
0.1.1 • Public • Published


NPM version build status js-standard-style

Preview markdown files in a separate window. Markdown is formatted exactly the same as on Enki. Based on vmd.

Features | Installation | Usage | Examples | Command-line options



  • Enki style: The markdown content is rendered as close to the way it's rendered on Enki as possible.

  • File watching: Local files opened in vmd are watched for changes and the viewer will automatically update when a file has been changed. This makes it ideal for writing documents in your favorite text editor and get a live preview.

  • Standard input: View any markdown text from other programs by piping another program's output in to vmd. Check out the examples for cool use cases.

  • Drag & Drop: Drag files from your file browser or desktop on to a vmd window and render it. Hold the Shift key while dropping to open the file in a new window.

  • Navigation: Navigate within linked sections in a document, open relative links to other documents in the same window or in a new one (shift-click), and always be able to go back in the history. And open links to directories in your file manager and external links in your default browser.

  • Clipboard: Copy links and local file paths to the clipboard, and even copy images in binary format to paste them in to your image editing software.


$ npm install -g nk-md

Or download an executable from the release page


nk-md [FILE] [OPTIONS]

If no FILE is provided it will try to read from standard input.


Read a file from disk:

$ nk-md DOCUMENT.md

It reads from stdin so you can pipe markdown text in to it:

$ cat README.md | nk-md


  • -v, --version: Display the version number.

  • --versions: Display version numbers of different internal components such as Electron.

  • -h, --help: Display usage instructions.

  • -d, --devtools: Open with the developer tools open.

  • -z, --zoom=NUM: Set a zoom factor to make the content larger or smaller. For example --zoom=1.25

  • --styles-main=FILE: Provide a custom CSS file to display the content.

  • --styles-extra=FILE: Provide a custom CSS file to do additional styling. For example to override some CSS properties fr the default style.

  • --window-preservestate=false: By default vmd preserves the window state for the next session, set this option to false to disable this.




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  • mathieudutour