
3.0.4 • Public • Published


koco content management is a component used to create listing and editing pages for content management systems (CMS). It is an opinionated component based on the koco generator.

Table of contents


bower install koco-content-management --save

Creating a content listing page

About content listing page



Activator for content listing page (optional)

You can use the default activator (see koco-router activator contract for more information) by first adding this to your require.config.js file

paths: {
  'content-list-page-base-activator': 'bower_components/koco-content-management/src/listing/content-list-page-base-activator'

and then creating an activator that inherits from the content-list-page-base-activator

define(['./my-list-page-viewmodel', 'content-list-page-base-activator'],
    function(MyEditPageViewModel, ContentEditPageBaseActivator) {
        'use strict';
        var Activator = function() {
            var self = this;
            ContentEditPageBaseActivator.call(self, new MyEditPageViewModel());
        Activator.prototype = Object.create(ContentEditPageBaseActivator.prototype);
        Activator.prototype.constructor = Activator;
        return Activator;

Base ViewModel for content listing page

paths: {
  'content-list-page-base-viewmodel': 'bower_components/koco-content-management/src/listing/content-list-page-base-viewmodel'
  • Create a shareable viewmodel that is different than the main viewmodel -ui.js (the shareable viewmodel will be joined with the main viewmodel after the activation process). This shareable viewmodel should extend (see jQuery extend for more information) the base viewmodel (content-list-page-base-viewmodel) like this:

my-list-page-viewmodel.js -->

define(['knockout', 'jquery', 'content-list-page-base-viewmodel', 'my-rest-api'],
    function(ko, $, ContentEditPageBaseViewModel, myRestApi) {
        'use strict';
        //For example
        var defaultSearchFields = {
            keywords: ''
        var MyEditPageViewModel = function() {
            var contentEditPageBaseViewModel = new ContentEditPageBaseViewModel(myRestApi, 'myRestApiResource', defaultSearchFields);
            $.extend(contentEditPageBaseViewModel, this);
            var self = contentEditPageBaseViewModel;
            return self;
        return MyEditPageViewModel;
  • Create the main viewmodel for your content listing page. The main viewmodel will receive the shareable viewmodel as the context argument:

my-list-page-ui.js -->

define(['knockout', 'jquery', 'text!./my-list-page.html'],
    function(ko, $, template) {
        'use strict';
        var MyEditPageViewModel = function(context, componentInfo) {
            var self = this;
            $.extend(context, self);
            self = context;
            return self;
        return {
            viewModel: {
                createViewModel: function(context, componentInfo) {
                    var viewmodel = new MyEditPageViewModel(context, componentInfo);
                    return viewmodel;
            template: template

Creating a content editing page

About content editing page


Setup of content editing page

Activator for content editing page (optional)

You can use the default activator (see koco-router activator contract for more information) by first adding this to your require.config.js file

paths: {
  'content-edit-page-base-activator': 'bower_components/koco-content-management/src/listing/content-edit-page-base-activator'

and then creating an activator that inherits from the content-edit-page-base-activator

define(['./my-edit-page-viewmodel', 'content-edit-page-base-activator'],
    function(MyEditPageViewModel, ContentEditPageBaseActivator) {
        'use strict';
        var Activator = function() {
            var self = this;
            ContentEditPageBaseActivator.call(self, new MyEditPageViewModel());
        Activator.prototype = Object.create(ContentEditPageBaseActivator.prototype);
        Activator.prototype.constructor = Activator;
        return Activator;

Base ViewModel for content editing page

paths: {
  'content-edit-page-base-viewmodel': 'bower_components/koco-content-management/src/editing/content-edit-page-base-viewmodel'
  • Create a shareable viewmodel that is different than the main viewmodel -ui.js (the shareable viewmodel will be joined with the main viewmodel after the activation process). This shareable viewmodel should extend (see jQuery extend for more information) the base viewmodel (content-edit-page-base-viewmodel) like this:

my-edit-page-viewmodel.js -->

define(['knockout', 'jquery', 'content-edit-page-base-viewmodel', 'my-rest-api'],
    function(ko, $, ContentEditPageBaseViewModel, myRestApi) {
        'use strict';
        //For example
        self.defaultContent = {
            id: null,
            title: ''
        var MyEditPageViewModel = function() {
            var contentEditPageBaseViewModel = new ContentEditPageBaseViewModel(myRestApi, 'myRestApiResource', ko.mapping.fromJS(self.defaultContent));
            $.extend(contentEditPageBaseViewModel, this);
            var self = contentEditPageBaseViewModel;
            return self;
        return MyEditPageViewModel;
  • Create the main viewmodel for your content editing page. The main viewmodel will receive the shareable viewmodel as the context argument:

my-edit-page-ui.js -->

define(['knockout', 'jquery', 'text!./my-edit-page.html'],
    function(ko, $, template) {
        'use strict';
        var MyEditPageViewModel = function(context, componentInfo) {
            var self = this;
            $.extend(context, self);
            self = context;
            return self;
        return {
            viewModel: {
                createViewModel: function(context, componentInfo) {
                    var viewmodel = new MyEditPageViewModel(context, componentInfo);
                    return viewmodel;
            template: template

Registering Content Pages

The content management comes with a utility function that works well with koco and can be used this way:

// require.config.js
paths: {
    'content-management': 'bower_components/koco-content-management/src/content-management'
// components.js
define([..., 'content-management'], 
    function(contentManagement) {
        contentManagement.registerContentPages('my-content', {
                withActivator: true, //default:true
                editTitle: 'Editing My Content',
                listTitle: 'Listing My Content',
                listContentName: '' //default:adds an 's' at the end of the provided content name

Package Sidebar


npm i koco-content-management

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