
0.0.15 • Public • Published


Creates a src/_boilerplate folder that contains a set of tested folder structures to maintain order in projects.

NOTE: This is highjly opionionated and should be viewed as such.


As we needed mandatory JSLINT configuration to keep the world in order, this is also bolted in here, you may need to roll your jslint back if required.


This is hard wired to install and setup SASS the way our team uses it. This will add requirements and scripts. We use the SCSS files along side the nested components, as such adding a .scss file will compile as .css in the same loaction with matching name.

Using it

  1. Install

npm install -g react-folder-structure (Installed globally is a good call for CLI helpers)

  1. Run it!


  1. Remove it, once copied not much point in leaving it active.

npm remove -g react-folder-structure

OR Of course you could leve it installed if you like it. or just globally install it.

npm install -g react-folder-structure --save


You may be used to the layout of folders and sure they wont cause any havoc for your project. Running this command will just copy the folders into the source directory.

Copy to SRC!

cp -R src/_boilerplate/* src/

Remove _boilerplate

rm -rf src/_boilerplate

Folder Structure:

--| assets // Stylesheets, etc etc.
--| blueprints // Mock data or blueprint files
--| components // Where the react components live
--| config // Config files? possibly sensitive
--| constants // shared constants?
--| containers // Often these are views? or loaders for views.
--| helpers // We all know we need them some times.
--| routes  // router stuffs.
--| seed // Does your app seed some data? this is a good place for it.
--| store // Potential location for store and logical points.

.jslintrc.js => Added to root. 


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    npm i react-folder-structure

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    • g1derekl
    • phusedev
    • robynlarsen
    • leighbarnes