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4.2.6 • Public • Published


Middleware to handle CalDAV requests to node web server. Works with

  • Node v8 or higher
  • Koa v2 or higher

This middleware will intercept any requests to the caldavRoot URL, authenticate using Basic Authentication, and exposes the following URLs and methods:

  • Principal Methods: OPTIONS, PROPFIND
  • Calendar Home Methods: OPTIONS, PROPFIND
  • Calendar Methods: OPTIONS, PROPFIND, REPORT, GET, PUT & DELETE (if calendar is not read-only)

The following CalDAV functionality is supported:

  • Creating, updating, deleting one-off (non-recurring) events
  • Creating, updating, deleting recurring events (with limited RRULE support, see schema)
  • Read-only calendars, read-only or read/write events on each calendar

This module is written in Typescript, and contains exported types for all the definitions mentioned below.


npm i caldav-adapter


const Koa = require('koa');
const app = new Koa();

const caldav = require('caldav-adapter');
  authenticate: async ({ username, password }) => {
    if (password === 'pass') {
      return {
        principalId: username,
        principalName: username.toUpperCase()
  authRealm: config.authRealm,
  caldavRoot: 'caldav',
  proId: { company: 'TestCompany', product: 'Calendar', language: 'EN' },
  logEnabled: true,
  logLevel: 'debug',
  data: {
    getCalendar: data.getCalendar,
    getCalendarsForPrincipal: data.getCalendarsForPrincipal,
    getEventsForCalendar: data.getEventsForCalendar,
    getEventsByDate: data.getEventsByDate,
    getEvent: data.getEvent,
    createEvent: data.createEvent,
    updateEvent: data.updateEvent,
    deleteEvent: data.deleteEvent


  • options: object Parameters which might have the following properties:
    • username: string
    • password: string
  • returns: Promise Promise which resolves to the user object, which is passed to all data.* functions on each request.


  • required: string Realm for Basic Authentication.


  • optional: string Root URL for CalDAV server (default /)



  • optional: boolean Enables stdout logging via Winston (default false)


  • optional: string Log level used by Winston (default debug)


  • options Parameters which might have the following properties:
    • calendarId: string
    • principalId: string
    • user: object
  • returns: Promise<calendar> Promise which resolves to the requested calendar.


  • options Parameters which might have the following properties:
    • principalId: string
    • user: object
  • returns: Promise<calendar[]> Promise which resolves to an array of the principal's calendars.


  • options Parameters which might have the following properties:
    • calendarId: string
    • principalId: string
    • fullData: boolean Clients will oftentimes request all events for a calendar to check the events' etag (lastModifiedOn) field to see whether they need updating. Since this can be an expensive operation for some fields (like description), this will be true if the client is requesting the full calendar-data.
    • user: object
  • returns: Promise<event[]> Promise which resolves to an array of the calendar's events.


  • options Parameters which might have the following properties:
    • calendarId: string
    • principalId: string
    • start string> ISO date string
    • end string> ISO date string
    • fullData: object
    • user: object
  • returns: Promise<event[]> Promise which resolves to an array of the calendars' events between the given dates.


  • options Parameters which might have the following properties:
    • eventId: string
    • calendarId: string
    • principalId: string
    • fullData: object
    • user: object
  • returns: Promise<event> Promise which resolves to an event.


  • options Parameters which might have the following properties:
    • event: event
    • calendarId: string
    • principalId: string
    • user: object
  • returns: Promise<event> Promise which resolves to the created event.


  • options Parameters which might have the following properties:
    • eventId: string
    • calendarId: string
    • principalId: string
    • user: object
  • returns: Promise<void> Promise which resolves to the deleted event.


  • options Parameters which might have the following properties:
    • event: event
    • calendarId: string
    • principalId: string
    • user: object
  • returns: Promise<event> Promise which resolves to the updated event.


calendar model

  • order, color are unused for now
  "calendarId": "exampleCal1",
  "ownerId": "user@ex.co",
  "calendarName": "Example Calendar 1",
  "timeZone": "America/New_York",
  "order": 1,
  "readOnly": true,
  "color": "#FD8208",
  "syncToken": "https://example.com/ns/sync-token/1",
  "createdOn": "20180802T152540Z"

event model

  • dates can be anything the moment constructor can handle (Date or moment objects, ISO string, etc.)
  • ical field is only returned from the middleware, it's unused in responses
  • recurring only supports the freq, until, and exdate fields
  • recurrences is an optional array of recurrence exceptions
      "eventId": "30946424-40f4-47e2-80b1-006fdebbeb25",
      "calendarId": "exampleCal2",
      "summary": "Testing Event 6",
      "location": "Location 6",
      "description": "Recurring event on Friday, 4-6pm",
      "startDate": "20190111T210000Z",
      "endDate": "20190111T230000Z",
      "timeZone": "America/New_York",
      "createdOn": "20190226T203808Z",
      "lastModifiedOn": "20190226T211704Z",
      "ical": "BEGIN:VCALENDAR...",
      "recurring": {
        "freq": "WEEKLY",
        "until": "20190211T170000Z",
        "exdate": [
        "recurrences": [
            "recurrenceId": "20190322T200000Z",
            "summary": "Testing Event 6",
            "location": "Location 6",
            "description": "Recurring event on Friday, 4-6pm",
            "startDate": "20190322T140000Z",
            "endDate": "20190322T160000Z",
            "timeZone": "America/New_York",
            "createdOn": "20190226T203808Z",
            "lastModifiedOn": "20190226T202744Z"


Please see exampe/server.js for example middleware implementation, as well as example/data.js for data.* method examples.

If you run the server without changing any of the configuration options, you can connect to it via iPhone or MacOS with the following server details:

NOTE: You will need to install a self-signed HTTPS certificate on your local machine to connect directly to localhost. Otherwise you can use ngrok or a similar service to create a secure connection to a server on your local machine.

Tested Clients

  • MacOS 10.14
    • Calendar.app
    • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • iOS 12
    • Calendar.app
    • Google Calendar


  • Android tests


  • Adding tests (integration tests with a dummy CalDAV client)
  • Add scheduling support (inbox/outbox calendars, defined in the RFC here
  • Add support for Express and other frameworks


Pull requests are more than welcome! Please follow existing naming and style conventions, and correct any linting errors before submitting code.






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