
1.1.10 • Public • Published

hyper-material-box npm npm

The most hackable theme for your favorite terminal Hyper


🏁 Let's jump right in

All you need is two simple steps !!

📥 Installation

Just add the following script to your .hyper.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [ 'hyper-material-box' ],

Restart your Hyper.app.
Done 🎉

🔧 Config

You can add the following scripts to your .hyper.js, if you like what you see.

🔧 Color Scheme

The default color scheme is solarized-dark.

Currently, we provide our user over 30 beautiful color schemes (click the name to see the screenshot):

For example, if you like the material color scheme, you can add the following script:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      scheme: 'material',


🔧 User

You can override the default color scheme with the user section.

If your favorite color scheme isn't in the list, you can create a new scheme by yourself,
for example you can add the following script instead adding scheme: 'material':

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      user: {
        colors: {
          black: '#263238',
          red: '#FF5370',
          green: '#C3E88D',
          yellow: '#FFCB6B',
          blue: '#82AAFF',
          magenta: '#F07178',
          cyan: '#89DDFF',
          white: '#EEFFFF',
          lightBlack: '#546E7A',
          lightRed: '#FF5370',
          lightGreen: '#C3E88D',
          lightYellow: '#FFCB6B',
          lightBlue: '#82AAFF',
          lightMagenta: '#F07178',
          lightCyan: '#89DDFF',
          lightWhite: '#EEFFFF',
        // Default
        backgroundColor: '#263238',
        foregroundColor: '#CCCCCC',
        cursorColor: '#EEFFFF',
        borderColor: 'transparent',
        // Accent color
        accentColor: '#80CBC4',
        // Other (optional, it will be override by foregroundColor)
        tabTitleColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)',
        selectedTabTitleColor: '#EEFFFF',
        // css (optional)
        css: '',
        termCSS: '',

🔧 Selected Tab Flavor

The default selected tab flavor is underline.

You can change the selected tab flavor by set the selectedTabFlavor to preline, overline, filled or none:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      selectedTabFlavor: 'preline',


module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      selectedTabFlavor: 'overline',


module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      selectedTabFlavor: 'filled',


module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      selectedTabFlavor: 'none',


🔧 Highlight Selected Tab

highlight selected tab is disable by default

You can highlight the selected tab by set highlightSelectedTab to true:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      highlightSelectedTab: true,


🔧 Display Border

The border is hide by default.

You can enable the border by set the displayBorder to true:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      displayBorder: true,


🔧 Accent Color

You can change the accent color by set the user: { accentColor } to another color:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      user: {
        accentColor: 'red',


🔧 Light Effect

The overline selected tab flavors doesn't support light effect.

You can enable the light effect by set the lightEffect to true:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      lightEffect: true,


🔧 Background Opacity

The default background opacity is 1.0.

You can change the background opacity by set the backgroundOpacity to 0.1 ~ 0.9:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      backgroundOpacity: 0.5,


🔧 Background Vibrancy

Background vibrancy only available when background opacity value is between 0.1 ~ 0.9

You can enable the background vibrancy by set the backgroundVibrancy to true:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      backgroundVibrancy: true,


🔧 Auto Hide Title

auto hide title is disable by default

You can set the autoHideTitle to true, it will hide the title when the window only has one tab:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      autoHideTitle: true,


🔧 Hide Traffic-Lights

hide traffic light is disable by default

If you want to hide the traffic-lights, you can set the hideTrafficLights to true:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      hideTrafficLights: true,


🔧 Other

🔧 Left Close Button

left close button is disable by default

If you like the left close button, you can set the closeOnTheLeft to true:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    materialBox: {
      closeOnTheLeft: true,

❤️ Contributing to hyper-material-box

You can contribute your own color scheme to this project, see the CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.

⚡️ Credit

⚡️ The 80rave color scheme contributed by @PetrBarborka
⚡️ The apex color scheme inspired by apex/apex-syntax
⚡️ The auto hide title inspired by sindresorhus/hyper-hide-title
⚡️ The base16 color scheme family inspired by Base16
⚡️ The dracula color scheme inspired by Dracula — A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Brackets, Emacs, iTerm ...
⚡️ The gruvbox color scheme family inspired by Briles/gruvbox-atom
⚡️ The hide traffic-lights inspired by albinekb/hyperclean
⚡️ The left close button inspired by jhen0409/hyperterm-close-on-left
⚡️ The light effect inspired by simeydotme/hyperterm-gooey
⚡️ The material color scheme family inspired by equinusocio/material-theme
⚡️ The material UI inspired by equinusocio/hyper-material-theme
⚡️ The matrix color scheme inspired by giuseppeg/hyperterm-green
⚡️ The monokai color scheme inspired by the most popular color scheme for Sublime Text
⚡️ The nord color scheme inspired by arcticicestudio/nord-hyper
⚡️ The one-dark color scheme inspired by atom/one-dark-syntax
⚡️ The one-light color scheme inspired by atom/one-light-syntax
⚡️ The overline selected tab flavor inspired by pauldariye/hyper-midnight
⚡️ The predawn color scheme inspired by jamiewilson/predawn-hyperterm
⚡️ The preline selected tab flavor inspired by Kikobeats/hyper-flat
⚡️ The seti color scheme inspired by jesseweed/seti-syntax
⚡️ The snazzy color scheme contributed by @stoe
⚡️ The solarized color scheme faimly inspired by Solarized - Ethan Schoonover
⚡️ The tomorrow color scheme family inspired by chriskempson/tomorrow-theme

❤️ Thank you guys, you guys are all amazing !!! ❤️

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License, please see the 📄LICENSE.md for more details 👍

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