
1.2.0 • Public • Published

Dat Publish

Publish your dats to HTTP and run a public Dat peer!

Uses hyperdrive-http and dat-archiver to be a publicly accessible archive for your data stored in Dat. Push new files to the server with dat-push.

Serving Dat files over HTTP

  • Run dat-publish on your server. It will print a <server-key> for dat-archiver.
  • Create a dat on your local computer (or use an existing directory without a Dat).
  • dat-push <server-key> [directory]. Push a dat/directory to your server with <server-key>.
  • Your files will be available on your server over http!

Public Dat Peer

You can also use dat-publish to act as a public dat peer.

Follow the same commands as above with the discovery option: dat-publish <server-key> --discovery. After a dat-push is run, dat-publish will share your files on Dat.


npm install -g dat-publish


dat-publish [<server-key>] [directory]
  • Set <server-key> to name your sever. When using dat-push, you will push to this key. If you do not set a name, a 16 character key will be generated for you. Anyone with the key will be able to push to your server.
  • directory: store the dat directories. Each dat will be stored in a folder with it's key as the name.

CLI Options

  • --http, -h: Share archive(s) via hyperdrive-http over port.
  • --dat-upload, -u: Share via Dat peer. Join Dat swarm after a dat-push is finished, will only upload data, not download new data.
  • --dat-download, -d: Update dat from live source (dat share on your computer will update the server).
  • --root=<archive-key>, -r: Archive key to serve as root archive.
  • --index=file.html, -i: Page to serve as index for archive(s). If not set, metadata will be served at root.
  • --port=1234: Port for http server

Root Archive Options

You can choose a single archive to serve at the root. This allows you to do things like publish a static website. By default it will serve index.html at the root and the filelist at metadata.json.

If you have a root archive to publish, run:

  • dat-publish my-server-name --root

If you have multiple archives on your dat-archiver, you need to specify the archive key to serve as root:

  • dat-publish my-server-name --root=<dat-link>

Index Page

To show index.html as the index page for all archives, use the --index option:

  • dat-publish my-server-name --root --index

To overwrite the index page for all archives, set the index to the page name:

  • dat-publish my-server-name --root --index=foo.html


var publish = datPublish({opts})

Options include:

  dir: process.cwd + '/dats', // directory to store dats received from dat-push
  discovery: { // join dat swarm after a completed dat-push
    upload: false, // Upload data to other peers
    download: false // Download live updates from archive source
  rootArchive: <key>, // dat archive key to serve as root of http
  index: 'index.html', // index page for root archive mode
  http: true // return onRequest function for http usage


dat-archiver instance. Use publish.archiver.join(serverKey) to join an archiver server.


hyperdrive-http request function, use this in a http server: server.on('request', publish.httpRequest).

See cli.js for example usage.



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    • jhand