
2.2.3 • Public • Published


LueHsoft LueH LABS Lue Hang luehang

An easy and simple to use React Native component providing images selection from camera roll. The images in the camera roll are displayed with a custom high performant masonry layout. Supporting both iOS and Android. Free and made possible along with costly maintenance and updates by Lue Hang (the author).

Check out the docs for a complete documentation.

  • Choose a custom way to get images or use default CameraRoll getter.
  • Optimized for large list rendering of images.
  • Smart algorithm for eveningly laying out images.
  • Pull to Refresh.
  • Scroll loading.
  • Support for rendering all local and remote images with no missing images.
  • Support for dynamic device rotation.
  • Easily customizable.
  • Supports both iOS and Android.


react-native-camera-roll-selector landscape

ℹ️ Learn more about React Native with project examples along with Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking at LueHsoft.


1. Getting Started

2. Example Usage Customization

3. Example Usage With Provided CameraRoll

4. API

5. 📚 Props

6. Installation For Provided CameraRoll

7. Example Project

8. Author

9. Contribute

10. License

🔷 Getting Started

Type in the following to the command line to install the dependency.

$ npm install --save react-native-camera-roll-selector


$ yarn add react-native-camera-roll-selector

LueHsoft LueH LABS Lue Hang luehang

🎉 Example Usage Customization

Version *2.2.0 update

If you like react-native-camera-roll-selector, please be sure to give it a star at GitHub. Thanks.

import CameraRollSelector from "react-native-camera-roll-selector";
render() {
    return (
            enableCameraRoll={false} // default true
            // Get data logic goes here.
            // This will get trigger initially
            // and when it reached the end
            // if there is more.
            onGetData={(fetchParams, resolve) => {
                    assets: [
                        // Can be used with different image object fieldnames.
                        // Ex. source, source.uri, uri, URI, url, URL
                        { uri: "" },
                        // { source: require("yourApp/image.png"),
                        //     // IMPORTANT: It is REQUIRED for LOCAL IMAGES
                        //     // to include a dimensions field with the
                        //     // actual width and height of the image or
                        //     // it will throw an error.
                        //     dimensions: { width: 1080, height: 1920 } },
                        { source: { uri: "" } },
                        { uri: "" },
                        { URI: "" },
                        { url: "" },
                        { URL: "" },
                    pageInfo: {
                        hasNextPage: false
            callback={(selectedImages, currentSelectedImage) => {
                    "Current selected image: ",
                    "Selected images: ",
            // OPTIONAL PROP USAGE.
            maximum={10} // Max number of selected images. 10 default.
            enableSelect={true} // default true
            imagesPerRow={3} // default 3
            spacing={1} // default 1

🎉 Example Usage With Provided CameraRoll

ℹ️ Additional installation is required to install additional package and link binaries. Follow the Installation section.

If you like react-native-camera-roll-selector, please be sure to give it a star at GitHub. Thanks.

import CameraRollSelector from "react-native-camera-roll-selector";
render() {
    return (
            callback={(selectedImages, currentSelectedImage) => {
                    "Current selected image: ",
                    "Selected images: ",
            // OPTIONAL PROP USAGE.
            maximum={10} // Max number of selected images. 10 default.
            enableSelect={true} // default true
            imagesPerRow={3} // default 3
            spacing={1} // default 1

LueHsoft LueH LABS Lue Hang luehang


<CameraRollSelector /> component accepts the following props...

📚 Props

If you like react-native-camera-roll-selector, please be sure to give it a star at GitHub. Thanks.

Props Description Type Default
callback Callback function when images was selected. (selectedImages: Array, currentSelectedImage: Object) => void Function (selectedImages, currentSelectedImage) => { console.log(currentSelectedImage); console.log(selectedImages); }
enableSelect Enable or disable the image selector. Version *2.1.0 update boolean true
enableCameraRoll Enable the provide default CameraRoll. Version *2.0.0 update boolean true
onGetData Custom function to render provided images. (fetchParams: { previousCount: number, itemCount: number, groupTypes: string, assetType: string }, resolve: Function) => { assets: object, pageInfo: { hasNextPage: boolean } } Find an example at the example section. Version *2.2.0 update Function
imagesPerRow Number of images per row. number 3
initialColToRender How many columns to render in the initial batch. number imagesPerRow
initialNumInColsToRender How many items to render in each column in the initial batch. number 1
spacing Gutter size of the column. The spacing is a multiplier of 1% of the available view. number 1
itemCount The number of item to fetch and render. Version *2.0.0 update number 25
groupTypes The group where the photos will be fetched, one of "Album", "All", "Event", "Faces", "Library", "PhotoStream" and "SavedPhotos". string "All"
assetType The asset type, one of "Photos", "Videos" or "All". string "Photos"
maximum Maximum number of selected images. number 10
selectSingleItem To select only one single image at time or not. boolean false
selected An object of images in an array that are already selected. array []
backgroundColor Set the color of the background. string "white"
emptyText Text to display instead of a list when there are no photos found. string "No photos."
emptyTextStyle Styles to apply to the emptyText. object {textAlign: "center"}
loaderColor The foreground color of the initial load spinner. string "lightblue"
customLoader Camera Roll loader component node. React.Element <ActivityIndicator />
imageContainerStyle The styles object which is added to the Image component. object {}
markerColor The color of the marker image. string "white"
renderIndividualHeader Custom function that is executed ABOVE each individual masonry image. (item: Object, index: number) => ?React.Element Function
renderIndividualFooter Custom function that is executed BELOW each individual masonry image. (item: Object, index: number) => ?React.Element Function
onPressImage Custom function that is executed after a single tap on the image. (item: Object, index: number) => void Function
onLongPressImage Custom function that is executed after a long press on the image. (item: Object, index: number) => void Function
customMarker Custom selected image marker component. React.Element
containerWidth The width of the masonry list layout. Adding this will improve performance. number
onEndReached Called once when the scroll position gets within onEndReachedThreshold of the rendered content. (info: {distanceFromEnd: number}) => void Version *2.1.0 update function
onEndReachedThreshold How far from the end (in units of visible length of the list) the bottom edge of the list must be from the end of the content to trigger the onEndReached callback. Thus a value of 0.5 will trigger onEndReached when the end of the content is within half the visible length of the list. Version *2.1.0 update number
refreshing Set this true while waiting for new data from a refresh. Version *2.1.0 update boolean false
onRefresh If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for "Pull to Refresh" functionality. Make sure to also set the refreshing prop correctly. () => void Version *2.1.0 update function


Inorder to use these props, make sure enableCameraRoll prop is set to true.

If you like react-native-camera-roll-selector, please be sure to give it a star at GitHub. Thanks.

Props Description Type Default
catchGetPhotosError Custom function to catch errors from getting and loading images. (error) => void Version *2.0.0 update Function
permissionDialogTitle Starting on android M individual permissions must be granted for certain services, having access to the camera roll is one of them, you can use this to change the title of the dialog prompt requesting permissions. string "Read Storage Permission"
permissionDialogMessage Starting on android M individual permissions must be granted for certain services, having access to the camera roll is one of them, you can use this to change the content of the dialog prompt requesting permissions. string "Needs access to your photos so you can use these awesome services."
pendingAuthorizedView Starting on android M individual permissions must be granted for certain services, having access to the camera roll is one of them. This will be displayed when access to the camera roll has been denied. React.Element Defaults to Waiting on access permission to camera roll. message.
notAuthorizedView Starting on android M individual permissions must be granted for certain services, having access to the camera roll is one of them. This will be displayed when access to the camera roll has been denied completely. React.Element Defaults to Access denied to camera roll. message.

LueHsoft LueH LABS Lue Hang luehang

💎 Installation For Provided CameraRoll

react-native >= 0.60

Android Installation


$ npm install @react-native-community/cameraroll --save


$ yarn add @react-native-community/cameraroll


Autolinking will just do the job.


User's permission is required to access the Camera Roll. Add the following to AndroidManifest.xml which can be found in android/app/src/main.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
iOS Installation


$ npm install @react-native-community/cameraroll --save


$ yarn add @react-native-community/cameraroll


Autolinking will just do the job.

ℹ️ Important: On devices running iOS 10 or later.

User's permission is required to access the Camera Roll. Add the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key in your Info.plist with a string that describes how your app will use this data. This key will appear as Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description in Xcode.

    <!-- ... -->
    <string>Requesting access to the photo library.</string>
    <!-- ... -->

ℹ️ Optional: On devices running iOS 11 or later.

It is required to add the NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription key in your Info.plist. After that, define a string that describes how your app will use this data. By adding this key to your Info.plist, you will be able to request write-only access permission from the user. If you try to save to the camera roll without this permission, your app will exit.

    <!-- ... -->
    <string>Requesting write-only access permission.</string>
    <!-- ... -->

react-native < 0.60

Android Installation


User's permission is required to access the Camera Roll. Add the following to AndroidManifest.xml which can be found in android/app/src/main.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
iOS Installation


  1. react-native-camera-roll-gallery uses React Native's CameraRoll API. It requires the RCTCameraRoll library to be linked. Learn more about Linking Libraries (iOS) clicking here or read for further instructions.

  1. Access the node_modules/react-native/Libraries/CameraRoll directory and look for RCTCameraRoll.xcodeproj. Drag this file to your project on Xcode (usually under the Libraries group on Xcode).

iOS Linking Libraries: Add to Libraries

  1. Click on your main .xcodeproj project file and select the Build Phases tab and drag the static library from the Products folder inside the library you are importing to Link Binary With Libraries.

iOS Linking Libraries: Add to Build Phases

ℹ️ Important: On devices running iOS 10 or later.

User's permission is required to access the Camera Roll. Add the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key in your Info.plist with a string that describes how your app will use this data. This key will appear as Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description in Xcode.

    <!-- ... -->
    <string>Requesting access to the photo library.</string>
    <!-- ... -->

ℹ️ Optional: On devices running iOS 11 or later.

It is required to add the NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription key in your Info.plist. After that, define a string that describes how your app will use this data. By adding this key to your Info.plist, you will be able to request write-only access permission from the user. If you try to save to the camera roll without this permission, your app will exit.

    <!-- ... -->
    <string>Requesting write-only access permission.</string>
    <!-- ... -->

LueHsoft LueH LABS Lue Hang luehang

🔷 Example Project

Perform steps 1-2 to run locally:

1. Clone the Repo

Clone react-native-camera-roll-selector locally. In a terminal, run:

$ git clone react-native-camera-roll-selector
2. Install and Run
cd react-native-camera-roll-selector/example/

iOS - Mac - Install & Run

1. check out the code
2. npm install
3. npm run ios

Android - Mac - Install & Run

1. check out the code
2. npm install
3. emulator running in separate terminal
4. npm run android

LueHsoft LueH LABS Lue Hang luehang

🔷 Author

Free and made possible along with costly maintenance and updates by Lue Hang (the author).

🔷 Contribute

Pull requests are welcomed.

🔷 Contributors

Contributors will be posted here.

🔹 Beginners

Not sure where to start, or a beginner? Take a look at the issues page.

🔷 License

MIT © Lue Hang, as found in the LICENSE file.

Dependencies (3)

Dev Dependencies (14)

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npm i react-native-camera-roll-selector

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  • luehang