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Semaphore proof

A library to generate and verify Semaphore proofs.

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This library provides utility functions to generate and verify Semaphore proofs compatible with the Semaphore circuits. Generating valid zero-knowledge proofs requires files that can only be obtained in an attested trusted-setup ceremony.

🛠 Install

npm or yarn

Install the @semaphore-protocol/proof package and its peer dependencies with npm:

npm i @semaphore-protocol/identity @semaphore-protocol/group @semaphore-protocol/proof

or yarn:

yarn add @semaphore-protocol/identity @semaphore-protocol/group @semaphore-protocol/proof

📜 Usage

For more information on the functions provided by @semaphore-protocol/proof, please refer to the TypeDoc documentation.

# generateProof( identity: Identity, group: Group, message: BigNumberish | Uint8Array | string, scope: BigNumberish | Uint8Array | string, merkleTreeDepth: number, snarkArtifacts?: SnarkArtifacts ): Promise<SemaphoreProof>

import { Identity } from "@semaphore-protocol/identity"
import { Group } from "@semaphore-protocol/group"
import { generateProof } from "@semaphore-protocol/proof"

const identity1 = new Identity()
const identity2 = new Identity()
const identity3 = new Identity()

const group = new Group([identity1.commitment, identity2.commitment, identity3.commitment])

const message = "Hello world"
const scope = "Semaphore"

// snarkArtifacts are not provided.
// So they will be automatically downloaded (see https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/snark-artifacts).
const proof1 = await generateProof(identity1, group, message, scope)

// You can also specify the maximum tree depth supported by the proof.
const proof2 = await generateProof(identity2, group, message, scope, 20)

// You can also override our default zkey/wasm files.
const proof3 = await generateProof(identity3, group, message, scope, 20, {
    wasm: "./semaphore.wasm",
    zkey: "./semaphore.zkey"

# verifyProof(semaphoreProof: SemaphoreProof): Promise<boolean>

import { verifyProof } from "@semaphore-protocol/proof"

await verifyProof(proof1)




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