
0.1.14 • Public • Published


Description | Install | Usage example | Options | Events | Development

Example Back-End server


The tree comment component for Vue.js 3 Demo.
I draw your attention to the fact that this component is not finished yet, its functionality can be changed, removed and supplemented.

  • Add / edit / delete comments.
  • Adding files. If there is more than one file - view in the form of a gallery.
  • Emoji. Unicode characters are used as emoji. The representation of the emoji depend of the system. Will be possible that the system don't have all the representations.
  • Convert http / https to hyperlink.
  • Loading comments.
  • The ability to limit the display of text by the number of lines / characters.
  • Likes / Dislikes.
  • Adaptation for mobile devices.


npm install @x-store/vue-comments --save


yarn add @x-store/vue-comments
import Comments from '@x-store/vue-comments'
import '@x-store/vue-comments/dist/vue-comments.css'

Usage example

options - component settings

commentsData - initialization data. The description of the fields can be found at this link: Back-End

options.user.auth - the parameter must be "true" so that the user can leave comments / like.

<Comments :options="options" :commentsData="comments" />

import Comments from '@x-store/vue-comments'
import '@x-store/vue-comments/dist/vue-comments.css'

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      options: {
        dataApi: {
          vote: {
            url: "/api/comments/vote/",
          commentAdd: {
            url: "/api/comments/",
          commentDelete: {
            url: "/api/comments/",
          commentEdit: {
            url: "/api/comments/",
          commentsListGet: {
            url: "/api/comments/",
        user: {
          auth: true,
          name: "Jhon",
          img: "https://evgeniysaschenko.github.io/vue-comments/user.jpg"
      comments: {
        mapItems: {
          0: { items: [1549], quantity: 1 },
          1549: { items: [1550], quantity: 1 },
          1550: { items: [], quantity: 0 },
        items: {
          1549: {
            dateCreate: 1632329876,
            dateUpdate: 1632329889,
            dislike: 0,
            like: 0,
            voteValue: 0,
            files: [],
            id: 1549,
            isManageDelete: false,
            isManageEdit: false,
            parentId: 0,
            text: "text 😇😇😇😇",
            userImg: "https://evgeniysaschenko.github.io/vue-comments/user.jpg",
            userName: "Jhon",
          1550: {
            dateCreate: 1632329876,
            dateUpdate: 1632329889,
            dislike: 0,
            like: 50,
            voteValue: 1,
            files: [
                name: "image 1",
                preview: "https://evgeniysaschenko.github.io/vue-comments/preview.jpg",
                src: "https://evgeniysaschenko.github.io/vue-comments/image.jpg",
            id: 1550,
            isManageDelete: false,
            isManageEdit: false,
            parentId: 1549,
            text: "text text",
            userImg: "",
            userName: "Ivan",

You can change the options after the component has been mounted by using Object.assign():

Object.assign(this.options, { validExtensions: ["jpg"] });

If initialization data needs to be received asynchronously, use v-if to display the component:

  <Comments v-if="isShow" :commentsData="comments" />

  export default {
    components: {
    async created() {
      let response = await fetch("/api/comments/?parentId=0&createUser=1");
      let comments = await response.json();
      this.comments = comments;
      this.isShow = true;
    data() {
      return {
        isShow: false,
        comments: {},
        user: {
          auth: true,
          img: "https://vue-comments.ua-ix.biz/images/users/2.jpg"


You can change the behavior of the component using the options

Options description

Current user

Parameter Type Default Description
name String User Name User name
img String image user User avatar
auth Boolean false This parameter allows you to add comments if set to "true"


Parameter Type Default Description
filesMaxCount Number Infinity Maximum number of files to upload
validExtensions Array ["jpg", "png", "jpeg", "jpeg", "gif", "svg", "wbpp"] Allowed file extensions
isShowBtnUpload Boolean true Show button to download files


Parameter Type Default Description
isScrollToComment Boolean true Scroll to added comment
text.minLength Number 0 Minimum text length
text.maxLength Number 1000 Maximum text length
text.briefMaxLength Number 150 Maximum length of preview text (after which the "More" button is added)
text.briefMaxLine Number / String 4 Maximum number of lines of preview text (after which the "More" button is added).The values "none" and "number greater than 0"
list.mainShowStart Number 5 On first boot The number of comments in the main list before "Show more"
list.secondShowStart Number 1 On first boot The number of comments in the nested list before "Show more" appears
list.mainShow Number 5 Сlick "Show more" The number of comments that are displayed in the main list when you click on the button "Show more"
list.secondShow Number 3 Сlick "Show more" The number of comments that are displayed in the second list when you click on the button "Show more"
deleteCommentBefore Function () => <br>{ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve } You can describe here the action that must be performed before deleting a comment. If resolve() is called, the comment will be removed, unless reject() the comment is removed.
deleteCommentAfter Function () => <br>{ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve } You can describe here the action that must be performed after deleting a comment. If resolve() is called, the action will be committed, If reject() is called, the action will not be performed.


Parameter Type Default Description
translation.btnAnswer String Answer Answer button
translation.btnЕxpand String More Expand text button
translation.btnCollapse String Collapse Collapse button
translation.btnFileDownload String Download File download button
translation.fileDelete String Delete File delete button
translation.fileRestore String Restore File restore button
translation.dateToday String Today Text of today's date "Today"
translation.dateYesterday String Yesterday Yesterday's date text "Yesterday"
translation.dateEditedText String Edited Text before editing date
translation.settingsDelete String Delete Delete setting text
translation.settingsEdit String Edit Edit setting text
translation.btnMore String Show more Button "Show more" comments
translation.btnMoreAnswers String Show answers Button "Show answers" comments
translation.formPlaceholder String Add a comment Placeholder form
translation.btnСancelEditing String Сancel editing Answer button
translation.formAnswerTo String Answer to Phrase in the form when replying to a comment
translation.messageFileParams String Maximum file size 2 Mb, supported extentions: jpg, png, jpeg, jpeg, gif, svg, wbpp Information about the maximum file size and supported extensions
translation.errorFormSend String Error sending form If this field is replaced with an empty string, the response from the server can be used as an error message (the response must be a string)
translation.errorVoteSend String Error sending vote
translation.errorUnexpected String Unexpected error
translation.errorGetComments String Error get comments
translation.errorFileExtension String Error file extension
translation.errorFileSize String Error file size
translation.errorFileMaxCount String Error file limit exceeded
translation.errorTextLength String The length of the text must be between 0 and 1000 characters

Data Api

Parameter Type Default Description
dataApi.vote Object send: function
url: "/"
params.method: "POST"
typeData: "form-data"
Like / Dislike
dataApi.commentsListGet Object send: function
url: "/"
params.method: "GET"
typeData: "query"
Get a list of comments
dataApi.commentAdd Object send: function
url: "/"
params.method: "POST"
typeData: "form-data"
Add a comment
dataApi.commentEdit Object send: function
url: "/"
params.method: "PUT"
typeData: "form-data"
Edit a comment
dataApi.commentDelete Object send: function
url: "/"
params.method: "DELETE"
typeData: "form-data"
Delete a comment

url - url of the server that processes the request

typeData - Indicates how to prepare data for sending to the server. The options could be like this json, query, form-data

params - the method of sending is specified here, you can also add additional headers

send: function - this function is used to send data to the server, it uses the "fetch" method, if you need to use another method, the "send" function can be replaced with your own, but it must accept and return data as the code below does:

send: ({ url, params }) => {
  return fetch(url, params).then((response) => {
    if (!response.ok) {
      return response.json().then((error)=> {
        throw error?.error;
    return response.json();


Parameter Type Default Description
parentIdStart Number / String 0 This id is for mapItems, it describes the first level of comments.
emojiLilst Array ["😀", "😃", "😄", "😁", "😆", "😅", "😂", "🤣", "😇", "😉", "😊", "🙂", "🙃", "😋", "😌", "😍", "🥳", "😘", "😗", "😚", "🤪", "😜", "😎", "😓", "👌", "👋", "👍", "👎"] List emoji
formAddShowAlways Boolean true Using this parameter, you can show or hide the form for adding a comment. This may be needed if you do not want to show the form when the user is not logged in.
btnAnswerShowAlways Boolean true Use this option to show or hide the Reply to Comment button. This may be needed if you do not want to show the button when the user is not logged in.
imgDefaultUser String image user Default user avatar.
isShowVote Boolean true If true, like / dislike buttons are displayed
isShowBtnEmoji Boolean true Show button Emoji
yourCssClass String You can add your css class to the parent tag

Options example

        parentIdStart: 0,
        isShowVote: true,
        yourCssClass: "",
        filesMaxCount: Infinity,
        fileMaxSize: 2097152,
        validExtensions: ["jpg", "png", "jpeg", "jpeg", "gif", "svg", "wbpp"],
        emojiLilst: ["😀", "😃", "😄", "😁", "😆", "😅", "😂", "🤣", "😇", "😉", "😊", "🙂", "🙃", "😋", "😌", "😍", "🥳", "😘", "😗", "😚", "🤪", "😜", "😎", "😓", "👌", "👋", "👍", "👎"],
        isScrollToComment: true,
        isShowBtnUpload: true,
        isShowBtnEmoji: true,
        text: {
          minLength: 0,
          maxLength: 1000,
          briefMaxLength: 150,
          briefMaxLine: 4,
        list: {
          mainShowStart: 5,
          secondShowStart: 1,
          mainShow: 5,
          secondShow: 3,
        translation: {
          btnAnswer: "Answer",
          btnЕxpand: "More",
          btnCollapse: "Collapse",
          btnFileDownload: "Download",
          formPlaceholder: "Add a comment",
          fileDelete: "Delete",
          fileRestore: "Restore",
          dateToday: "Today",
          dateYesterday: "Yesterday",
          settingsDelete: "Delete",
          settingsEdit: "Edit",
          dateEditedText: "Edited:",
          btnСancelEditing: "Сancel editing",
          btnMore: "Show more",
          btnMoreAnswers: "Show answers",
          formAnswerTo: "Answer to",
            "Maximum file size 2 Mb, supported extentions: jpg, png, jpeg, jpeg, gif, svg, wbpp",
          errorFormSend: "Error sending form",
          errorVoteSend: "Error sending vote",
          errorUnexpected: "Unexpected error",
          errorGetComments: "Error get comments",
          errorFileExtension: "Error file extension",
          errorFileSize: "Error file size",
          errorFileMaxCount: "Error file limit exceeded",
          errorTextLength: "The length of the text must be between 0 and 1000 characters",

        dataApi: {
          vote: {
            send: ({ url, params }) => {
              return fetch(url, params).then((response) => {
                if (!response.ok) {
                  return response.json().then((error)=> {
                    throw error?.error;
                return response.json();
            url: "/",
            params: {
              method: "POST",
            typeData: "",
          commentsListGet: {
            send: ({ url, params }) => {
              return fetch(url, params).then((response) => {
                if (!response.ok) {
                  return response.json().then((error)=> {
                    throw error?.error;
                return response.json();
            url: "/",
            params: {
              method: "GET",
            typeData: "query",
          commentAdd: {
            send: ({ url, params }) => {
              return fetch(url, params).then((response) => {
                if (!response.ok) {
                  return response.json().then((error)=> {
                    throw error?.error;
                return response.json();
            url: "/",
            params: {
              method: "POST",
            typeData: "",
          commentEdit: {
            send: ({ url, params }) => {
              return fetch(url, params).then((response) => {
                if (!response.ok) {
                  return response.json().then((error)=> {
                    throw error?.error;
                return response.json();
            url: "/",
            params: {
              method: "PUT",
            typeData: "",
          commentDelete: {
            send: ({ url, params }) => {
              return fetch(url, params).then((response) => {
                if (!response.ok) {
                  return response.json().then((error)=> {
                    throw error?.error;
                return response.json();
            url: "/",
            params: {
              method: "DELETE",
            typeData: "",
        user: {
          name: "User Name",
          img: "/img/default-user.png",
          auth: false,
        formAddShowAlways: true,
        btnAnswerShowAlways: true,
        imgDefaultUser: "/img/default-user.png",
        deleteCommentBefore: () => {
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        deleteCommentAfter: () => {
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {


You can get information about what action the user has taken (for example, the user has put a like), for this you need to add a message-comment listener to the component

Events example

<Comments @message-comment="messageComment($event)" />

export default {
  methods: {
    messageComment(data) {

Events description

Type Description
comment-add Adding a comment
comment-edit Editing a comment
comment-delete Deleting a comment
comments-show By pressing the button "Show more comments"
vote Like / Dislike
user-no-auth If the user is not logged in

Development wich Docker

  1. Install docker
  2. In order for user to get "root" rights in "Docker", you must run the command:
    *This is not required, but if this is not done in some situations it may be inconvenient to work
  • For current user
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
  • For other user
sudo usermod -aG docker username123

After that, you need to restart your computer.

  1. To start developing. Run the following commands in the project folder:
  • Create container
docker compose build
  • Run container
docker compose up

Dev-server started in address http://localhost:8080/, api-sever started in address http://localhost:8888/

  1. Preparation for publication in "NPM" / "GitHub":
  • Create "build files" in Docker (npm run build) and copy the files from Docker to a local computer
docker compose --file docker-compose-npm.yml up && docker cp -a vue-comments--front-end:/usr/src/app/vue-comments/dist-demo ./  && docker cp -a vue-comments--front-end:/usr/src/app/vue-comments/dist  ./
  1. The created folder "dist-demo" must be replaced with "https://github.com/EvgeniySaschenko/comments-api-server", in the folder "public"

  2. Upload all changes to https://github.com/. "vue-comments" publish to "npm". "comments-api-server" upload to https://vue-comments.ua-ix.biz/.

Useful Commands

  • Copy file from local computer to Docker container
docker cp -a ./package.json vue-comments--front-end:/usr/src/app/vue-comments
  • Copy a file from a Docker container to a local computer
docker cp -a vue-comments--front-end:/usr/src/app/vue-comments/dist ./

Dependencies (7)

Dev Dependencies (22)

Package Sidebar


npm i @x-store/vue-comments

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Unpacked Size

4 MB

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Last publish


  • saschenko