
1.11.56 • Public • Published

d u s t m a n

Version TravisCI Built with nodejs 5.4.1 NPM MIT licence

Release 1.11.X details

Type Description
fix First empty action of the build folder not works always
fix Restores javascript sourcemaps
fix Changes node dependencies for compatibility reasons
fix Update node dependencies
feature Build process is now integrated with desktop notifications

Gulp + YAML config based front-end automation boilerplate

Dustman is basically a set of Gulp tasks ready to be used as a build system which helps you to:

Build CSS

  • Build SASS or LESS autodetected with multiple themes.
  • Dynamic tasks with selective YAML configuration for every theme.
  • CSSlint tests.
  • StyleStats reports.
  • Autoprefixer for automated multiple browser support.
  • CSS vendors and assets already optimized for production environments.
  • Everything minimized in one file and with map support.

Build JavaScript

  • Apps with dependencies in sequence you need.
  • Everything minimized in one file and with map support.

Build HTML

  • Build Twig templates to HTML pages.
  • BrowserSync ready to be tested on multiple devices.
  • Faker ready to be used to add fake contents easily.
  • [Moment] ready to be used with faker to format dates easily.
  • HTML prettified to have consistently coded HTML templates.

Watch and Serve with HTTP server

  • Watch files automation tasks listeners to update your build automatically.
  • BrowserSync support to check CSS, JavaScript and HTML coded.

Gulp 4 alpha

At the moment Dustman is based on Gulp 4 which is in alpha release status so use it on your own risk! I didn't noticed any problems, but I didn't tested it in many environments.

Why Gulp 4?

  • Because it has a superior task concatenation system compared to the previous major release.
  • Because the watcher and the build system are faster.


The installation command will install dustman module in your package file and copy the dustman files to your project directory:

npm install --save dustman
cp -i ./node_modules/dustman/dustman.yml dustman.yml
cp -i ./node_modules/dustman/gulpfile.js gulpfile.js

The flag -i will prompt if you want to overwrite an existing file in the target directory.

Build suite

Dustman has a set of main tasks which uses a set of sub tasks in sequence.

Main tasks

The idea behind Dustman is to use a set of Gulp main tasks which shouldn't be changed, and decide how to build by adding or removing the sub tasks listed in the tasks YAML configuration.


$ gulp

You can choose a different config by using --config paramter.

$ gulp --config another-config.yml

All tasks can run locally with ./node_modules/.bin/gulp taskname in the tasks table will be used gulp taskname to be easy to read.

$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp --config another-config.yml --silent

Note: Tasks with --silent or -S flag will stop firing Gulp task logs, but you can miss errors not checked by dustman.


If js.watch, css.watch and html.watch watched folder's files changes, the watcher will perform a new build.

$ gulp watch

The abbreviation command for watch is w

$ gulp w

Server + watcher

If js.watch, css.watch and html.watch watched folder's files changes, the watcher will perform a new build.

A server based on browser sync node module will serve the HTML templates.

$ gulp http

The abbreviation command for http is h

$ gulp h

Sub tasks

In the dustman.yml config, you can select the tasks (css, js or html) to be used to choose what will be built.

  - css
  - js
#  - html # skip HTML tasks 

Shell commands

You can run shell commands with shell parameters in config:

    - echo before build task command 01
    - echo before build task command 02
    - echo after build task command

JavaScript task file generator

If you use this YAML config:

  file: dustman.min.js
    - my/js/development/file.js
    file: vendors.min.js
    merge: true
      - vendor/angular/angular.js

Dustman will generate these files:

dustman.min.js # [ dev files + vendors ]
dustman.no-vendors.min.js # [ dev files only ]
vendors.min.js # [ vendors only, used for caching vendors and skip its build time ]

If you use this YAML config:

  file: dustman.min.js
    - my/js/development/file.js
    file: vendors.min.js
    merge: false
      - vendor/angular/angular.js

Dustman will generate these files:

dustman.min.js # [ dev files only ]
vendors.min.js # [ vendors only, will be generated only the first time ]

Config example

  - css  # optional [skipped] 
  - js   # optional [skipped] 
  - html # optional [skipped] 
  autoprefixer: # optional [defaults] 
      - last 3 versions
  csslint: csslintrc.json # optional [defaults] 
  stylestats: .stylestatsrc # optional [defaults] 
  prettify: # optional [defaults] 
    indent_char: ' '
    indent_size: 2
  faker: # optional [defaults] 
    locale: it
  twig: # optional [defaults] 
    cache: false
  osNotifications: true # optional [true] 
  emptyFolders: false # optional [true] 
  polling: 500 # optional [false] 
  verify: true # optional [false] 
  verbose: 3 # optional [3] 
css: # optional [required by sub task css if used] 
  file: themes-with-vendors.min.css # optional [dustman.min.css] 
  watch: my/sass/files/**/*.scss # optional [./**/*.scss] 
  path: my/sass/path/ # optional [inherit path.css] 
      name: theme-one # optional [theme-0] 
      file: theme-one.css # optional [theme-0.css] 
      compile: my/sass/files/theme-one/import.scss
      images: my/sass/files/themes/default/img/**/*.* # optional [skipped] 
      fonts: my/sass/files/themes/default/img/**/*.* # optional [skipped] 
      csslint: true # optional [false] 
      path: my/sass/path/ # optional [inherit path.css] 
      stylestats: true # optional [false] 
      autoprefixer: true # optional [false] 
      name: theme-two # optional [theme-1] 
      file: theme-two.css # optional [theme-1.css] 
      compile: my/sass/files/theme-two/import.scss
      csslint: false # optional [false] 
      stylestats: false # optional [false] 
      autoprefixer: false # optional [false] 
  vendors: # optional 
    file: vendors.min.css
    merge: true  # optional [true] 
    path: custom/path/ # optional [inherit path.css] 
      - vendor/angular/angular-csp.css
      - vendor/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-csp.css
      - vendor/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css
      - vendor/angular-chart.js/dist/angular-chart.css
js: # optional [required by sub task js if used] 
  file: app-with-vendors.min.js # optional [dustman.min.js] 
  watch: my/js/files/**/*.js # optional [./**/*.js] 
  merge: true # optional [true] 
  path: my/sass/path/ # optional [inherit path.js] 
    - my/js/files/*
  vendors: # optional 
    file: vendors.min.js
    path: custom/path/ # optional [inherit path.js] 
    merge: true # optional [true] 
      - vendor/angular/angular.js
      - vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.js
      - vendor/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js
      - vendor/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap.js
      - vendor/Chart.js/Chart.js
      - vendor/angular-chart.js/dist/angular-chart.js
      - vendor/angular-cookies/angular-cookies.js
      - vendor/angular-dynamic-locale/dist/tmhDynamicLocale.js
      - vendor/angular-flash/angular-flash.js
      - vendor/angular-route/angular-route.js
shell: # optional [skipped] 
  before: # optional [skipped] 
    - echo before build task command 01
    - echo before build task command 02
  after: # optional [skipped] 
    - echo after build task command
vendors: # optional [skipped] 
  fonts: # optional [skipped] 
    - vendor/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
    - vendor/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
    - vendor/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
    - vendor/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
    - vendor/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
    - vendor/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  images: # optional [skipped] 
    - vendor/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
html: # optional [required by sub task html if used] 
  engine: twig # optional [html] 
  fixtures: # optional [false] 
    images: images.json
    foo: foo.json
  watch: test/examples/twig/**/*.twig
    - test/examples/twig/index.twig
  server: my/build/
  css: my/build/css/
  images: my/build/img/
  fonts: my/build/fonts/
  js: my/build/js/

Load a sub config file

Now it's possible to load config portions based on task type

  - css
  - html
  - js
config: path/relative/to/this/config.yml
css: path/relative/to/this/config.yml
html: path/relative/to/this/config.yml
js: path/relative/to/this/config.yml
paths: path/relative/to/this/config.yml
vendors: path/relative/to/this/config.yml
shell: path/relative/to/this/config.yml

Config parameters


Config parameters with links comes from related plug-in configurations

Parameter Example value Type Description
config mixed Object It contains CSS options
config.autoprefixer mixed Object gulp-autoprefixer
config.csslint path/csslintrc.json String It contains CSSlint options path
config.emptyFolders true Boolean Deletes file contents inside paths.server to keep the build clean
config.faker mixed Object https://github.com/marak/Faker.js/
config.prettify mixed Object https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-html-prettify
config.stylestats path/.stylestatsrc String It contains Stylestats options path
config.twig mixed Object gulp-twig
config.osNotifications true Boolean Enables OS desktop notifications
config.polling 500 mixed Set millisecs of polling to the Gulp watcher to prevent missing Vagrant NFS filesync with local system and VM, it's false by default
config.verbose 3 Integer The verbose value, 0: no messages, 3: all message logs
config.verify true Boolean Checks if all dustman generated files are created on the machine


Parameter Example value Type Description
css mixed Object It contains CSS options
css.file dustman.min.css String The name of the merged and minified CSS with vendors and SASS or LESS themes
css.path path/to/css/ String If this theme should be built in a specific folder
css.themes mixed Array It contains theme with it's config
css.themes mixed Array It contains theme object with it's config
css.themes[].autoprefixer true Boolean If the build will add prefixes to the CSS theme
css.themes[].compile -path/theme.sass String Path to the CSS theme, can be SASS or LESS
css.themes[].csslint true Boolean If theme need to be tested
css.themes[].file theme-name.min.css String The name of the single theme built
css.themes[].fonts path/__/.** String Fonts path related to theme
css.themes[].images path/__/.** String Images path related to theme
css.themes[].merge true Boolean If this theme should be in the final merged CSS file
css.themes[].name theme-name String The name will be listed in the build logs, based on config.verbose
css.themes[].path path/to/css/ String If this theme should be built in a specific folder
css.themes[].stylestats true Boolean If this theme is passed to stylestats report
css.vendors mixed Object It contains CSS vendors options
css.vendors.file vendors.min.css String The name of the merged and minified vendors CSS
css.vendors.merge true Boolean If vendors will be merged into the final CSS file
css.vendors.files -vendors/file.css Array Files listed for the merged CSS vendors build
css.watch path/__/.js* String Files watched from the main task watcher


Parameter Example value Type Description
js mixed Object It contains JavaScript options
js.file dustman.min.js String The name of the merged and minified JavaScript
js.path path/to/js/ String If this theme should be built in a specific folder
js.watch path/__/.js* String Files watched from the main task watcher
js.files -path/file.js Array Files listed for the JavaScript build, it can also be a conatiner path like -path/app/*
js.vendors mixed Object It contains CSS vendors options
js.vendors.file vendors.min.js String The name of the merged and minified vendors JS
js.vendors.merge true Boolean If vendors will be merged into the final JS file
js.vendors.files -vendors/file.css Array Files listed for the merged JS vendors build


Parameter Example value Type Description
paths mixed Object It contains build path targets
paths.server path/to/html/ String Path where the Browser sync local server will point and Twig will be generated
paths.css path/to/html/css/ String Where CSS files will be moved from source targets to the production folders
paths.images path/to/html/images/ String Where images files will be moved from source targets to the production folders
paths.fonts path/to/html/fonts/ String Where fonts files will be moved from source targets to the production folders
paths.js path/to/html/js/ String Where js files will be moved from source targets to the production folders


Shell node module doesn't seems to support every command

Parameter Example value Type Description
shell mixed Object It contains shell tasks options
shell.before -bash command Array Bash commands will be executed in series before the build tasks
shell.after -bash command Array Bash commands will be executed in series after the build tasks


Parameter Example value Type Description
tasks -css Array It contains the sub tasks pipeline build sequence

You can add css, js and html


Parameter Example value Type Description
html mixed Object It contains twig options
html.engine twig String The engine used, Twig or HTML for now (html by default)
html.watch path/__/.twig* String Files watched from the main task watcher
html.files -path/file.twig Array Files listed for the HTML build
html.fixtures mixed Object A list of property which points to json files that will be loaded with the same property name, if you set fixtures.images to images.json in the twig you'll get json contents {{ fixtures.images[0].title }}


Parameter Example value Type Description
vendors mixed Object It contains vendors options
vendors.fonts -vendors/font.ttf Array Files listed to be moved on fonts production folder
vendors.images -vendors/image.svg Array Files listed to be moved on images production folder

Previous release details

Release 1.10.X details

Type Description
fix Skips removing build folder if it's the first build process
fix Check if emptyFolders is set to prevent removed vendors after the first build of the watcher
feature Build folders are automatically emptied, can be skipped with confing.emptyFolders

Release 1.9.X details

Type Description
fix Fixes fixtures path
optimization Now you can load configs for config, paths, tasks, shell and vendors properties too
feature TWIG can load json fixtures

Release 1.8.X details

Type Description
feature Config can load another config

Release 1.7.X details

Type Description
optimization Updates node packages
fix Fix css task when not used
feature Adds moment to twig

Release 1.6.X details

Type Description
change Moves to node_modules temp folders no-vendors.js file when built

Release 1.5.X details

Type Description
fix Wrong polling settings if disabled
fix Now JS task can be with vendors only
fix Adds a missing warning if -S flag is passed to Gulp task
optimization Adds abbreviation command for Gulp's http task, now can be called just with h
optimization Adds abbreviation command for Gulp's watch task, now can be called just with w
fix Corrects a wrong file check on CSS task for verify task
fix Ensure CSS and JS tasks can be empty also on files verify task
fix Ensure HTML task can be empty also on files verify task
optimization Files list concatentation is more easy to read
optimization Adds toString to message logs
optimization Adds toString to path errors
optimization Now vendors are disabled by default to ensure CSS and JS vendors to be optional
fix CSS and JS vendors now are optional
fix Fix wrong file path on JS vendors save
feature Adds additional path properties to css and js tasks

Release 1.4.X details

Type Description
fix Check between system node version and required version correctly
fix Removed old task name twig for html to verify files correctly
optimization Add system node version check to notify if it's too old
optimization Add timed to important messages to be more easy to read
fix Fix wrong task error for watched dustman folders
fix Fix missing config file message
optimization Added missing vendors warning if it's thrown a file not found error
test Added travis tests
feature Added engine selection for HTML build

Release 1.3.X details

Type Description
feature Added polling option to Gulp watcher to prevent missing Vagrant NFS filesync with local system and VM

Release 1.2.X details

Type Description
fix Optimized files verification to be of their relative task modules
coding standard Remove unused comments
fix Fix shell tasks not started properly
feature Now it's possible to verify files built to ensure everything work as expected

Release 1.1.X details

Type Description
optimization If JS or CSS vendor files are removed they will be built again
fix Fix wrong name notice log for fonts vendors
fix Fix vendors assets always skipping from build
fix Fix wrong default JavaScript path for vendors
fix Decommented missing minimized JavaScript files
optimization Task logs are more consistent
optimization Critical build speed improvement, with vendors cached after first build
change Change how CSS and JavaScript vendors are built

Dustman is coded with love by vitto @ ideato

Dependencies (36)

Dev Dependencies (1)

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  • vitto