
0.9.6 • Public • Published

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spectools-fetch-spec is a PhantomJS-based node module designed to fetch specs, their subresources, and, optionally, grab a screenshot.

It thus contains specific code to deal with specs whose rendering is client-side such as ReSpec.


fetchSpec(url [, options], callback)

Visits url, waits for the spec to be fully rendered, grabs its HTML, stores in TMP_DIR, optionally takes a screenshot (which it also stores in TMP_DIR), and returns a JSON object which contains the following properties:

  • filepath (str): filepath of the rendered Web page.
  • screenshot (obj?): an obj with the filepath and dimensions of the optional screenshot.
  • resources (array): a list of all HTTP requests made.
  • clientsideRendering (bool): whether or not the Web page was rendered on the client (e.g. ReSpec drafts).

A JSON Schema describes the return object in more details.

options is… optional and accepts the following values:

  • filename (str): name of the filename in which to save the HTML in TMP_DIR. Defaults to "[UUID].html".
  • screenshot (boolean): takes a 1280x1024 PNG screenshot of the page and saves it as "{filename}.png" in TMP_DIR.
  • screenshot (object):
    • filename (str): name of the filename in which to save the screenshot in TMP_DIR. Defaults to "{filename}_{width}x{height}.png".
    • width (int): width of screenshot. Defaults to 1280.
    • height (int): height of screenshot. Defaults to 1024.
  • timeout (int): the length, in ms before a request is killed. Defaults to none.
  • attempts (int): number of attempts at visiting the page before reporting an error (note this uses an exponential backoff). Defaults to 1.
  • delay (int): time in ms before the second attempt, default to 0 ms.
  • config (str): Path to the PhantomJS JSON config file. Optional.

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Apache License, Version 2.0

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  • tobie