parsing, validation, formatting date or time.

  • Light and powerful analogue of Moment.js
  • Current Version: 1.3.1


https://www.npmjs.com/package/datus.js - npmjs

https://github.com/Slavus54/datus.js - github repository

Getting Started

import {Datus} from 'datus.js' or const {Datus} = require('datus.js')

const datus = new Datus()

Datus.js API

import {weekdaysTitles, weekdaysTags, dayParts, months, minutesMin, minutesMax, periods, seasons} from 'datus.js'


    let counter = 0  
    let date = datus.move() // to set today's date also use .now('date')         

    counter = Number(typeof null === 'object') // JS is awesome

    date = datus.move('week', '+', counter) // a week later 

    let currentOrder = { title: 'Pizza Mozzarella 32cm', name: 'Anna', timestamp: 623 } // Tomash works until 12:00, does he pick up an order?        
    let check: boolean = currentOrder.timestamp <= datus.time('12:00', 'deconvert') // yes, Anna won't go hungry    

    let events = [{title: 'Battle of Marengo', date: '14.06.1800'}, {title: 'Battle of Austerlitz', date: '02.12.1805'}]        
    let filtered = events.filter(el => datus.filter(el.date, 'month', 12)) // filtered battles on December


-move (flag = 'day', direction = '+', num = 0) - run through the calendar in all directions, return date.

-gap (weekday = null, key = 'tag') - return difference between weekday and today in days, key parameter is a variant of day calling (tag or title).

-dates (flag = 'week', num = 2, weekday = null) - create an array of dates since weekday (today by default) with time period iterations by flag ('day', 'week' or 'month'). num is a number of dates.

-filterByValue (date = '22.02.2024', period = 'day', value = 22) - filter date by period with int value and return true/false.

-difference (date, flag = 'day', lock = 10) - find difference in flag time period (by default days) between today and date in past or future. lock is a integer limit of inside date iterations to compare with date.

-day (key = 'start', size = 'hour') - returned number of hours/minutes/seconds after day starts (key = 'start') or until its end (key = 'end').

-time (value = null, key = 'convert', isTwelve = false) - received value in minutes and convert it to HH:MM format, or if key equal 'deconvert' it returned number of minutes. Flag isTwelve is for US time format.

-times (start = '00:00', period = 30, num = 10) - returned array of timestamps in HH:MM format beginning from start time with period in minutes, num - size of array.

-random (isTime = true, num = 5) - returned array of random dates (last 30 days) or times in HH:MM format.

-range (dates = [], period = 'day') - returned difference between smallest and largest integer value of date's period ('day', 'month' or 'year') in array of unsorted dates.

-convert (value = null, key = 'convert') - convert Indian number to Roman and reverse, return string by default or number.

-border (num = null, isRome = false) - receives century (number Indian or string Roman) and returns array of first and last year of century.

-century (year = 1000, isRome = false) - return century in Roman/Indian format by year (number).

-now (format = 'all', divider = '|) - returns current date or time and divides it by second parameter.

-utc - returns Promise with european towns's timezones.

-distinction (time = '', utc = 0, isNum = true) - counts difference time between utc event and now; returns object with distinction in format (number of minutes or text) and flag {result, isGone}.

-event (time = '12:00', duration = 90, utc = 1) - returns number of events that can be completed before utc time (by default CET).

-palindrom (value = '', isDate = true) - check if date or time is palindrom and return true/false.

-binary (value = '', isDate = true) - check if each parts of date or time is equal 2**power (binary) and return true/false.

-exchange (num = 10, from = 'minute', to = 'hour') - receives value in first period and exchange it for second.

-clock (value = 10, arrow = 'hour', isPositive = true) - returns degrees between 3 a.m. and hour/minute arrows by value in minute on clock.

-formula (start = '12:00', duration = 0, body = 'x + y - 1', size = 'minute') - substitution into formulas body start to x and duration to y, return result as time string.

-sequence (start = '12:00', interval = 10, num = 5, mask = ':30') - generates list of times with interval and checking each element on mask.

-format (value = '', key = 'default', isDate = true) - formatting and returns date and time by key: 'letter' for date and 'us' for time.

-pointer (text = 'today') - formatting and returns date with word-pointer.

-part (num = 0, size = 'day') - returns % of year (check for leap year) for any period.

-duration (distance = 10, speed = 1, size = 'hour') - solves problem to count duration in any format when we have distance (in km) and speed (km/h).

-period (num = 1e2) - receives number border and returns text of time period with random generated number.

-walking (value = 10, size = 'minute', speed = '*') - received time period and returns number of steps to walking while it.

-timus (birthdate = '02.12.2004') - received date of birth and returns your personal Number of Datus.

-hash (value = '', isDate = true, multiplier = 1) - simple hash-function with good avalance effect based on date/time string.

-year (difference = 0, isRome = false) - returns an object {year, isLeap}, by difference parameter you can get more ancient year from Jesus's birthday or Rome's foundation.

-months (length = 12, isTitle = false) - allows to get an array of months (title or number) since year beginning, slices and returns it in descending order.

-nearest (time = '', arr = [], key = '') - finds among timestamps the most close to given time (after it) and returns it.

-bit (content = '', isDate = false) - returns converted time/date string parts to binary.

-pomodoro (time = '', num = 1, duration = 25, pause = 5, rest = 15) - according settings gives array of timestamps of tasks beginning.

-info (text = '', isDate = true) - returns an object with actual information about time/date.

-us (content = '', isDate = true, isRange = false) - converts time or date into american format.

-isWillBe (date = '24.08.2024') - checking and returns true/false by proviso "Date is today or will be in the future".

-num (digit = 1) - randomly generates integer 0 <= x <= 8991, choosing multiplier inside method's formula by parameter digit.

-reading (text = '', isNum = true) - returns minutes of text's reading duration in different formats.

-cat (date = '', max = 100) - converts duration of cat's life (starts by parameter date) into human age according life expectancy by parameter max.

-war (size = 'day') - returns number of days or any other period type by parameter size since russian-ukrainian war starts.

-zodiac (date = '') - looking for zodiac sign by your birthdate and returns it.

-func (time = '12:30', body = '', marker = 'x') - validates time hours and compared it to minutes by formula.

-isWeekend (time = '12:30', body = '', marker = 'x') - checks and returns if today is Saturday/Sunday.

-replace (content = '', isDate = true) - swaps time/date parts and returns result.

-late (time = '12:30', deadline = '12:30', duration = 0) - counts % of time waste when you late.

-circle (radius = 1, speed = 1, isMeters = false) - returns time of moving on circle.

-generation (age = 18, num = 5) - counts when was born man num generations from the past.

-space (num = 1, size = 'day', title = 'Earth') - converts planet's period (by num and size) into Earth's days.

-encode (content = '', isDate = true, formula = '(x + 1) / 2', marker = 'x') - returns encoded string of date/time by formula, contains with letters, numbers and specific symbols.

-rate (time = '12:30', cost = 1, round = 1) - gives information about money which you can earn from now until time by hour rate.

-vacation (days = 0) - returns evenly distributed list of vacation's days per year and period.

-endOfMonth (date = '') - counts number of days to end date's month.

-capital (num = 1, period = 'day', rate = 1) - returns earned money for any period by hour rate.

-deviation (step = 600, round = 0) - counts absolute difference in % between now and step.

-filterBySchema (content = '', isDate = true, schema = '', index = 0) - check date or time period by running code in schema.

-similarity (content = '', isDate = true, mask = '') - compare date/time with mast and returns % analogy by cheking each period.

-interval (time = 1, code = '', callStack = 1e3) - runs your code in interval by time limit.

-timeout (delay = 0, code = '') - runs your code after delay (in seconds).

-matrix (time = '', size = 1, step = 0, delay = 30) - builds matrix of times with step and delay of each matrix row in minutes.

-percentage (time = '', round = 0) - returns an array of rounded numbers, which are % of each time part from its maximum.

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