A modern, streaming client for server-sent events/eventsource.
Yes! There are indeed lots of different EventSource clients and polyfills out there. In fact, I am a co-maintainer of the most popular one. This one is different in a few ways, however:
- Works in both Node.js and browsers with minimal amount of differences in code
- Ships with both ESM and CommonJS versions
- Uses modern APIs such as the
API and Web Streams - Does NOT attempt to be API-compatible with the browser EventSource API:
- Supports async iterator pattern
- Supports any request method (POST, PATCH, DELETE etc)
- Supports setting custom headers
- Supports sending a request body
- Supports configurable reconnection policies
- Supports subscribing to any event (eg if event names are not known)
- Supports subscribing to events named
- Supports setting initial last event ID
npm install --save eventsource-client
- Node.js >= 18
- Chrome >= 63
- Safari >= 11.3
- Firefox >= 65
- Edge >= 79
- Deno >= 1.30
- Bun >= 1.1.23
Basically, any environment that supports:
import {createEventSource} from 'eventsource-client'
const es = createEventSource({
url: 'https://my-server.com/sse',
// your `fetch()` implementation of choice, or `globalThis.fetch` if not set
fetch: myFetch,
let seenMessages = 0
for await (const {data, event, id} of es) {
console.log('Data: %s', data)
console.log('Event ID: %s', id) // Note: can be undefined
console.log('Event: %s', event) // Note: can be undefined
if (++seenMessages === 10) {
// IMPORTANT: EventSource is _not_ closed automatically when breaking out of
// loop. You must manually call `close()` to close the connection.
import {createEventSource} from 'eventsource-client'
const es = createEventSource({
url: 'https://my-server.com/sse',
onMessage: ({data, event, id}) => {
console.log('Data: %s', data)
console.log('Event ID: %s', id) // Note: can be undefined
console.log('Event: %s', event) // Note: can be undefined
// your `fetch()` implementation of choice, or `globalThis.fetch` if not set
fetch: myFetch,
console.log(es.readyState) // `open`, `closed` or `connecting`
// Later, to terminate and prevent reconnections:
import {createEventSource} from 'eventsource-client'
const es = createEventSource('https://my-server.com/sse')
for await (const {data} of es) {
console.log('Data: %s', data)
- [ ] Figure out what to do on broken connection on request body
- [ ] Configurable stalled connection detection (eg no data)
- [ ] Configurable reconnection policy
- [ ] Consider legacy build
MIT © Espen Hovlandsdal