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JerryJS is a mini framework Nodejs. It use Express for manage route and controller, Sequelize for communicate with database , Nunjucks for view template engine. JerryJS follow "Convention Over Configuration". We make some rules for reuse module across projects. This framework try to wrap all (model,controller,route,view) in module and you can easily import or export to another system. JerryJS includes some support modules for help developer manage system.

Setup JerryJS

Install jerryjs

$ npm install jerryjs

If you use database you need install some package depend on your database

$ npm install --save pg pg-hstore
$ npm install --save mysql // For both mysql and mariadb dialects
$ npm install --save sqlite3
$ npm install --save tedious // MSSQL

JerryJS Requirement

I write JerryJs with many feature of ES6. For run JerryJS you need iojs newest version.

Start JerryJS

For beginner

  1. Make a new project folder.
  2. Make a file server.js
'use strict';
var JerryJS = require("jerryjs");
var app = new JerryJS;
app.config({ force : true , manager : true , demo : true });
  1. Run a command
$ node server.js
  1. Go to browser with link http://localhost:8118/modules

  2. You can go to config/moduleConfig.json Change active property to true

  3. Restart application and go to http://localhost:8118/

JerryJS start option

File Desciption
force remake file module Manager every run node
manager enable 2 support module
demo enable demo module

For enable manager you need install 2 npm:

$npm install formidable adm-zip

JerryJS function

Function Desciption
config init JerryJS system
before Add firstly router(for authentication)

Easy to use Jerry generator

For easy to use JerryJs you should install jerryjs-generator

$ npm install -g jerryjs-generator //maybe need sudo

For create jerry structure

$ jerry scaffold // Make jerry folder

For make a module

$ jerry module <module name>    // render module with frontend and backend
$ jerry module <module name> -f // only render module with frontend
$ jerry module <module name> -b // only render module with backend

JerryJS project construction

-Your project
File Desciption
config All JerryJS config
modules folder contain all your modules
custom_filters nunjucks custom filter (optional)
layout backend, frontend layout (optional)
public resources(*.css , *.js, *.jpg , v.v)
server.js running JerryJS

JerryJS module construction

-JerryJS module

File Desciption
module.js File declare JerryJS module
admin Folder backend
admin/controllers/index.js declare backend controllers
admin/views partial views backend folder
admin/route.js backend router file
controllers/index.js declare frontend controllers
views partial views frontend folder
models file models sequelize of this module
route.js frontend router file

One module is not really have all this file. Module only need module.js file. Warning controllers must be declare in index file before use in router.

Make a module

'use strict';
class Index extends JerryModule {
        this.configurations  = {

module.exports = Index;

You must have . This name is unique in project.

Make a controller

Controller must be declared in file controllers/index.js

class Controllers extends JerryController {
        constructor(myModule) {
                this.index = function (req, res) {
                        res.send('Hello World');

module.exports = Controllers;

You should declare controller inside constructor for use myModule. myModule contain all information of your module.

Property Desciption
myModule.models Object module models. You can call own models or associated
myModule.configurations all info you set in module.js

Note :You can rename myModule

Render view

JerryJS has 2 methods to render view. They get template view from folder views inside each module, Some view you want to reuse put them in layout folder

myModule.render(view, option)

They return a promise with result is rendered html Example:

myModule.render("index.html", {data : queryResults})
.then(function(html){ res.send (html)})

Make a model

JerryJS use Sequelize for connect database. Put all models file in models folder. Sometime you want to call models of other module.You need make an associate models. Warning :You only use actived module models

"use strict";

module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
    let User = sequelize.define("user", {
        id : {type : DataTypes.INTEGER ,
            primaryKey : true,
        autoIncrement :true} ,
        name: DataTypes.STRING(60)
    }, {
        timestamps: false,
        freezeTableName: true
    return User;

For associate models add code like below under the freezeTableName property

classMethod :{
    associate : function () {
        return [
            [User.hasmany, 'book', {foreignKey: 'book_id'}]

models can has many association. Every association is a array with array[0] is method associate Sequelize, array[2] is model name, array[3] is option. You can find more information

for use models to query database :


You must code this inside controller. Sequelize support many method for query

Make a route

Jerryjs have all feature of express router. you must declare router inside constructor . You only call controllers of this module. if controller is declared, program will throw an error

'use strict';

class DemoRouter extends JerryRouter {

module.exports = DemoRouter;

Warning when deploy app

Remove module manager and route manager when deploy app.

Router file

JerryJS auto load router in actived module. This file only use for easy to debug your route. There are two categories: front and back.

Property Desciption
method method of router( POST, GET, DELETE, PUT)
path url you declare
regexp Regex express

You can use router manager module for a visual layout.

Module config file

JerryJS auto create a file moduleConfig.json. This file contain all modules info, you can change this file manually or using module manager layout.

Property Desciption
name module name
path module folder
active module status (only actived module be loaded)
associate List other modules link with this module.if module associated you call module models of all those modules.
order Order loading module (ascending). Order loading sometime make problems with order router.
Duplicate Only the first active module loaded.Other modules with same name will be added path to this array. Remember is unique in your project

Default settings Jerry

    app.use(express.static(JerryBase + '/public'));
        extended: false

For custom setting

  1. Make file express.js inside config folder
  2. Add setting like example
'use strict';
let express = require('express');
let bodyParser = require('body-parser');
let cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
let helmet = require('helmet');

module.exports = function(app) {
app.use(express.static(JerryBase + '/public'));
        extended: false

Nunjuck filter

Nunjucks support developer make custom filter. To install custom filter to JerryJS, you need create folder name 'custom_filters' and make a filter like this example Demo filter

"use strict";

let fs = require('fs');
let config = require(JerryBase + '/config/config');

module.exports = function (env) {
    env.addFilter('get_theme', function (name) {
        let theme_path = JerryBase + '/themes/' + config.themes + "/" + name;
        if (!fs.existsSync(theme_path)) {
            return 'default/' + name;
        } else {
            return config.themes + "/" + name;

Using middleware

Add middleware before or after app.config. This middleware auto active. Middleware after app.listen is disable. Read more about middleware at Express site

let app = new Jerry;

app.config({ manager : true , demo : true });


Sharing module

Many developer want to recycle module. With JerryJs you can save time to code.Only need zip your module folder and extract this to modules folder you can reuse this module. You can use layout 'modules' to extract module or use any software


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