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RediBox Cache

Caching data via redis is a common usage for redis.

However it's not always as simple as calling a Redis set or get. You generally need to be able to set a global ttl on all cache items as well as variable ttl's on different bits of data.

You really don't want to be writing the same code over and over again just to do the same steps all the time:

  • get a cached item
  • query original source data because no cache found (e.g running a large mongo aggregate query)
  • set cache for new query data
  • return the original source data, but next time around if within ttl this will come from redis cache \o/

This will do all that for you.


This is a hook for RediBox so you'll need that first. Then it's as simple as:

npm i redibox-hook-cache --save

RediBox will automatically load the hook for you.


Configuring the cache options is the same as on all other hooks, when creating your instance of RediBox, simply pass into the options a cache property object with all your config.

For example:

  import Redibox from 'redibox';
  // create new instance
  const RediBox = new Redibox({
    redis: {
      ...yourRedisConfig  // see homepage for options
    cache: {
      // turn this off to stop caching on all the utility methods
      // e.g when off `wrapPromise` will simply exec the passed promise
      // and bypass caching entirely
      // to turn this on/off dynamically then simply call RediBox.hooks.cache.enabled(boolean);
      // or just get/set the value at `RediBox.hooks.cache.enabled`
      enabled: true,
      // default ttl (time to live, in seconds by default) on all cache items
      // this is only used if no ttl specified on each individual cache `set`
      defaultTTL: 60,
      // key prefix used on all keys
      keyPrefix: 'cache:cats_app'

Now before we get to the goodies, there is of course the usual set, get, del and clear cache commands:

RediBox.hooks.cache.get(key: string, [Optional] cb: Function) : [Optional] Promise
  • Gets a cached item from redis.
RediBox.hooks.cache.set(key: string, value: string|Object|etc, [Optional] ttl, [Optional] cb: Function): [Optional] Promise
  • Create a new cached item in redis.
RediBox.hooks.cache.del(key: string, [Optional] cb: Function) : [Optional] Promise
  • Deletes a cached item from redis.
RediBox.hooks.cache.clear([Optional] key: string, [Optional] cb: Function) : [Optional] Promise
  • Deletes all cache items or all items matching a cache key pattern prefix e.g. cats:fluffy:*


And now for the goodies! To save yourself repeating the logical steps mentioned earlier, you can use these caching utilities!

RediBox.hooks.cache.wrapPromise(key: string, promise: Promise, [Optional] ttl, [Optional] skipCache: boolean): Promise
  • Wraps a promise for the purposes of caching a successful resolve.

Usage example:

  RediBox.hooks.cache.wrapPromise('collection_of_cats', new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // after the first time and for the next 5 minutes this will just come from redis cache
    return resolve(['meow', 'meow', 'angry_meow']);
  }), 360); // cache them for 5 minutes

The optional 4th param, skipCache, allows you to bypass caching and just exec the passed promise as normal.

RediBox.hooks.cache.wrapWaterline(waterlineQuery: Query, [Optional] ttl, [Optional] key: string, [Optional] skipCache: boolean): Promise
  • Cache wrap a sails.js / waterline query. Obviously if you don't know what these are then this is of no use to you :).

Note that this time the key is optional! So what does it call the cache key name? The cache key name is generated using a mix of the model name (if available, depends on adapter) and the query criteria. See the example for the key format.

      name: 'Evie',
      likes: 'belly rubs'
    })  // without the exec()
  ).then(function (thatCat) {
    // do something
  }).catch(function (waterlineError) {
    // do something
  // the key created from this will look something similar to:
  // 'cats:name_evie_likes_belly_rubs' // yes, yes she does \o/
  // so basically it's just: `${modelName}:${criteria}`

Internally if not found in cache then RediBox will execute the query, cache it and return the results.

RediBox.hooks.cache.makeKeyFromObject([Optional] prefix: string, object: Object): String
  • Just a simple utility to turn an object into a pretty key name.


  const key = RediBox.hooks.cache.makeKeyFromObject('Cats', {
    name: 'Evie',
    likes: 'belly rubs'
  console.log(key); // cats:name_evie_likes_belly_rubs
  // now do something with this key, maybe a `.set()` or `.get`?


  • wrapExpress - wrap express query / potentially provide middleware for this.
  • wrapCallback - though potentially this can be done in wrapPromise and then nodify it.
  • set, clear and del only accept callbacks at the moment, nodify with promises.

"RUB MA BELLEH RIGHT MEOW" Evie @elliothesp


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