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StashKu SQL Engine


This engine utilizes environmental variables and configuration objects that are passed from StashKu. StashKu will pass any configuration object with the same engine name to the loaded engine itself (as shown in the example below).

let sku = new StashKu({
    engine: '@append/stashku-sql'
    //below, we put all engine-specific configuration in an object with the same name
    '@append/stashku-sql': {
        host: 'localhost',
        post: 1433,
        auth: {
            user: 'first.last',
            password: 'supersecret'
        options: {
            appName: 'my cool app'

Available Properties

Property ENV Type Default Description
driver STASHKU_SQL_DRIVER String "sql-server" Currently only "sql-server" is supported.
host STASHKU_SQL_HOST String "localhost" The network host name of the database server.
port STASHKU_SQL_PORT Number 1433 The network port listening on the host.
database STASHKU_SQL_DATABASE String "localhost" The database to target.
encrypt STASHKU_SQL_ENCRYPT Boolean false A flag indicating whether the connection to the database should be encrypted (if supported)
trust STASHKU_SQL_TRUST Boolean false Enable or disable the forced trusting of the server certificate (such as self-signed).
auth Object
auth.type STASHKU_SQL_AUTH_TYPE String "default" The authentication type to use with the database. For the sql-server driver, this matches the tedious auth types, commonly "ntlm" or "azure-active-directory-password".
auth.user STASHKU_SQL_AUTH_USER String The name of the user used to authenticate against the database server.
auth.password STASHKU_SQL_AUTH_PASSWORD String The user password.
auth.domain STASHKU_SQL_AUTH_DOMAIN String The FQDN of the NTLM/AD domain the user is under.
batch Object
batch.enabled Boolean false A flag that toggles whether batching should be enabled whenever supported for put and post operations.
batch.size Number 100 The maximum number of queries to include in a single batch chunk. The entire batch will be segmented into chunks - one chunk per call to the database. Typically each object in a put or post generates one query.
log Object
log.queries STASHKU_SQL_LOG_QUERIES Boolean false A flag to enable or disable the output of generated SQL queries to the debug-severity log.
log.sensitive STASHKU_SQL_LOG_SENSITIVE Boolean false Indicates that SQL query parameters and values will be output in the debug-severity log. These may contain sensitive information, and should only be enabled for debugging purposes.
pool Object
pool.min Number 0 The minimum number of connections to keep open.
pool.max Number 10 The maximum number of connections to have open at once.
model Object
model.tables STASHKU_SQL_MODEL_VIEWS Boolean "true" Toggle modelling support of tables through OPTIONS queries. Table support is enabled by default.
model.views STASHKU_SQL_MODEL_VIEWS Boolean "false" Optionally allow views to be modelled through OPTIONS queries. By default, only tables will be modelled and returned.

You can utilize environmental variables or define the values through a configuration object passed to StashKu. This project also loads .env files in it's package directory.


Note that the OPTIONS requests may require additional permissions for the user. In Microsoft SQL Server, the user will need the "VIEW DEFINITIONS" permission in order for the engine to detect a database column default value.

GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON <sometable> TO [someuser]
GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON SCHEMA::<someschema> TO [someuser]

StashKu Request Customization

This engine supports additional StashKu request metadata, specifically:

Property Type Description
batch Boolean Forces a put or post request to operate in "batch" mode, even if the driver configuration is set to disable batching.
output Boolean If false the RESTful response will not include output from the server- this can save memory and improve performance if you are not going to utilize the results of a request.

For example, the following posts objects (...) to the database server in "batch" mode, without returning the created records.

let res = await stash.post(r => r
        batch: true,
        output: false

Driver-Specific Configuration Properties

If the database driver you are utilizing supports additional configuration properties, you can place these in an .options object (like the appName property shown in the example above).

sql-server Driver

This driver utilizes the tedious package under the rhino wrapper, which supports all tedious options. You can find a listing of the tedious options here.


The StashKu SQL storage engine supports all RESTful StashKu methods, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.

Example GET Operation

To retrieve information from the database...

let stash = new StashKu({
    engine: '@append/stashku-sql'
let res = await stash.get(r => r
    .properties('FirstName', 'LastName', 'Title')
    .where(f => f.and('FirstName', Filter.OP.STARTSWITH, 'K'))
    .sort('LastName', Sort.desc('FirstName'))

Example POST Operation

To add information to the database...

let stash = new StashKu({
    engine: '@append/stashku-sql'
let res = await stash.post(r => r
            Name: 'America',
            CostRate: 1,
            Availability: 123
            Name: 'Canada',
            CostRate: 2,
            Availability: 234
            Name: 'Brazil',
            CostRate: 3,
            Availability: 345


Run npm start


This project uses node.js to run and does not have an explicit build process.

Code Documentation

You can generate a static JSDoc site under the docs/ path using the command npm run docs.


Run npm test to run jest unit tests.

Run npm run lint to run ESLint, optionally install the Visual Studio Code ESLint extension to have linting issues show in your "Problems" tab and be highlighted.

If you are writing unit tests, you may need to npm install @types/jest to get intellisense in Visual Studio Code if for some reason it did not get installed.


This project leverages the docker image chriseaton/adventureworks:light using the AdventureWorks sample database (created by Microsoft) to perform database tests.

You can grab and start the AdventureWorks sample database on your system in the background by running:

docker run -p 1433:1433 -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=mySup3r_p4ssw0rd' -d chriseaton/adventureworks:light

The password can be set to whatever you wish. The docker container may take a minute to get initialized once started.

You will need to set the environmental variables to match the docker container's settings, for example:

ENV Example Value
STASHKU_SQL_HOST "localhost"

These can also be created using .env files, with the name of the driver being tested, specifically: driver-sql-server.env for Microsoft SQL Server tests, and driver-postgres.env for Postgres tests.

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npm i @appku/stashku-sql

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  • chriseaton