
3.1.0 • Public • Published



A NodeJS library that allows you to integrate your own node on Dojot's FlowBroker.

This library is published at npm as @dojot/flow-node.

How to build your own node

  1. You need to create a class that extends the DataHandlerBase class, that will be responsible for your node's behaviors. The following methods must be implemented:
  • getNodeRepresentationPath
  • getMetadata
  • getLocalesPath
  • handleMessage
  1. Is necessary to create a .html file that describes your node. You can find how to create it using the NodeRed documentation. Dojot's FlowBroker uses the NodeRed frontend.

  2. You need to encapsulate your code into a docker container.

  3. Publish your container in some public repository like DockerHub or in a private one based on DockerRegistry.

  4. Call the FlowBroker endpoint to add a new node. Please check the latest FlowBroker documentation to check how this endpoint works.

NOTE THAT to deploy your newly-created remote node, you must beforehand either deploy dojot via docker-compose or via Kubernetes. Check the dojot documentation for more information on installation methods.

This lib has been developed and tested using node v8.14.x


The getLocalesPath method should return the full path to the message catalog file. Example: myNode/locales/__language__.json.

The locales directory must be in the same directory as the node’s .js file. The language part of the path identifies the language the corresponding files provide. Eg.: 'en-US'.

A example of content in a Message Catalog:

     "myNode" : {
         "message1": "This is my first message",
         "message2": "This is my second message"

Using i18n messages


The runtime part of a node can access messages using the RED._() function. For example:


With namespace, the namespace will be the id of node


When you need to use text from the Message Catalog, you can specify a data-i18n attribute to provide the message. For example:

<span data-i18n="myNode.label.foo"></span>

<input type="text" data-i18n="[placeholder]myNode.placeholder.foo">

<a href="#" data-i18n="[title]myNode.label.linkTitle;myNode.label.linkText"></a>


The samples directory contains two examples of nodes: one that converts a Celsius temperature into Kelvin and the other calculates the arithmetic mean using the Flowbroker Context Manager. They can be used as references when building a new node.

We will explain the node structure using samples/kevin node. There, you will find:

├── Dockerfile              - file to build the docker container
├── package.json            - javascript dependencies
├── README.md               - README file
└── src
    ├── kelvin.html         - the node html
    ├── index.js            - the kelvin converts logic
    └── locales             - used by internationalization

How to build your own node and add in to Dojot

This section explains how to build the nodes in a generic way.

Build the docker image:

docker build -t <your dockerHub username>/<image name>:<image tag> .

Publish it on your DockerHub:

docker push <your dockerHub username>/<image name>:<image tag>

Acquire a Dojot's token:

JWT=$(curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8000/auth \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
-d '{"username": "admin", "passwd" : "admin"}' | jq -r ".jwt")

Note: the previous command requires the jq and curl command, you can install it on Debian-based Linux distributions with the following command:

sudo apt-get install jq curl

How to add a node to Dojot:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" http://localhost:8000/flows/v1/node -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"image": "<your dockerHub username>/<node name>:<image tag>", "id":"<node name>"}'

Now the node will be available on the FlowBroker Dojot's interface.

Live Reloading your node

Note: If you need to change the source code of the node and see them reflected, you need to: rebuild the container; push it to the registry again with a new tag; remove the node from dojot via api; and add the node to dojot again. Always change the <image tag> of the docker image, to force the update and see your changes reflected.

How to remove a node from Dojot:

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" http://localhost:8000//flows/v1/node/<node name> -H 'content-type: application/json'

ATTENTION: Avoiding problems with id and name

To facilitate the addition of a node to the Flowbroker, follow these instructions:

When adding the node via API

The id sent in a request to the /flows/v1/node endpoint must be the same as the name and the id defined in the getMetadata function inside the class that extends dojot.DataHandlerBase.

When creating the node front end - HTML

When creating the HTML called in the getNodeRepresentationPath method and also in the class that extends dojot.DataHandlerBase , the references within this html listed below must have the same id/name.

  • data-template-name=...
  • data-help-name=...
  • registerType(..
  • RED._("...

Tip: To view the logs from your remote node run

sudo docker logs -f -t $(sudo docker ps -aqf "ancestor=<your dockerHub username>/<node name>:<unique-id>")

Note: the DockerHub use is optional, you can use a private docker registry instead.

Note2: All commands considers that you are running Dojot locally, if it is not the case, please, adapt them to reflect your scenario.

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