
0.5.0 • Public • Published

Express Hecate

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A convenience module for configuring and reversing routes in Express, like those in Play!

Table of Contents


  • Support for basic URL => controller + method mappings
  • Support for static directory mapping
  • Support for wildcard routing
  • Reversing, aka the ability to ask for the URL representing a given controller/method combination, optionally passing variables to be injected

The Routes file

Basic Mappings

The Routes file is the central feature of Hecate. It allows you to easily setup relationships between URL patterns and controller + method combinations.

The simplest example would be:

GET     /                       app.index

Hecate parses the Routes file and creates appropriate mappings against your Express app instance.

A URL pattern is anything that would be valid in a regular Express app.verb(url, fn) call. A controller + method combination is a string representing the path to the controller, and the method within it to execute, in the format path/to/controller.method.

A more detailed example:

GET     /                       app.index
GET     /about                  info.about
GET     /post/:id     
GET     /calendar/:id           calendar/

Static Directories

You can add a mapping to a static directory using the staticDir: directive. The format is like so:

GET     /                       staticDir:public

This is essentially the same as writing app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));. The advantage is you didn't actually have to specify this outside the Routes file. Because of the way Express handles static folders, the verb and the path are technically unnecessary, but are required in the routes file just for convenience and consistency.

Wildcard Routing

Hecate supports wildcard routing for controllers with a predictable URL schema. Wildcards are an easy way to expose all the methods of a given controller via a particular base URL. The format is:

GET     /info/{method}          info.{method}

This declaration in your Routes file will create routes for each function exposed on the info controller. So if info has two methods, say, about and faqs, it will create two route bindings, one each to /info/about and /info/faqs, with the corresponding methods configured to respond to them.


One of the most useful features of Hecate is the reverse() method. This allows you to ask for the URL representing a given controller + method combination, optionally including parameters which will be injected into the URL. Using the above sample Routes file:

Hecate.reverse('app.index');        // = '/'
Hecate.reverse('', 5);    // = '/posts/5'
Hecate.reverse('calendar/', {
    id: 4
});                                 // = '/calendar/4'
Hecate.reverse('', {
    id: 5,
    sort: 'desc'
});                                 // = '/posts/5?sort=desc'

Parameter binding supports named variables, object hashes, multiple arguments - pretty much every combination you could want to generate a URL. The order you supply arguments determines the order they are bound: first named variables will be filled, and then any leftover will be appended as key=value pairs. When using object hashes, named variables will be matched against the named field in the hash. If a named parameter is not supplied to the call, an exception is generated.

When you bind your routes against your Express app, Hecate is automatically made available via the app.locals object, using the name supplied for the templateVaroption (default: 'Hecate'). You can then access this from other places within your app, or in your templates.


var Hecate = require('express-hecate');
var app = express();
var hecate = new Hecate(options);



Default: app/controllers/

The root folder in which all controllers live (saves you having to specify complete paths continuously in the Routes file).


Default: config/routes.conf

The path to the Routes file that should be parsed.


Default: Hecate

Hecate is automatically made available to all views throughout an Express app by way of the app.locals object. The templateVar config option controls the name of the variable used on the app.locals object to store the Hecate instance.


My goal was to make configuring route => controller mappings in Express a less verbose experience. The amount of boilerplate required to map more than a handful of URLs to controllers seemed extravagant, so I wanted something that would do the majority of the work for me. Having come from a project built on the Play! framework, I found the way routes are defined in that quite pleasant and useful, so I decided to use that as my model.


See: for a sample application that demonstrates how to integrate Hecate in your Express application. It also features a slightly more thorough explanation of the core principles.


  • 0.5.0 - Adding support for wildcard routing.
  • 0.4.0 - Adding support for static directories, extensively improved error handling, rewrote documentation.
  • 0.3.4 - Documentation cleanup, fixing lint issues, reformatting, added changelog.
  • 0.3.3 - Vastly expanded support for objects and named variable references in reverse method.
  • 0.2.4 - Initial NPM release, basic binding support.

...Why Hecate?

Hecate is variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways. I wanted a name that was sufficiently unique (the plugin space already being fairly crowded) and hopefully memorable, so I started thinking abstractly about routes and travelling and from there to the gods associated with such endeavours. Also, Hecate has some personal significance, and I'm a sentimentalist at heart.




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  • pascal.zajac