
5.0.0 • Public • Published


Client library for BatchService

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/windows_batch_batchservice
let windows_batch_batchservice = require('@datafire/windows_batch_batchservice').create();

.then(data => {


A client for issuing REST requests to the Azure Batch service.



This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 applications can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

  "applicationId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • applicationId required string: The ID of the application.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Lists all of the certificates that have been added to the specified account.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-certificates.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 certificates can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Adds a certificate to the specified account.

  "certificate": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • certificate required CertificateAddParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


You cannot delete a certificate if a resource (pool or compute node) is using it. Before you can delete a certificate, you must therefore make sure that the certificate is not associated with any existing pools, the certificate is not installed on any compute nodes (even if you remove a certificate from a pool, it is not removed from existing compute nodes in that pool until they restart), and no running tasks depend on the certificate. If you try to delete a certificate that is in use, the deletion fails. The certificate status changes to deleteFailed. You can use Cancel Delete Certificate to set the status back to active if you decide that you want to continue using the certificate.

  "thumbprintAlgorithm": "",
  "thumbprint": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • thumbprintAlgorithm required string: The algorithm used to derive the thumbprint parameter. This must be sha1.
    • thumbprint required string: The thumbprint of the certificate to be deleted.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Gets information about the specified certificate.

  "thumbprintAlgorithm": "",
  "thumbprint": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • thumbprintAlgorithm required string: The algorithm used to derive the thumbprint parameter. This must be sha1.
    • thumbprint required string: The thumbprint of the certificate to get.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



If you try to delete a certificate that is being used by a pool or compute node, the status of the certificate changes to deleteFailed. If you decide that you want to continue using the certificate, you can use this operation to set the status of the certificate back to active. If you intend to delete the certificate, you do not need to run this operation after the deletion failed. You must make sure that the certificate is not being used by any resources, and then you can try again to delete the certificate.

  "thumbprintAlgorithm": "",
  "thumbprint": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • thumbprintAlgorithm required string: The algorithm used to derive the thumbprint parameter. This must be sha1.
    • thumbprint required string: The thumbprint of the certificate being deleted.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Lists all of the jobs in the specified account.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-jobs.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • $expand string: An OData $expand clause.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 jobs can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



The Batch service supports two ways to control the work done as part of a job. In the first approach, the user specifies a Job Manager task. The Batch service launches this task when it is ready to start the job. The Job Manager task controls all other tasks that run under this job, by using the Task APIs. In the second approach, the user directly controls the execution of tasks under an active job, by using the Task APIs. Also note: when naming jobs, avoid including sensitive information such as user names or secret project names. This information may appear in telemetry logs accessible to Microsoft Support engineers.

  "job": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • job required JobAddParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Deleting a job also deletes all tasks that are part of that job, and all job statistics. This also overrides the retention period for task data; that is, if the job contains tasks which are still retained on compute nodes, the Batch services deletes those tasks' working directories and all their contents. When a Delete Job request is received, the Batch service sets the job to the deleting state. All update operations on a job that is in deleting state will fail with status code 409 (Conflict), with additional information indicating that the job is being deleted.

  "jobId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job to delete.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Gets information about the specified job.

  "jobId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • $expand string: An OData $expand clause.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



This replaces only the job properties specified in the request. For example, if the job has constraints, and a request does not specify the constraints element, then the job keeps the existing constraints.

  "jobId": "",
  "jobPatchParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job whose properties you want to update.
    • jobPatchParameter required JobPatchParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This fully replaces all the updatable properties of the job. For example, if the job has constraints associated with it and if constraints is not specified with this request, then the Batch service will remove the existing constraints.

  "jobId": "",
  "jobUpdateParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job whose properties you want to update.
    • jobUpdateParameter required JobUpdateParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Note that each task must have a unique ID. The Batch service may not return the results for each task in the same order the tasks were submitted in this request. If the server times out or the connection is closed during the request, the request may have been partially or fully processed, or not at all. In such cases, the user should re-issue the request. Note that it is up to the user to correctly handle failures when re-issuing a request. For example, you should use the same task IDs during a retry so that if the prior operation succeeded, the retry will not create extra tasks unexpectedly. If the response contains any tasks which failed to add, a client can retry the request. In a retry, it is most efficient to resubmit only tasks that failed to add, and to omit tasks that were successfully added on the first attempt. The maximum lifetime of a task from addition to completion is 7 days. If a task has not completed within 7 days of being added it will be terminated by the Batch service and left in whatever state it was in at that time.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskCollection": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job to which the task collection is to be added.
    • taskCollection required TaskAddCollectionParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



The Batch Service immediately moves the job to the disabling state. Batch then uses the disableTasks parameter to determine what to do with the currently running tasks of the job. The job remains in the disabling state until the disable operation is completed and all tasks have been dealt with according to the disableTasks option; the job then moves to the disabled state. No new tasks are started under the job until it moves back to active state. If you try to disable a job that is in any state other than active, disabling, or disabled, the request fails with status code 409.

  "jobId": "",
  "jobDisableParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job to disable.
    • jobDisableParameter required JobDisableParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


When you call this API, the Batch service sets a disabled job to the enabling state. After the this operation is completed, the job moves to the active state, and scheduling of new tasks under the job resumes. The Batch service does not allow a task to remain in the active state for more than 7 days. Therefore, if you enable a job containing active tasks which were added more than 7 days ago, those tasks will not run.

  "jobId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job to enable.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This API returns the Job Preparation and Job Release task status on all compute nodes that have run the Job Preparation or Job Release task. This includes nodes which have since been removed from the pool. If this API is invoked on a job which has no Job Preparation or Job Release task, the Batch service returns HTTP status code 409 (Conflict) with an error code of JobPreparationTaskNotSpecified.

  "jobId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job.
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-job-preparation-and-release-status.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 tasks can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Task counts provide a count of the tasks by active, running or completed task state, and a count of tasks which succeeded or failed. Tasks in the preparing state are counted as running.

  "jobId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



For multi-instance tasks, information such as affinityId, executionInfo and nodeInfo refer to the primary task. Use the list subtasks API to retrieve information about subtasks.

  "jobId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job.
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-tasks.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • $expand string: An OData $expand clause.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 tasks can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



The maximum lifetime of a task from addition to completion is 7 days. If a task has not completed within 7 days of being added it will be terminated by the Batch service and left in whatever state it was in at that time.

  "jobId": "",
  "task": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job to which the task is to be added.
    • task required TaskAddParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


When a task is deleted, all of the files in its directory on the compute node where it ran are also deleted (regardless of the retention time). For multi-instance tasks, the delete task operation applies synchronously to the primary task; subtasks and their files are then deleted asynchronously in the background.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job from which to delete the task.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task to delete.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


For multi-instance tasks, information such as affinityId, executionInfo and nodeInfo refer to the primary task. Use the list subtasks API to retrieve information about subtasks.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job that contains the task.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task to get information about.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • $expand string: An OData $expand clause.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Updates the properties of the specified task.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "taskUpdateParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job containing the task.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task to update.
    • taskUpdateParameter required TaskUpdateParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Lists the files in a task's directory on its compute node.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job that contains the task.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task whose files you want to list.
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-task-files.
    • recursive boolean: Whether to list children of the task directory. This parameter can be used in combination with the filter parameter to list specific type of files.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 files can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Deletes the specified task file from the compute node where the task ran.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "filePath": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job that contains the task.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task whose file you want to delete.
    • filePath required string: The path to the task file or directory that you want to delete.
    • recursive boolean: Whether to delete children of a directory. If the filePath parameter represents a directory instead of a file, you can set recursive to true to delete the directory and all of the files and subdirectories in it. If recursive is false then the directory must be empty or deletion will fail.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Returns the content of the specified task file.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "filePath": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job that contains the task.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task whose file you want to retrieve.
    • filePath required string: The path to the task file that you want to get the content of.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • ocp-range string: The byte range to be retrieved. The default is to retrieve the entire file. The format is bytes=startRange-endRange.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


  • output object


Gets the properties of the specified task file.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "filePath": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job that contains the task.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task whose file you want to get the properties of.
    • filePath required string: The path to the task file that you want to get the properties of.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Reactivation makes a task eligible to be retried again up to its maximum retry count. The task's state is changed to active. As the task is no longer in the completed state, any previous exit code or failure information is no longer available after reactivation. Each time a task is reactivated, its retry count is reset to 0. Reactivation will fail for tasks that are not completed or that previously completed successfully (with an exit code of 0). Additionally, it will fail if the job has completed (or is terminating or deleting).

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job containing the task.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task to reactivate.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


If the task is not a multi-instance task then this returns an empty collection.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



When the task has been terminated, it moves to the completed state. For multi-instance tasks, the terminate task operation applies synchronously to the primary task; subtasks are then terminated asynchronously in the background.

  "jobId": "",
  "taskId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job containing the task.
    • taskId required string: The ID of the task to terminate.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


When a Terminate Job request is received, the Batch service sets the job to the terminating state. The Batch service then terminates any running tasks associated with the job and runs any required job release tasks. Then the job moves into the completed state. If there are any tasks in the job in the active state, they will remain in the active state. Once a job is terminated, new tasks cannot be added and any remaining active tasks will not be scheduled.

  "jobId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobId required string: The ID of the job to terminate.
    • jobTerminateParameter JobTerminateParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Lists all of the job schedules in the specified account.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-job-schedules.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • $expand string: An OData $expand clause.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 job schedules can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Adds a job schedule to the specified account.

  "cloudJobSchedule": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • cloudJobSchedule required JobScheduleAddParameter
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


When you delete a job schedule, this also deletes all jobs and tasks under that schedule. When tasks are deleted, all the files in their working directories on the compute nodes are also deleted (the retention period is ignored). The job schedule statistics are no longer accessible once the job schedule is deleted, though they are still counted towards account lifetime statistics.

  "jobScheduleId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobScheduleId required string: The ID of the job schedule to delete.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Gets information about the specified job schedule.

  "jobScheduleId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobScheduleId required string: The ID of the job schedule to get.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • $expand string: An OData $expand clause.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Checks the specified job schedule exists.

  "jobScheduleId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobScheduleId required string: The ID of the job schedule which you want to check.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This replaces only the job schedule properties specified in the request. For example, if the schedule property is not specified with this request, then the Batch service will keep the existing schedule. Changes to a job schedule only impact jobs created by the schedule after the update has taken place; currently running jobs are unaffected.

  "jobScheduleId": "",
  "jobSchedulePatchParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobScheduleId required string: The ID of the job schedule to update.
    • jobSchedulePatchParameter required JobSchedulePatchParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This fully replaces all the updatable properties of the job schedule. For example, if the schedule property is not specified with this request, then the Batch service will remove the existing schedule. Changes to a job schedule only impact jobs created by the schedule after the update has taken place; currently running jobs are unaffected.

  "jobScheduleId": "",
  "jobScheduleUpdateParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobScheduleId required string: The ID of the job schedule to update.
    • jobScheduleUpdateParameter required JobScheduleUpdateParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


No new jobs will be created until the job schedule is enabled again.

  "jobScheduleId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobScheduleId required string: The ID of the job schedule to disable.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Enables a job schedule.

  "jobScheduleId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobScheduleId required string: The ID of the job schedule to enable.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Lists the jobs that have been created under the specified job schedule.

  "jobScheduleId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobScheduleId required string: The ID of the job schedule from which you want to get a list of jobs.
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-jobs-in-a-job-schedule.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • $expand string: An OData $expand clause.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 jobs can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Terminates a job schedule.

  "jobScheduleId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • jobScheduleId required string: The ID of the job schedule to terminates.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Statistics are aggregated across all jobs that have ever existed in the account, from account creation to the last update time of the statistics. The statistics may not be immediately available. The Batch service performs periodic roll-up of statistics. The typical delay is about 30 minutes.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Statistics are aggregated across all pools that have ever existed in the account, from account creation to the last update time of the statistics. The statistics may not be immediately available. The Batch service performs periodic roll-up of statistics. The typical delay is about 30 minutes.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Lists all node agent SKUs supported by the Azure Batch service.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-node-agent-skus.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 results will be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Gets the number of nodes in each state, grouped by pool.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Lists all of the pools in the specified account.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-pools.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • $expand string: An OData $expand clause.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 pools can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



When naming pools, avoid including sensitive information such as user names or secret project names. This information may appear in telemetry logs accessible to Microsoft Support engineers.

  "pool": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • pool required PoolAddParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


When you request that a pool be deleted, the following actions occur: the pool state is set to deleting; any ongoing resize operation on the pool are stopped; the Batch service starts resizing the pool to zero nodes; any tasks running on existing nodes are terminated and requeued (as if a resize pool operation had been requested with the default requeue option); finally, the pool is removed from the system. Because running tasks are requeued, the user can rerun these tasks by updating their job to target a different pool. The tasks can then run on the new pool. If you want to override the requeue behavior, then you should call resize pool explicitly to shrink the pool to zero size before deleting the pool. If you call an Update, Patch or Delete API on a pool in the deleting state, it will fail with HTTP status code 409 with error code PoolBeingDeleted.

  "poolId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool to delete.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Gets information about the specified pool.

  "poolId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool to get.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • $expand string: An OData $expand clause.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Gets basic properties of a pool.

  "poolId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool to get.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This only replaces the pool properties specified in the request. For example, if the pool has a start task associated with it, and a request does not specify a start task element, then the pool keeps the existing start task.

  "poolId": "",
  "poolPatchParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool to update.
    • poolPatchParameter required PoolPatchParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Disables automatic scaling for a pool.

  "poolId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool on which to disable automatic scaling.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


You cannot enable automatic scaling on a pool if a resize operation is in progress on the pool. If automatic scaling of the pool is currently disabled, you must specify a valid autoscale formula as part of the request. If automatic scaling of the pool is already enabled, you may specify a new autoscale formula and/or a new evaluation interval. You cannot call this API for the same pool more than once every 30 seconds.

  "poolId": "",
  "poolEnableAutoScaleParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool on which to enable automatic scaling.
    • poolEnableAutoScaleParameter required PoolEnableAutoScaleParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This API is primarily for validating an autoscale formula, as it simply returns the result without applying the formula to the pool. The pool must have auto scaling enabled in order to evaluate a formula.

  "poolId": "",
  "poolEvaluateAutoScaleParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool on which to evaluate the automatic scaling formula.
    • poolEvaluateAutoScaleParameter required PoolEvaluateAutoScaleParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Lists the compute nodes in the specified pool.

  "poolId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool from which you want to list nodes.
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-nodes-in-a-pool.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 nodes can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Gets information about the specified compute node.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node that you want to get information about.
    • $select string: An OData $select clause.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



You can disable task scheduling on a node only if its current scheduling state is enabled.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node on which you want to disable task scheduling.
    • nodeDisableSchedulingParameter NodeDisableSchedulingParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


You can enable task scheduling on a node only if its current scheduling state is disabled

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node on which you want to enable task scheduling.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Lists all of the files in task directories on the specified compute node.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node whose files you want to list.
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-compute-node-files.
    • recursive boolean: Whether to list children of a directory.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 files can be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



Deletes the specified file from the compute node.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "filePath": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node from which you want to delete the file.
    • filePath required string: The path to the file or directory that you want to delete.
    • recursive boolean: Whether to delete children of a directory. If the filePath parameter represents a directory instead of a file, you can set recursive to true to delete the directory and all of the files and subdirectories in it. If recursive is false then the directory must be empty or deletion will fail.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Returns the content of the specified compute node file.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "filePath": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node that contains the file.
    • filePath required string: The path to the compute node file that you want to get the content of.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • ocp-range string: The byte range to be retrieved. The default is to retrieve the entire file. The format is bytes=startRange-endRange.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


  • output object


Gets the properties of the specified compute node file.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "filePath": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node that contains the file.
    • filePath required string: The path to the compute node file that you want to get the properties of.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Before you can access a node by using the RDP file, you must create a user account on the node. This API can only be invoked on pools created with a cloud service configuration. For pools created with a virtual machine configuration, see the GetRemoteLoginSettings API.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node for which you want to get the Remote Desktop Protocol file.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


  • output object


You can restart a node only if it is in an idle or running state.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node that you want to restart.
    • nodeRebootParameter NodeRebootParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


You can reinstall the operating system on a node only if it is in an idle or running state. This API can be invoked only on pools created with the cloud service configuration property.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node that you want to restart.
    • nodeReimageParameter NodeReimageParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


Before you can remotely login to a node using the remote login settings, you must create a user account on the node. This API can be invoked only on pools created with the virtual machine configuration property. For pools created with a cloud service configuration, see the GetRemoteDesktop API.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node for which to obtain the remote login settings.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



This is for gathering Azure Batch service log files in an automated fashion from nodes if you are experiencing an error and wish to escalate to Azure support. The Azure Batch service log files should be shared with Azure support to aid in debugging issues with the Batch service.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "uploadBatchServiceLogsConfiguration": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the compute node from which you want to upload the Azure Batch service log files.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • uploadBatchServiceLogsConfiguration required UploadBatchServiceLogsConfiguration
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.



You can add a user account to a node only when it is in the idle or running state.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "user": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the machine on which you want to create a user account.
    • user required ComputeNodeUser
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


You can delete a user account to a node only when it is in the idle or running state.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "userName": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the machine on which you want to delete a user account.
    • userName required string: The name of the user account to delete.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This operation replaces of all the updatable properties of the account. For example, if the expiryTime element is not specified, the current value is replaced with the default value, not left unmodified. You can update a user account on a node only when it is in the idle or running state.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeId": "",
  "userName": "",
  "nodeUpdateUserParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool that contains the compute node.
    • nodeId required string: The ID of the machine on which you want to update a user account.
    • userName required string: The name of the user account to update.
    • nodeUpdateUserParameter required NodeUpdateUserParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This operation can only run when the allocation state of the pool is steady. When this operation runs, the allocation state changes from steady to resizing.

  "poolId": "",
  "nodeRemoveParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool from which you want to remove nodes.
    • nodeRemoveParameter required NodeRemoveParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


You can only resize a pool when its allocation state is steady. If the pool is already resizing, the request fails with status code 409. When you resize a pool, the pool's allocation state changes from steady to resizing. You cannot resize pools which are configured for automatic scaling. If you try to do this, the Batch service returns an error 409. If you resize a pool downwards, the Batch service chooses which nodes to remove. To remove specific nodes, use the pool remove nodes API instead.

  "poolId": "",
  "poolResizeParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool to resize.
    • poolResizeParameter required PoolResizeParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This does not restore the pool to its previous state before the resize operation: it only stops any further changes being made, and the pool maintains its current state. After stopping, the pool stabilizes at the number of nodes it was at when the stop operation was done. During the stop operation, the pool allocation state changes first to stopping and then to steady. A resize operation need not be an explicit resize pool request; this API can also be used to halt the initial sizing of the pool when it is created.

  "poolId": "",
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool whose resizing you want to stop.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


This fully replaces all the updatable properties of the pool. For example, if the pool has a start task associated with it and if start task is not specified with this request, then the Batch service will remove the existing start task.

  "poolId": "",
  "poolUpdatePropertiesParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool to update.
    • poolUpdatePropertiesParameter required PoolUpdatePropertiesParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


During an upgrade, the Batch service upgrades each compute node in the pool. When a compute node is chosen for upgrade, any tasks running on that node are removed from the node and returned to the queue to be rerun later (or on a different compute node). The node will be unavailable until the upgrade is complete. This operation results in temporarily reduced pool capacity as nodes are taken out of service to be upgraded. Although the Batch service tries to avoid upgrading all compute nodes at the same time, it does not guarantee to do this (particularly on small pools); therefore, the pool may be temporarily unavailable to run tasks. When this operation runs, the pool state changes to upgrading. When all compute nodes have finished upgrading, the pool state returns to active. While the upgrade is in progress, the pool's currentOSVersion reflects the OS version that nodes are upgrading from, and targetOSVersion reflects the OS version that nodes are upgrading to. Once the upgrade is complete, currentOSVersion is updated to reflect the OS version now running on all nodes. This operation can only be invoked on pools created with the cloudServiceConfiguration property.

  "poolId": "",
  "poolUpgradeOSParameter": null,
  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • poolId required string: The ID of the pool to upgrade.
    • poolUpgradeOSParameter required PoolUpgradeOSParameter
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • If-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.
    • If-None-Match string: An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource's current ETag on the service does not match the value specified by the client.
    • If-Modified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has been modified since the specified time.
    • If-Unmodified-Since string: A timestamp indicating the last modified time of the resource known to the client. The operation will be performed only if the resource on the service has not been modified since the specified time.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.


Output schema unknown


If you do not specify a $filter clause including a poolId, the response includes all pools that existed in the account in the time range of the returned aggregation intervals. If you do not specify a $filter clause including a startTime or endTime these filters default to the start and end times of the last aggregation interval currently available; that is, only the last aggregation interval is returned.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • starttime string: The earliest time from which to include metrics. This must be at least two and a half hours before the current time. If not specified this defaults to the start time of the last aggregation interval currently available.
    • endtime string: The latest time from which to include metrics. This must be at least two hours before the current time. If not specified this defaults to the end time of the last aggregation interval currently available.
    • $filter string: An OData $filter clause. For more information on constructing this filter, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchservice/odata-filters-in-batch#list-account-usage-metrics.
    • maxresults integer: The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 results will be returned.
    • timeout integer: The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
    • client-request-id string: The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.
    • return-client-request-id boolean: Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.
    • ocp-date string: The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.
    • api-version required string: Client API Version.




  • The result of listing the supported node agent SKUs. object


  • A locality hint that can be used by the Batch service to select a compute node on which to start a task. object
    • affinityId required string: You can pass the affinityId of a compute node to indicate that this task needs to run on that compute node. Note that this is just a soft affinity. If the target node is busy or unavailable at the time the task is scheduled, then the task will be scheduled elsewhere.


  • The result of listing the applications available in an account. object


  • A reference to an application package to be deployed to compute nodes. object
    • applicationId required string
    • version string: If this is omitted on a pool, and no default version is specified for this application, the request fails with the error code InvalidApplicationPackageReferences and HTTP status code 409. If this is omitted on a task, and no default version is specified for this application, the task fails with a pre-processing error.


  • Contains information about an application in an Azure Batch account. object
    • displayName required string
    • id required string
    • versions required array
      • items string


  • The settings for an authentication token that the task can use to perform Batch service operations. object
    • access array: The authentication token grants access to a limited set of Batch service operations. Currently the only supported value for the access property is 'job', which grants access to all operations related to the job which contains the task.
      • items string (values: job)


  • Specifies characteristics for a temporary 'auto pool'. The Batch service will create this auto pool when the job is submitted. object
    • autoPoolIdPrefix string: The Batch service assigns each auto pool a unique identifier on creation. To distinguish between pools created for different purposes, you can specify this element to add a prefix to the ID that is assigned. The prefix can be up to 20 characters long.
    • keepAlive boolean: If false, the Batch service deletes the pool once its lifetime (as determined by the poolLifetimeOption setting) expires; that is, when the job or job schedule completes. If true, the Batch service does not delete the pool automatically. It is up to the user to delete auto pools created with this option.
    • pool PoolSpecification
    • poolLifetimeOption required string (values: jobschedule, job)


  • The results and errors from an execution of a pool autoscale formula. object
    • error AutoScaleRunError
    • results string: Each variable value is returned in the form $variable=value, and variables are separated by semicolons.
    • timestamp required string


  • An error that occurred when executing or evaluating a pool autoscale formula. object


  • Specifies the parameters for the auto user that runs a task on the Batch service. object
    • elevationLevel ElevationLevel
    • scope string (values: task, pool): The default value is task.



  • An item of additional information included in an Azure Batch error response. object
    • key string
    • value string



  • Certificate object: A certificate that can be installed on compute nodes and can be used to authenticate operations on the machine.
    • deleteCertificateError DeleteCertificateError
    • previousState CertificateState
    • previousStateTransitionTime string: This property is not set if the certificate is in its initial Active state.
    • publicData string
    • state CertificateState
    • stateTransitionTime string
    • thumbprint string
    • thumbprintAlgorithm string
    • url string


  • A certificate that can be installed on compute nodes and can be used to authenticate operations on the machine. object
    • certificateFormat string (values: pfx, cer)
    • data required string
    • password string: This is required if the certificate format is pfx. It should be omitted if the certificate format is cer.
    • thumbprint required string
    • thumbprintAlgorithm required string


  • The result of listing the certificates in the account. object


  • A reference to a certificate to be installed on compute nodes in a pool. object
    • storeLocation string (values: currentuser, localmachine): The default value is currentuser. This property is applicable only for pools configured with Windows nodes (that is, created with cloudServiceConfiguration, or with virtualMachineConfiguration using a Windows image reference). For Linux compute nodes, the certificates are stored in a directory inside the task working directory and an environment variable AZ_BATCH_CERTIFICATES_DIR is supplied to the task to query for this location. For certificates with visibility of 'remoteUser', a 'certs' directory is created in the user's home directory (e.g., /home/{user-name}/certs) and certificates are placed in that directory.
    • storeName string: This property is applicable only for pools configured with Windows nodes (that is, created with cloudServiceConfiguration, or with virtualMachineConfiguration using a Windows image reference). Common store names include: My, Root, CA, Trust, Disallowed, TrustedPeople, TrustedPublisher, AuthRoot, AddressBook, but any custom store name can also be used. The default value is My.
    • thumbprint required string
    • thumbprintAlgorithm required string
    • visibility array: You can specify more than one visibility in this collection. The default is all accounts.
      • items string (values: starttask, task, remoteuser)


  • The state of the certificate. string (values: active, deleting, deletefailed)


  • An Azure Batch job. object
    • commonEnvironmentSettings array: Individual tasks can override an environment setting specified here by specifying the same setting name with a different value.
    • constraints JobConstraints
    • creationTime string
    • displayName string
    • eTag string: This is an opaque string. You can use it to detect whether the job has changed between requests. In particular, you can be pass the ETag when updating a job to specify that your changes should take effect only if nobody else has modified the job in the meantime.
    • executionInfo JobExecutionInformation
    • id string: The ID is case-preserving and case-insensitive (that is, you may not have two IDs within an account that differ only by case).
    • jobManagerTask JobManagerTask
    • jobPreparationTask JobPreparationTask
    • jobReleaseTask JobReleaseTask
    • lastModified string: This is the last time at which the job level data, such as the job state or priority, changed. It does not factor in task-level changes such as adding new tasks or tasks changing state.
    • metadata array: The Batch service does not assign any meaning to metadata; it is solely for the use of user code.
    • onAllTasksComplete OnAllTasksComplete
    • onTaskFailure OnTaskFailure
    • poolInfo PoolInformation
    • previousState JobState
    • previousStateTransitionTime string: This property is not set if the job is in its initial Active state.
    • priority integer: Priority values can range from -1000 to 1000, with -1000 being the lowest priority and 1000 being the highest priority. The default value is 0.
    • state JobState
    • stateTransitionTime string
    • stats JobStatistics
    • url string
    • usesTaskDependencies boolean



  • The result of listing the jobs in an account. object
    • odata.nextLink string
    • value array


  • A job schedule that allows recurring jobs by specifying when to run jobs and a specification used to create each job. object
    • creationTime string
    • displayName string
    • eTag string: This is an opaque string. You can use it to detect whether the job schedule has changed between requests. In particular, you can be pass the ETag with an Update Job Schedule request to specify that your changes should take effect only if nobody else has modified the schedule in the meantime.
    • executionInfo JobScheduleExecutionInformation
    • id string
    • jobSpecification JobSpecification
    • lastModified string: This is the last time at which the schedule level data, such as the job specification or recurrence information, changed. It does not factor in job-level changes such as new jobs being created or jobs changing state.
    • metadata array: The Batch service does not assign any meaning to metadata; it is solely for the use of user code.
    • previousState JobScheduleState
    • previousStateTransitionTime string: This property is not present if the job schedule is in its initial active state.
    • schedule Schedule
    • state JobScheduleState
    • stateTransitionTime string
    • stats JobScheduleStatistics
    • url string


  • The result of listing the job schedules in an account. object


  • A pool in the Azure Batch service. object
    • allocationState string (values: steady, resizing, stopping)
    • allocationStateTransitionTime string
    • applicationLicenses array: The list of application licenses must be a subset of available Batch service application licenses. If a license is requested which is not supported, pool creation will fail.
      • items string
    • applicationPackageReferences array
    • autoScaleEvaluationInterval string: This property is set only if the pool automatically scales, i.e. enableAutoScale is true.
    • autoScaleFormula string: This property is set only if the pool automatically scales, i.e. enableAutoScale is true.
    • autoScaleRun AutoScaleRun
    • certificateReferences array: For Windows compute nodes, the Batch service installs the certificates to the specified certificate store and location. For Linux compute nodes, the certificates are stored in a directory inside the task working directory and an environment variable AZ_BATCH_CERTIFICATES_DIR is supplied to the task to query for this location. For certificates with visibility of 'remoteUser', a 'certs' directory is created in the user's home directory (e.g., /home/{user-name}/certs) and certificates are placed in that directory.
    • cloudServiceConfiguration CloudServiceConfiguration
    • creationTime string
    • currentDedicatedNodes integer
    • currentLowPriorityNodes integer: Low-priority compute nodes which have been preempted are included in this count.
    • displayName string: The display name need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024.
    • eTag string: This is an opaque string. You can use it to detect whether the pool has changed between requests. In particular, you can be pass the ETag when updating a pool to specify that your changes should take effect only if nobody else has modified the pool in the meantime.
    • enableAutoScale boolean: If false, at least one of targetDedicateNodes and targetLowPriorityNodes must be specified. If true, the autoScaleFormula property is required and the pool automatically resizes according to the formula. The default value is false.
    • enableInterNodeCommunication boolean: This imposes restrictions on which nodes can be assigned to the pool. Specifying this value can reduce the chance of the requested number of nodes to be allocated in the pool.
    • id string: The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores, and cannot contain more than 64 characters. The ID is case-preserving and case-insensitive (that is, you may not have two IDs within an account that differ only by case).
    • lastModified string: This is the last time at which the pool level data, such as the targetDedicatedNodes or enableAutoscale settings, changed. It does not factor in node-level changes such as a compute node changing state.
    • maxTasksPerNode integer
    • metadata array
    • networkConfiguration NetworkConfiguration
    • resizeErrors array: This property is set only if one or more errors occurred during the last pool resize, and only when the pool allocationState is Steady.
    • resizeTimeout string: This is the timeout for the most recent resize operation. (The initial sizing when the pool is created counts as a resize.) The default value is 15 minutes.
    • startTask StartTask
    • state string (values: active, deleting, upgrading)
    • stateTransitionTime string
    • stats PoolStatistics
    • targetDedicatedNodes integer
    • targetLowPriorityNodes integer
    • taskSchedulingPolicy TaskSchedulingPolicy
    • url string
    • userAccounts array
    • virtualMachineConfiguration VirtualMachineConfiguration
    • vmSize string: For information about available sizes of virtual machines in pools, see Choose a VM size for compute nodes in an Azure Batch pool (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/batch/batch-pool-vm-sizes).


  • The result of listing the pools in an account. object
    • odata.nextLink string
    • value array


  • The configuration for nodes in a pool based on the Azure Cloud Services platform. object
    • currentOSVersion string: This may differ from targetOSVersion if the pool state is Upgrading. In this case some virtual machines may be on the targetOSVersion and some may be on the currentOSVersion during the upgrade process. Once all virtual machines have upgraded, currentOSVersion is updated to be the same as targetOSVersion.
    • osFamily required string: Possible values are:
    • targetOSVersion string: The default value is * which specifies the latest operating system version for the specified OS family.


  • An Azure Batch task. object: Batch will retry tasks when a recovery operation is triggered on a compute node. Examples of recovery operations include (but are not limited to) when an unhealthy compute node is rebooted or a compute node disappeared due to host failure. Retries due to recovery operations are independent of and are not counted against the maxTaskRetryCount. Even if the maxTaskRetryCount is 0, an internal retry due to a recovery operation may occur. Because of this, all tasks should be idempotent. This means tasks need to tolerate being interrupted and restarted without causing any corruption or duplicate data. The best practice for long running tasks is to use some form of checkpointing.
    • affinityInfo AffinityInformation
    • applicationPackageReferences array: Application packages are downloaded and deployed to a shared directory, not the task working directory. Therefore, if a referenced package is already on the compute node, and is up to date, then it is not re-downloaded; the existing copy on the compute node is used. If a referenced application package cannot be installed, for example because the package has been deleted or because download failed, the task fails.
    • authenticationTokenSettings AuthenticationTokenSettings
    • commandLine string: For multi-instance tasks, the command line is executed as the primary task, after the primary task and all subtasks have finished executing the coordination command line. The command line does not run under a shell, and therefore cannot take advantage of shell features such as environment variable expansion. If you want to take advantage of such features, you should invoke the shell in the command line, for example using "cmd /c MyCommand" in Windows or "/bin/sh -c MyCommand" in Linux. If the command line refers to file paths, it should use a relative path (relative to the task working directory), or use the Batch provided environment variable (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-compute-node-environment-variables).
    • constraints TaskConstraints
    • containerSettings TaskContainerSettings
    • creationTime string
    • dependsOn TaskDependencies
    • displayName string: The display name need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024.
    • eTag string: This is an opaque string. You can use it to detect whether the task has changed between requests. In particular, you can be pass the ETag when updating a task to specify that your changes should take effect only if nobody else has modified the task in the meantime.
    • environmentSettings array
    • executionInfo TaskExecutionInformation
    • exitConditions ExitConditions
    • id string: The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores, and cannot contain more than 64 characters.
    • lastModified string
    • multiInstanceSettings MultiInstanceSettings
    • nodeInfo ComputeNodeInformation
    • outputFiles array: For multi-instance tasks, the files will only be uploaded from the compute node on which the primary task is executed.
    • previousState TaskState
    • previousStateTransitionTime string: This property is not set if the task is in its initial Active state.
    • resourceFiles array: For multi-instance tasks, the resource files will only be downloaded to the compute node on which the primary task is executed. There is a maximum size for the list of resource files. When the max size is exceeded, the request will fail and the response error code will be RequestEntityTooLarge. If this occurs, the collection of ResourceFiles must be reduced in size. This can be achieved using .zip files, Application Packages, or Docker Containers.
    • state TaskState
    • stateTransitionTime string
    • stats TaskStatistics
    • url string
    • userIdentity UserIdentity


  • The result of listing the tasks in a job. object
    • odata.nextLink string
    • value array


  • The result of listing the subtasks of a task. object


  • A compute node in the Batch service. object
    • affinityId string: Note that this is just a soft affinity. If the target node is busy or unavailable at the time the task is scheduled, then the task will be scheduled elsewhere.
    • allocationTime string
    • certificateReferences array: For Windows compute nodes, the Batch service installs the certificates to the specified certificate store and location. For Linux compute nodes, the certificates are stored in a directory inside the task working directory and an environment variable AZ_BATCH_CERTIFICATES_DIR is supplied to the task to query for this location. For certificates with visibility of 'remoteUser', a 'certs' directory is created in the user's home directory (e.g., /home/{user-name}/certs) and certificates are placed in that directory.
    • endpointConfiguration ComputeNodeEndpointConfiguration
    • errors array
    • id string: Every node that is added to a pool is assigned a unique ID. Whenever a node is removed from a pool, all of its local files are deleted, and the ID is reclaimed and could be reused for new nodes.
    • ipAddress string: Every node that is added to a pool is assigned a unique IP address. Whenever a node is removed from a pool, all of its local files are deleted, and the IP address is reclaimed and could be reused for new nodes.
    • isDedicated boolean
    • lastBootTime string: This property may not be present if the node state is unusable.
    • nodeAgentInfo NodeAgentInformation
    • recentTasks array: This property is present only if at least one task has run on this node since it was assigned to the pool.
    • runningTasksCount integer
    • schedulingState string (values: enabled, disabled)
    • startTask StartTask
    • startTaskInfo StartTaskInformation
    • state string (values: idle, rebooting, reimaging, running, unusable, creating, starting, waitingforstarttask, starttaskfailed, unknown, leavingpool, offline, preempted): The low-priority node has been preempted. Tasks which were running on the node when it was preempted will be rescheduled when another node becomes available.
    • stateTransitionTime string
    • totalTasksRun integer
    • totalTasksSucceeded integer
    • url string
    • vmSize string: For information about available sizes of virtual machines in pools, see Choose a VM size for compute nodes in an Azure Batch pool (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/batch/batch-pool-vm-sizes).


  • Determines what to do with a node and its running task(s) after it has been selected for deallocation. string (values: requeue, terminate, taskcompletion, retaineddata): The default value is requeue.


  • The endpoint configuration for the compute node. object


  • An error encountered by a compute node. object
    • code string
    • errorDetails array
    • message string


  • The remote login settings for a compute node. object
    • remoteLoginIPAddress required string
    • remoteLoginPort required integer


  • Information about the compute node on which a task ran. object
    • affinityId string
    • nodeId string
    • nodeUrl string
    • poolId string
    • taskRootDirectory string
    • taskRootDirectoryUrl string


  • The result of listing the compute nodes in a pool. object


  • A user account for RDP or SSH access on a compute node. object
    • expiryTime string: If omitted, the default is 1 day from the current time. For Linux compute nodes, the expiryTime has a precision up to a day.
    • isAdmin boolean: The default value is false.
    • name required string
    • password string: The password is required for Windows nodes (those created with 'cloudServiceConfiguration', or created with 'virtualMachineConfiguration' using a Windows image reference). For Linux compute nodes, the password can optionally be specified along with the sshPublicKey property.
    • sshPublicKey string: The public key should be compatible with OpenSSH encoding and should be base 64 encoded. This property can be specified only for Linux nodes. If this is specified for a Windows node, then the Batch service rejects the request; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).


  • The configuration for container-enabled pools. object
    • containerImageNames array: This is the full image reference, as would be specified to "docker pull". An image will be sourced from the default Docker registry unless the image is fully qualified with an alternative registry.
      • items string
    • containerRegistries array: If any images must be downloaded from a private registry which requires credentials, then those credentials must be provided here.
    • type required string (values: dockerCompatible)


  • A private container registry. object
    • password required string
    • registryServer string: If omitted, the default is "docker.io".
    • username required string


  • Settings which will be used by the data disks associated to compute nodes in the pool. object
    • caching CachingType
    • diskSizeGB required integer
    • lun required integer: The lun is used to uniquely identify each data disk. If attaching multiple disks, each should have a distinct lun.
    • storageAccountType StorageAccountType


  • An error encountered by the Batch service when deleting a certificate. object
    • code string
    • message string
    • values array: This list includes details such as the active pools and nodes referencing this certificate. However, if a large number of resources reference the certificate, the list contains only about the first hundred.


  • The elevation level of the user. string (values: nonadmin, admin)


  • An environment variable to be set on a task process. object
    • name required string
    • value string


  • The category of the error. string (values: usererror, servererror)


  • An error message received in an Azure Batch error response. object
    • lang string
    • value string


  • How the Batch service should respond if a task exits with a particular exit code. object
    • code required integer
    • exitOptions required ExitOptions


  • A range of exit codes and how the Batch service should respond to exit codes within that range. object
    • end required integer
    • exitOptions required ExitOptions
    • start required integer



  • Specifies how the Batch service responds to a particular exit condition. object
    • dependencyAction string (values: satisfy, block): The default is 'satisfy' for exit code 0, and 'block' for all other exit conditions. If the job's usesTaskDependencies property is set to false, then specifying the dependencyAction property returns an error and the add task request fails with an invalid property value error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).
    • jobAction string (values: none, disable, terminate): The default is none for exit code 0 and terminate for all other exit conditions. If the job's onTaskFailed property is noAction, then specifying this property returns an error and the add task request fails with an invalid property value error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).


  • The properties of a file on a compute node. object
    • contentLength required integer
    • contentType string
    • creationTime string: The creation time is not returned for files on Linux compute nodes.
    • fileMode string: The file mode is returned only for files on Linux compute nodes.
    • lastModified required string


  • A reference to an Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace image or a custom Azure Virtual Machine image. To get the list of all Azure Marketplace image references verified by Azure Batch, see the 'List node agent SKUs' operation. object
    • offer string: For example, UbuntuServer or WindowsServer.
    • publisher string: For example, Canonical or MicrosoftWindowsServer.
    • sku string: For example, 14.04.0-LTS or 2012-R2-Datacenter.
    • version string: A value of 'latest' can be specified to select the latest version of an image. If omitted, the default is 'latest'.
    • virtualMachineImageId string: This property is mutually exclusive with other ImageReference properties. The virtual machine image must be in the same region and subscription as the Azure Batch account. For information about the firewall settings for the Batch node agent to communicate with the Batch service see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-api-basics#virtual-network-vnet-and-firewall-configuration.


  • An inbound endpoint on a compute node. object
    • backendPort required integer
    • frontendPort required integer
    • name required string
    • protocol required InboundEndpointProtocol
    • publicFQDN required string
    • publicIPAddress required string


  • The protocol of the endpoint. string (values: tcp, udp)


  • A inbound NAT pool that can be used to address specific ports on compute nodes in a Batch pool externally. object
    • backendPort required integer: This must be unique within a Batch pool. Acceptable values are between 1 and 65535 except for 22, 3389, 29876 and 29877 as these are reserved. If any reserved values are provided the request fails with HTTP status code 400.
    • frontendPortRangeEnd required integer: Acceptable values range between 1 and 65534 except ports from 50000 to 55000 which are reserved by the Batch service. All ranges within a pool must be distinct and cannot overlap. Each range must contain at least 40 ports. If any reserved or overlapping values are provided the request fails with HTTP status code 400.
    • frontendPortRangeStart required integer: Acceptable values range between 1 and 65534 except ports from 50000 to 55000 which are reserved. All ranges within a pool must be distinct and cannot overlap. Each range must contain at least 40 ports. If any reserved or overlapping values are provided the request fails with HTTP status code 400.
    • name required string: The name must be unique within a Batch pool, can contain letters, numbers, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Names must start with a letter or number, must end with a letter, number, or underscore, and cannot exceed 77 characters. If any invalid values are provided the request fails with HTTP status code 400.
    • networkSecurityGroupRules array: The maximum number of rules that can be specified across all the endpoints on a Batch pool is 25. If no network security group rules are specified, a default rule will be created to allow inbound access to the specified backendPort. If the maximum number of network security group rules is exceeded the request fails with HTTP status code 400.
    • protocol required InboundEndpointProtocol


  • An Azure Batch job to add. object
    • commonEnvironmentSettings array: Individual tasks can override an environment setting specified here by specifying the same setting name with a different value.
    • constraints JobConstraints
    • displayName string: The display name need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024.
    • id required string: The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores, and cannot contain more than 64 characters. The ID is case-preserving and case-insensitive (that is, you may not have two IDs within an account that differ only by case).
    • jobManagerTask JobManagerTask
    • jobPreparationTask JobPreparationTask
    • jobReleaseTask JobReleaseTask
    • metadata array: The Batch service does not assign any meaning to metadata; it is solely for the use of user code.
    • onAllTasksComplete OnAllTasksComplete
    • onTaskFailure OnTaskFailure
    • poolInfo required PoolInformation
    • priority integer: Priority values can range from -1000 to 1000, with -1000 being the lowest priority and 1000 being the highest priority. The default value is 0.
    • usesTaskDependencies boolean


  • The execution constraints for a job. object
    • maxTaskRetryCount integer: Note that this value specifically controls the number of retries. The Batch service will try each task once, and may then retry up to this limit. For example, if the maximum retry count is 3, Batch tries a task up to 4 times (one initial try and 3 retries). If the maximum retry count is 0, the Batch service does not retry tasks. If the maximum retry count is -1, the Batch service retries tasks without limit. The default value is 0 (no retries).
    • maxWallClockTime string: If the job does not complete within the time limit, the Batch service terminates it and any tasks that are still running. In this case, the termination reason will be MaxWallClockTimeExpiry. If this property is not specified, there is no time limit on how long the job may run.


  • Options when disabling a job. object
    • disableTasks required string (values: requeue, terminate, wait)


  • Contains information about the execution of a job in the Azure Batch service. object
    • endTime string: This property is set only if the job is in the completed state.
    • poolId string: This element contains the actual pool where the job is assigned. When you get job details from the service, they also contain a poolInfo element, which contains the pool configuration data from when the job was added or updated. That poolInfo element may also contain a poolId element. If it does, the two IDs are the same. If it does not, it means the job ran on an auto pool, and this property contains the ID of that auto pool.
    • schedulingError JobSchedulingError
    • startTime required string: This is the time at which the job was created.
    • terminateReason string: This property is set only if the job is in the completed state. If the Batch service terminates the job, it sets the reason as follows: JMComplete - the Job Manager task completed, and killJobOnCompletion was set to true. MaxWallClockTimeExpiry - the job reached its maxWallClockTime constraint. TerminateJobSchedule - the job ran as part of a schedule, and the schedule terminated. AllTasksComplete - the job's onAllTasksComplete attribute is set to terminatejob, and all tasks in the job are complete. TaskFailed - the job's onTaskFailure attribute is set to performExitOptionsJobAction, and a task in the job failed with an exit condition that specified a jobAction of terminatejob. Any other string is a user-defined reason specified in a call to the 'Terminate a job' operation.


  • Specifies details of a Job Manager task. object: The Job Manager task is automatically started when the job is created. The Batch service tries to schedule the Job Manager task before any other tasks in the job. When shrinking a pool, the Batch service tries to preserve compute nodes where Job Manager tasks are running for as long as possible (that is, nodes running 'normal' tasks are removed before nodes running Job Manager tasks). When a Job Manager task fails and needs to be restarted, the system tries to schedule it at the highest priority. If there are no idle nodes available, the system may terminate one of the running tasks in the pool and return it to the queue in order to make room for the Job Manager task to restart. Note that a Job Manager task in one job does not have priority over tasks in other jobs. Across jobs, only job level priorities are observed. For example, if a Job Manager in a priority 0 job needs to be restarted, it will not displace tasks of a priority 1 job. Batch will retry tasks when a recovery operation is triggered on a compute node. Examples of recovery operations include (but are not limited to) when an unhealthy compute node is rebooted or a compute node disappeared due to host failure. Retries due to recovery operations are independent of and are not counted against the maxTaskRetryCount. Even if the maxTaskRetryCount is 0, an internal retry due to a recovery operation may occur. Because of this, all tasks should be idempotent. This means tasks need to tolerate being interrupted and restarted without causing any corruption or duplicate data. The best practice for long running tasks is to use some form of checkpointing.
    • allowLowPriorityNode boolean: The default value is true.
    • applicationPackageReferences array: Application packages are downloaded and deployed to a shared directory, not the task working directory. Therefore, if a referenced package is already on the compute node, and is up to date, then it is not re-downloaded; the existing copy on the compute node is used. If a referenced application package cannot be installed, for example because the package has been deleted or because download failed, the task fails.
    • authenticationTokenSettings AuthenticationTokenSettings
    • commandLine required string: The command line does not run under a shell, and therefore cannot take advantage of shell features such as environment variable expansion. If you want to take advantage of such features, you should invoke the shell in the command line, for example using "cmd /c MyCommand" in Windows or "/bin/sh -c MyCommand" in Linux. If the command line refers to file paths, it should use a relative path (relative to the task working directory), or use the Batch provided environment variable (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-compute-node-environment-variables).
    • constraints TaskConstraints
    • containerSettings TaskContainerSettings
    • displayName string: It need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024.
    • environmentSettings array
    • id required string: The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores and cannot contain more than 64 characters.
    • killJobOnCompletion boolean: If true, when the Job Manager task completes, the Batch service marks the job as complete. If any tasks are still running at this time (other than Job Release), those tasks are terminated. If false, the completion of the Job Manager task does not affect the job status. In this case, you should either use the onAllTasksComplete attribute to terminate the job, or have a client or user terminate the job explicitly. An example of this is if the Job Manager creates a set of tasks but then takes no further role in their execution. The default value is true. If you are using the onAllTasksComplete and onTaskFailure attributes to control job lifetime, and using the Job Manager task only to create the tasks for the job (not to monitor progress), then it is important to set killJobOnCompletion to false.
    • outputFiles array: For multi-instance tasks, the files will only be uploaded from the compute node on which the primary task is executed.
    • resourceFiles array: Files listed under this element are located in the task's working directory. There is a maximum size for the list of resource files. When the max size is exceeded, the request will fail and the response error code will be RequestEntityTooLarge. If this occurs, the collection of ResourceFiles must be reduced in size. This can be achieved using .zip files, Application Packages, or Docker Containers.
    • runExclusive boolean: If true, no other tasks will run on the same compute node for as long as the Job Manager is running. If false, other tasks can run simultaneously with the Job Manager on a compute node. The Job Manager task counts normally against the node's concurrent task limit, so this is only relevant if the node allows multiple concurrent tasks. The default value is true.
    • userIdentity UserIdentity


  • The set of changes to be made to a job. object
    • constraints JobConstraints
    • metadata array: If omitted, the existing job metadata is left unchanged.
    • onAllTasksComplete OnAllTasksComplete
    • poolInfo PoolInformation
    • priority integer: Priority values can range from -1000 to 1000, with -1000 being the lowest priority and 1000 being the highest priority. If omitted, the priority of the job is left unchanged.



  • A Job Preparation task to run before any tasks of the job on any given compute node. object: You can use Job Preparation to prepare a compute node to run tasks for the job. Activities commonly performed in Job Preparation include: Downloading common resource files used by all the tasks in the job. The Job Preparation task can download these common resource files to the shared location on the compute node. (AZ_BATCH_NODE_ROOT_DIR\shared), or starting a local service on the compute node so that all tasks of that job can communicate with it. If the Job Preparation task fails (that is, exhausts its retry count before exiting with exit code 0), Batch will not run tasks of this job on the compute node. The node remains ineligible to run tasks of this job until it is reimaged. The node remains active and can be used for other jobs. The Job Preparation task can run multiple times on the same compute node. Therefore, you should write the Job Preparation task to handle re-execution. If the compute node is rebooted, the Job Preparation task is run again on the node before scheduling any other task of the job, if rerunOnNodeRebootAfterSuccess is true or if the Job Preparation task did not previously complete. If the compute node is reimaged, the Job Preparation task is run again before scheduling any task of the job. Batch will retry tasks when a recovery operation is triggered on a compute node. Examples of recovery operations include (but are not limited to) when an unhealthy compute node is rebooted or a compute node disappeared due to host failure. Retries due to recovery operations are independent of and are not counted against the maxTaskRetryCount. Even if the maxTaskRetryCount is 0, an internal retry due to a recovery operation may occur. Because of this, all tasks should be idempotent. This means tasks need to tolerate being interrupted and restarted without causing any corruption or duplicate data. The best practice for long running tasks is to use some form of checkpointing.
    • commandLine required string: The command line does not run under a shell, and therefore cannot take advantage of shell features such as environment variable expansion. If you want to take advantage of such features, you should invoke the shell in the command line, for example using "cmd /c MyCommand" in Windows or "/bin/sh -c MyCommand" in Linux. If the command line refers to file paths, it should use a relative path (relative to the task working directory), or use the Batch provided environment variable (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-compute-node-environment-variables).
    • constraints TaskConstraints
    • containerSettings TaskContainerSettings
    • environmentSettings array
    • id string: The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores and cannot contain more than 64 characters. If you do not specify this property, the Batch service assigns a default value of 'jobpreparation'. No other task in the job can have the same ID as the Job Preparation task. If you try to submit a task with the same id, the Batch service rejects the request with error code TaskIdSameAsJobPreparationTask; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 409 (Conflict).
    • rerunOnNodeRebootAfterSuccess boolean: The Job Preparation task is always rerun if a compute node is reimaged, or if the Job Preparation task did not complete (e.g. because the reboot occurred while the task was running). Therefore, you should always write a Job Preparation task to be idempotent and to behave correctly if run multiple times. The default value is true.
    • resourceFiles array: Files listed under this element are located in the task's working directory. There is a maximum size for the list of resource files. When the max size is exceeded, the request will fail and the response error code will be RequestEntityTooLarge. If this occurs, the collection of ResourceFiles must be reduced in size. This can be achieved using .zip files, Application Packages, or Docker Containers.
    • userIdentity UserIdentity
    • waitForSuccess boolean: If true and the Job Preparation task fails on a compute node, the Batch service retries the Job Preparation task up to its maximum retry count (as specified in the constraints element). If the task has still not completed successfully after all retries, then the Batch service will not schedule tasks of the job to the compute node. The compute node remains active and eligible to run tasks of other jobs. If false, the Batch service will not wait for the Job Preparation task to complete. In this case, other tasks of the job can start executing on the compute node while the Job Preparation task is still running; and even if the Job Preparation task fails, new tasks will continue to be scheduled on the node. The default value is true.


  • Contains information about the execution of a Job Preparation task on a compute node. object
    • containerInfo TaskContainerExecutionInformation
    • endTime string: This property is set only if the task is in the Completed state.
    • exitCode integer: This parameter is returned only if the task is in the completed state. The exit code for a process reflects the specific convention implemented by the application developer for that process. If you use the exit code value to make decisions in your code, be sure that you know the exit code convention used by the application process. Note that the exit code may also be generated by the compute node operating system, such as when a process is forcibly terminated.
    • failureInfo TaskFailureInformation
    • lastRetryTime string: This property is set only if the task was retried (i.e. retryCount is nonzero). If present, this is typically the same as startTime, but may be different if the task has been restarted for reasons other than retry; for example, if the compute node was rebooted during a retry, then the startTime is updated but the lastRetryTime is not.
    • result TaskExecutionResult
    • retryCount required integer: Task application failures (non-zero exit code) are retried, pre-processing errors (the task could not be run) and file upload errors are not retried. The Batch service will retry the task up to the limit specified by the constraints.
    • startTime required string: If the task has been restarted or retried, this is the most recent time at which the task started running.
    • state required string (values: running, completed)
    • taskRootDirectory string
    • taskRootDirectoryUrl string


  • A Job Release task to run on job completion on any compute node where the job has run. object: The Job Release task runs when the job ends, because of one of the following: The user calls the Terminate Job API, or the Delete Job API while the job is still active, the job's maximum wall clock time constraint is reached, and the job is still active, or the job's Job Manager task completed, and the job is configured to terminate when the Job Manager completes. The Job Release task runs on each compute node where tasks of the job have run and the Job Preparation task ran and completed. If you reimage a compute node after it has run the Job Preparation task, and the job ends without any further tasks of the job running on that compute node (and hence the Job Preparation task does not re-run), then the Job Release task does not run on that node. If a compute node reboots while the Job Release task is still running, the Job Release task runs again when the compute node starts up. The job is not marked as complete until all Job Release tasks have completed. The Job Release task runs in the background. It does not occupy a scheduling slot; that is, it does not count towards the maxTasksPerNode limit specified on the pool.
    • commandLine required string: The command line does not run under a shell, and therefore cannot take advantage of shell features such as environment variable expansion. If you want to take advantage of such features, you should invoke the shell in the command line, for example using "cmd /c MyCommand" in Windows or "/bin/sh -c MyCommand" in Linux. If the command line refers to file paths, it should use a relative path (relative to the task working directory), or use the Batch provided environment variable (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-compute-node-environment-variables).
    • containerSettings TaskContainerSettings
    • environmentSettings array
    • id string: The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores and cannot contain more than 64 characters. If you do not specify this property, the Batch service assigns a default value of 'jobrelease'. No other task in the job can have the same ID as the Job Release task. If you try to submit a task with the same id, the Batch service rejects the request with error code TaskIdSameAsJobReleaseTask; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 409 (Conflict).
    • maxWallClockTime string
    • resourceFiles array: Files listed under this element are located in the task's working directory.
    • retentionTime string: The default is infinite, i.e. the task directory will be retained until the compute node is removed or reimaged.
    • userIdentity UserIdentity


  • Contains information about the execution of a Job Release task on a compute node. object
    • containerInfo TaskContainerExecutionInformation
    • endTime string: This property is set only if the task is in the Completed state.
    • exitCode integer: This parameter is returned only if the task is in the completed state. The exit code for a process reflects the specific convention implemented by the application developer for that process. If you use the exit code value to make decisions in your code, be sure that you know the exit code convention used by the application process. Note that the exit code may also be generated by the compute node operating system, such as when a process is forcibly terminated.
    • failureInfo TaskFailureInformation
    • result TaskExecutionResult
    • startTime required string: If the task has been restarted or retried, this is the most recent time at which the task started running.
    • state required string (values: running, completed)
    • taskRootDirectory string
    • taskRootDirectoryUrl string


  • A job schedule that allows recurring jobs by specifying when to run jobs and a specification used to create each job. object
    • displayName string: The display name need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024.
    • id required string: The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores, and cannot contain more than 64 characters. The ID is case-preserving and case-insensitive (that is, you may not have two IDs within an account that differ only by case).
    • jobSpecification required JobSpecification
    • metadata array: The Batch service does not assign any meaning to metadata; it is solely for the use of user code.
    • schedule required Schedule


  • Contains information about jobs that have been and will be run under a job schedule. object
    • endTime string: This property is set only if the job schedule is in the completed state.
    • nextRunTime string: This property is meaningful only if the schedule is in the active state when the time comes around. For example, if the schedule is disabled, no job will be created at nextRunTime unless the job is enabled before then.
    • recentJob RecentJob


  • The set of changes to be made to a job schedule. object


  • The state of the job schedule. string (values: active, completed, disabled, terminating, deleting)


  • Resource usage statistics for a job schedule. object
    • kernelCPUTime required string
    • lastUpdateTime required string
    • numFailedTasks required integer
    • numSucceededTasks required integer
    • numTaskRetries required integer
    • readIOGiB required number
    • readIOps required integer
    • startTime required string
    • url required string
    • userCPUTime required string
    • waitTime required string: This value is only reported in the account lifetime statistics; it is not included in the job statistics.
    • wallClockTime required string: The wall clock time is the elapsed time from when the task started running on a compute node to when it finished (or to the last time the statistics were updated, if the task had not finished by then). If a task was retried, this includes the wall clock time of all the task retries.
    • writeIOGiB required number
    • writeIOps required integer


  • The set of changes to be made to a job schedule. object
    • jobSpecification required JobSpecification
    • metadata array: If you do not specify this element, it takes the default value of an empty list; in effect, any existing metadata is deleted.
    • schedule required Schedule


  • An error encountered by the Batch service when scheduling a job. object


  • Specifies details of the jobs to be created on a schedule. object
    • commonEnvironmentSettings array: Individual tasks can override an environment setting specified here by specifying the same setting name with a different value.
    • constraints JobConstraints
    • displayName string: The name need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024.
    • jobManagerTask JobManagerTask
    • jobPreparationTask JobPreparationTask
    • jobReleaseTask JobReleaseTask
    • metadata array: The Batch service does not assign any meaning to metadata; it is solely for the use of user code.
    • onAllTasksComplete OnAllTasksComplete
    • onTaskFailure OnTaskFailure
    • poolInfo required PoolInformation
    • priority integer: Priority values can range from -1000 to 1000, with -1000 being the lowest priority and 1000 being the highest priority. The default value is 0. This priority is used as the default for all jobs under the job schedule. You can update a job's priority after it has been created using by using the update job API.
    • usesTaskDependencies boolean


  • The state of the job. string (values: active, disabling, disabled, enabling, terminating, completed, deleting)


  • Resource usage statistics for a job. object
    • kernelCPUTime required string
    • lastUpdateTime required string
    • numFailedTasks required integer: A task fails if it exhausts its maximum retry count without returning exit code 0.
    • numSucceededTasks required integer: A task completes successfully if it returns exit code 0.
    • numTaskRetries required integer
    • readIOGiB required number
    • readIOps required integer
    • startTime required string
    • url required string
    • userCPUTime required string
    • waitTime required string: The wait time for a task is defined as the elapsed time between the creation of the task and the start of task execution. (If the task is retried due to failures, the wait time is the time to the most recent task execution.) This value is only reported in the account lifetime statistics; it is not included in the job statistics.
    • wallClockTime required string: The wall clock time is the elapsed time from when the task started running on a compute node to when it finished (or to the last time the statistics were updated, if the task had not finished by then). If a task was retried, this includes the wall clock time of all the task retries.
    • writeIOGiB required number
    • writeIOps required integer


  • Options when terminating a job. object
    • terminateReason string


  • The set of changes to be made to a job. object
    • constraints JobConstraints
    • metadata array: If omitted, it takes the default value of an empty list; in effect, any existing metadata is deleted.
    • onAllTasksComplete OnAllTasksComplete
    • poolInfo required PoolInformation
    • priority integer: Priority values can range from -1000 to 1000, with -1000 being the lowest priority and 1000 being the highest priority. If omitted, it is set to the default value 0.


  • Properties used to create a user account on a Linux node. object
    • gid integer: The uid and gid properties must be specified together or not at all. If not specified the underlying operating system picks the gid.
    • sshPrivateKey string: The private key must not be password protected. The private key is used to automatically configure asymmetric-key based authentication for SSH between nodes in a Linux pool when the pool's enableInterNodeCommunication property is true (it is ignored if enableInterNodeCommunication is false). It does this by placing the key pair into the user's .ssh directory. If not specified, password-less SSH is not configured between nodes (no modification of the user's .ssh directory is done).
    • uid integer: The uid and gid properties must be specified together or not at all. If not specified the underlying operating system picks the uid.


  • A name-value pair associated with a Batch service resource. object: The Batch service does not assign any meaning to this metadata; it is solely for the use of user code.
    • name required string
    • value required string


  • Settings which specify how to run a multi-instance task. object: Multi-instance tasks are commonly used to support MPI tasks.
    • commonResourceFiles array: The difference between common resource files and task resource files is that common resource files are downloaded for all subtasks including the primary, whereas task resource files are downloaded only for the primary. Also note that these resource files are not downloaded to the task working directory, but instead are downloaded to the task root directory (one directory above the working directory). There is a maximum size for the list of resource files. When the max size is exceeded, the request will fail and the response error code will be RequestEntityTooLarge. If this occurs, the collection of ResourceFiles must be reduced in size. This can be achieved using .zip files, Application Packages, or Docker Containers.
    • coordinationCommandLine required string: A typical coordination command line launches a background service and verifies that the service is ready to process inter-node messages.
    • numberOfInstances integer: If omitted, the default is 1.


  • Represents a name-value pair. object
    • name string
    • value string


  • NetworkConfiguration object: The network configuration for a pool.
    • endpointConfiguration PoolEndpointConfiguration
    • subnetId string: The virtual network must be in the same region and subscription as the Azure Batch account. The specified subnet should have enough free IP addresses to accommodate the number of nodes in the pool. If the subnet doesn't have enough free IP addresses, the pool will partially allocate compute nodes, and a resize error will occur. The 'MicrosoftAzureBatch' service principal must have the 'Classic Virtual Machine Contributor' Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) role for the specified VNet. The specified subnet must allow communication from the Azure Batch service to be able to schedule tasks on the compute nodes. This can be verified by checking if the specified VNet has any associated Network Security Groups (NSG). If communication to the compute nodes in the specified subnet is denied by an NSG, then the Batch service will set the state of the compute nodes to unusable. For pools created with virtualMachineConfiguration only ARM virtual networks ('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks') are supported, but for pools created with cloudServiceConfiguration both ARM and classic virtual networks are supported. If the specified VNet has any associated Network Security Groups (NSG), then a few reserved system ports must be enabled for inbound communication. For pools created with a virtual machine configuration, enable ports 29876 and 29877, as well as port 22 for Linux and port 3389 for Windows. For pools created with a cloud service configuration, enable ports 10100, 20100, and 30100. Also enable outbound connections to Azure Storage on port 443. For more details see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-api-basics#virtual-network-vnet-and-firewall-configuration


  • A network security group rule to apply to an inbound endpoint. object
    • access required string (values: allow, deny)
    • priority required integer: Priorities within a pool must be unique and are evaluated in order of priority. The lower the number the higher the priority. For example, rules could be specified with order numbers of 150, 250, and 350. The rule with the order number of 150 takes precedence over the rule that has an order of 250. Allowed priorities are 150 to 3500. If any reserved or duplicate values are provided the request fails with HTTP status code 400.
    • sourceAddressPrefix required string: Valid values are a single IP address (i.e., IP subnet (i.e., default tag, or * (for all addresses). If any other values are provided the request fails with HTTP status code 400.


  • Information about the node agent. object: The Batch node agent is a program that runs on each node in the pool and provides Batch capability on the compute node.


  • A node agent SKU supported by the Batch service. object: The Batch node agent is a program that runs on each node in the pool, and provides the command-and-control interface between the node and the Batch service. There are different implementations of the node agent, known as SKUs, for different operating systems.
    • id string
    • osType string (values: linux, windows)
    • verifiedImageReferences array: This collection is not exhaustive (the node agent may be compatible with other images).


  • The number of nodes in each node state. object
    • creating required integer
    • idle required integer
    • leavingPool required integer
    • offline required integer
    • preempted required integer
    • rebooting required integer
    • reimaging required integer
    • running required integer
    • startTaskFailed required integer
    • starting required integer
    • total required integer
    • unknown required integer
    • unusable required integer
    • waitingForStartTask required integer


  • Options for disabling scheduling on a compute node. object
    • nodeDisableSchedulingOption string (values: requeue, terminate, taskcompletion): The default value is requeue.


  • Information about a file or directory on a compute node. object
    • isDirectory boolean
    • name string
    • properties FileProperties
    • url string


  • The result of listing the files on a compute node, or the files associated with a task on a node. object
    • odata.nextLink string
    • value array


  • Options for rebooting a compute node. object
    • nodeRebootOption string (values: requeue, terminate, taskcompletion, retaineddata): The default value is requeue.


  • Options for reimaging a compute node. object
    • nodeReimageOption string (values: requeue, terminate, taskcompletion, retaineddata): The default value is requeue.


  • Options for removing compute nodes from a pool. object
    • nodeDeallocationOption ComputeNodeDeallocationOption
    • nodeList required array
      • items string
    • resizeTimeout string: The default value is 15 minutes. The minimum value is 5 minutes. If you specify a value less than 5 minutes, the Batch service returns an error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).


  • The set of changes to be made to a user account on a node. object
    • expiryTime string: If omitted, the default is 1 day from the current time. For Linux compute nodes, the expiryTime has a precision up to a day.
    • password string: The password is required for Windows nodes (those created with 'cloudServiceConfiguration', or created with 'virtualMachineConfiguration' using a Windows image reference). For Linux compute nodes, the password can optionally be specified along with the sshPublicKey property. If omitted, any existing password is removed.
    • sshPublicKey string: The public key should be compatible with OpenSSH encoding and should be base 64 encoded. This property can be specified only for Linux nodes. If this is specified for a Windows node, then the Batch service rejects the request; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request). If omitted, any existing SSH public key is removed.


  • Settings for the operating system disk of the virtual machine. object


  • The action the Batch service should take when all tasks in the job are in the completed state. string (values: noaction, terminatejob)


  • The action the Batch service should take when any task in the job fails. string (values: noaction, performexitoptionsjobaction): A task is considered to have failed if has a failureInfo. A failureInfo is set if the task completes with a non-zero exit code after exhausting its retry count, or if there was an error starting the task, for example due to a resource file download error. The default is noaction.


  • A specification for uploading files from an Azure Batch node to another location after the Batch service has finished executing the task process. object
    • destination required OutputFileDestination
    • filePattern required string: Both relative and absolute paths are supported. Relative paths are relative to the task working directory. The following wildcards are supported: * matches 0 or more characters (for example pattern abc* would match abc or abcdef), ** matches any directory, ? matches any single character, [abc] matches one character in the brackets, and [a-c] matches one character in the range. Brackets can include a negation to match any character not specified (for example [!abc] matches any character but a, b, or c). If a file name starts with "." it is ignored by default but may be matched by specifying it explicitly (for example .gif will not match .a.gif, but ..gif will). A simple example: ***.txt matches any file that does not start in '.' and ends with .txt in the task working directory or any subdirectory. If the filename contains a wildcard character it can be escaped using brackets (for example abc[] would match a file named abc). Note that both \ and / are treated as directory separators on Windows, but only / is on Linux. Environment variables (%var% on Windows or $var on Linux) are expanded prior to the pattern being applied.
    • uploadOptions required OutputFileUploadOptions


  • Specifies a file upload destination within an Azure blob storage container. object
    • containerUrl required string: The URL must include a Shared Access Signature (SAS) granting write permissions to the container.
    • path string: If filePattern refers to a specific file (i.e. contains no wildcards), then path is the name of the blob to which to upload that file. If filePattern contains one or more wildcards (and therefore may match multiple files), then path is the name of the blob virtual directory (which is prepended to each blob name) to which to upload the file(s). If omitted, file(s) are uploaded to the root of the container with a blob name matching their file name.



  • The conditions under which a task output file or set of files should be uploaded. string (values: tasksuccess, taskfailure, taskcompletion)


  • Details about an output file upload operation, including under what conditions to perform the upload. object


  • A pool in the Azure Batch service to add. object
    • applicationLicenses array: The list of application licenses must be a subset of available Batch service application licenses. If a license is requested which is not supported, pool creation will fail.
      • items string
    • applicationPackageReferences array
    • autoScaleEvaluationInterval string: The default value is 15 minutes. The minimum and maximum value are 5 minutes and 168 hours respectively. If you specify a value less than 5 minutes or greater than 168 hours, the Batch service returns an error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).
    • autoScaleFormula string: This property must not be specified if enableAutoScale is set to false. It is required if enableAutoScale is set to true. The formula is checked for validity before the pool is created. If the formula is not valid, the Batch service rejects the request with detailed error information. For more information about specifying this formula, see 'Automatically scale compute nodes in an Azure Batch pool' (https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/batch-automatic-scaling/).
    • certificateReferences array: For Windows compute nodes, the Batch service installs the certificates to the specified certificate store and location. For Linux compute nodes, the certificates are stored in a directory inside the task working directory and an environment variable AZ_BATCH_CERTIFICATES_DIR is supplied to the task to query for this location. For certificates with visibility of 'remoteUser', a 'certs' directory is created in the user's home directory (e.g., /home/{user-name}/certs) and certificates are placed in that directory.
    • cloudServiceConfiguration CloudServiceConfiguration
    • displayName string: The display name need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024.
    • enableAutoScale boolean: If false, at least one of targetDedicateNodes and targetLowPriorityNodes must be specified. If true, the autoScaleFormula property is required and the pool automatically resizes according to the formula. The default value is false.
    • enableInterNodeCommunication boolean: Enabling inter-node communication limits the maximum size of the pool due to deployment restrictions on the nodes of the pool. This may result in the pool not reaching its desired size. The default value is false.
    • id required string: The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores, and cannot contain more than 64 characters. The ID is case-preserving and case-insensitive (that is, you may not have two pool IDs within an account that differ only by case).
    • maxTasksPerNode integer: The default value is 1. The maximum value of this setting depends on the size of the compute nodes in the pool (the vmSize setting).
    • metadata array: The Batch service does not assign any meaning to metadata; it is solely for the use of user code.
    • networkConfiguration NetworkConfiguration
    • resizeTimeout string: This timeout applies only to manual scaling; it has no effect when enableAutoScale is set to true. The default value is 15 minutes. The minimum value is 5 minutes. If you specify a value less than 5 minutes, the Batch service returns an error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).
    • startTask StartTask
    • targetDedicatedNodes integer: This property must not be specified if enableAutoScale is set to true. If enableAutoScale is set to false, then you must set either targetDedicatedNodes, targetLowPriorityNodes, or both.
    • targetLowPriorityNodes integer: This property must not be specified if enableAutoScale is set to true. If enableAutoScale is set to false, then you must set either targetDedicatedNodes, targetLowPriorityNodes, or both.
    • taskSchedulingPolicy TaskSchedulingPolicy
    • userAccounts array
    • virtualMachineConfiguration VirtualMachineConfiguration
    • vmSize required string: For information about available sizes of virtual machines for Cloud Services pools (pools created with cloudServiceConfiguration), see Sizes for Cloud Services (https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/cloud-services-sizes-specs/). Batch supports all Cloud Services VM sizes except ExtraSmall, A1V2 and A2V2. For information about available VM sizes for pools using images from the Virtual Machines Marketplace (pools created with virtualMachineConfiguration) see Sizes for Virtual Machines (Linux) (https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-sizes/) or Sizes for Virtual Machines (Windows) (https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-windows-sizes/). Batch supports all Azure VM sizes except STANDARD_A0 and those with premium storage (STANDARD_GS, STANDARD_DS, and STANDARD_DSV2 series).


  • Options for enabling automatic scaling on a pool. object
    • autoScaleEvaluationInterval string: The default value is 15 minutes. The minimum and maximum value are 5 minutes and 168 hours respectively. If you specify a value less than 5 minutes or greater than 168 hours, the Batch service rejects the request with an invalid property value error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request). If you specify a new interval, then the existing autoscale evaluation schedule will be stopped and a new autoscale evaluation schedule will be started, with its starting time being the time when this request was issued.
    • autoScaleFormula string: The formula is checked for validity before it is applied to the pool. If the formula is not valid, the Batch service rejects the request with detailed error information. For more information about specifying this formula, see Automatically scale compute nodes in an Azure Batch pool (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/batch-automatic-scaling).


  • The endpoint configuration for a pool. object
    • inboundNATPools required array: The maximum number of inbound NAT pools per Batch pool is 5. If the maximum number of inbound NAT pools is exceeded the request fails with HTTP status code 400.


  • Options for evaluating an automatic scaling formula on a pool. object


  • Specifies how a job should be assigned to a pool. object
    • autoPoolSpecification AutoPoolSpecification
    • poolId string: You must ensure that the pool referenced by this property exists. If the pool does not exist at the time the Batch service tries to schedule a job, no tasks for the job will run until you create a pool with that id. Note that the Batch service will not reject the job request; it will simply not run tasks until the pool exists. You must specify either the pool ID or the auto pool specification, but not both.


  • The result of a listing the usage metrics for an account. object


  • The number of nodes in each state for a pool. object


  • The result of listing the node counts in the account. object
    • odata.nextLink string
    • value array: A list of node counts by pool.


  • The set of changes to be made to a pool. object
    • applicationPackageReferences array: Changes to application package references affect all new compute nodes joining the pool, but do not affect compute nodes that are already in the pool until they are rebooted or reimaged. If this element is present, it replaces any existing application package references. If you specify an empty collection, then all application package references are removed from the pool. If omitted, any existing application package references are left unchanged.
    • certificateReferences array: If this element is present, it replaces any existing certificate references configured on the pool. If omitted, any existing certificate references are left unchanged. For Windows compute nodes, the Batch service installs the certificates to the specified certificate store and location. For Linux compute nodes, the certificates are stored in a directory inside the task working directory and an environment variable AZ_BATCH_CERTIFICATES_DIR is supplied to the task to query for this location. For certificates with visibility of 'remoteUser', a 'certs' directory is created in the user's home directory (e.g., /home/{user-name}/certs) and certificates are placed in that directory.
    • metadata array: If this element is present, it replaces any existing metadata configured on the pool. If you specify an empty collection, any metadata is removed from the pool. If omitted, any existing metadata is left unchanged.
    • startTask StartTask


  • Options for changing the size of a pool. object
    • nodeDeallocationOption ComputeNodeDeallocationOption
    • resizeTimeout string: The default value is 15 minutes. The minimum value is 5 minutes. If you specify a value less than 5 minutes, the Batch service returns an error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).
    • targetDedicatedNodes integer
    • targetLowPriorityNodes integer


  • Specification for creating a new pool. object
    • applicationLicenses array: The list of application licenses must be a subset of available Batch service application licenses. If a license is requested which is not supported, pool creation will fail. The permitted licenses available on the pool are 'maya', 'vray', '3dsmax', 'arnold'. An additional charge applies for each application license added to the pool.
      • items string
    • applicationPackageReferences array
    • autoScaleEvaluationInterval string: The default value is 15 minutes. The minimum and maximum value are 5 minutes and 168 hours respectively. If you specify a value less than 5 minutes or greater than 168 hours, the Batch service rejects the request with an invalid property value error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).
    • autoScaleFormula string: This property must not be specified if enableAutoScale is set to false. It is required if enableAutoScale is set to true. The formula is checked for validity before the pool is created. If the formula is not valid, the Batch service rejects the request with detailed error information.
    • certificateReferences array: For Windows compute nodes, the Batch service installs the certificates to the specified certificate store and location. For Linux compute nodes, the certificates are stored in a directory inside the task working directory and an environment variable AZ_BATCH_CERTIFICATES_DIR is supplied to the task to query for this location. For certificates with visibility of 'remoteUser', a 'certs' directory is created in the user's home directory (e.g., /home/{user-name}/certs) and certificates are placed in that directory.
    • cloudServiceConfiguration CloudServiceConfiguration
    • displayName string: The display name need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024.
    • enableAutoScale boolean: If false, at least one of targetDedicateNodes and targetLowPriorityNodes must be specified. If true, the autoScaleFormula element is required. The pool automatically resizes according to the formula. The default value is false.
    • enableInterNodeCommunication boolean: Enabling inter-node communication limits the maximum size of the pool due to deployment restrictions on the nodes of the pool. This may result in the pool not reaching its desired size. The default value is false.
    • maxTasksPerNode integer: The default value is 1. The maximum value of this setting depends on the size of the compute nodes in the pool (the vmSize setting).
    • metadata array: The Batch service does not assign any meaning to metadata; it is solely for the use of user code.
    • networkConfiguration NetworkConfiguration
    • resizeTimeout string: This timeout applies only to manual scaling; it has no effect when enableAutoScale is set to true. The default value is 15 minutes. The minimum value is 5 minutes. If you specify a value less than 5 minutes, the Batch service rejects the request with an error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).
    • startTask StartTask
    • targetDedicatedNodes integer: This property must not be specified if enableAutoScale is set to true. If enableAutoScale is set to false, then you must set either targetDedicatedNodes, targetLowPriorityNodes, or both.
    • targetLowPriorityNodes integer: This property must not be specified if enableAutoScale is set to true. If enableAutoScale is set to false, then you must set either targetDedicatedNodes, targetLowPriorityNodes, or both.
    • taskSchedulingPolicy TaskSchedulingPolicy
    • userAccounts array
    • virtualMachineConfiguration VirtualMachineConfiguration
    • vmSize required string: For information about available sizes of virtual machines in pools, see Choose a VM size for compute nodes in an Azure Batch pool (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/batch/batch-pool-vm-sizes).


  • Contains utilization and resource usage statistics for the lifetime of a pool. object


  • The set of changes to be made to a pool. object
    • applicationPackageReferences required array: The list replaces any existing application package references on the pool. Changes to application package references affect all new compute nodes joining the pool, but do not affect compute nodes that are already in the pool until they are rebooted or reimaged. If omitted, or if you specify an empty collection, any existing application packages references are removed from the pool.
    • certificateReferences required array: This list replaces any existing certificate references configured on the pool. If you specify an empty collection, any existing certificate references are removed from the pool. For Windows compute nodes, the Batch service installs the certificates to the specified certificate store and location. For Linux compute nodes, the certificates are stored in a directory inside the task working directory and an environment variable AZ_BATCH_CERTIFICATES_DIR is supplied to the task to query for this location. For certificates with visibility of 'remoteUser', a 'certs' directory is created in the user's home directory (e.g., /home/{user-name}/certs) and certificates are placed in that directory.
    • metadata required array: This list replaces any existing metadata configured on the pool. If omitted, or if you specify an empty collection, any existing metadata is removed from the pool.
    • startTask StartTask


  • Options for upgrading the operating system of compute nodes in a pool. object
    • targetOSVersion required string


  • Usage metrics for a pool across an aggregation interval. object
    • dataEgressGiB required number
    • dataIngressGiB required number
    • endTime required string
    • poolId required string
    • startTime required string
    • totalCoreHours required number
    • vmSize required string: For information about available sizes of virtual machines in pools, see Choose a VM size for compute nodes in an Azure Batch pool (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/batch/batch-pool-vm-sizes).


  • Information about the most recent job to run under the job schedule. object
    • id string
    • url string


  • An error that occurred when resizing a pool. object


  • A file to be downloaded from Azure blob storage to a compute node. object
    • blobSource required string: This URL must be readable using anonymous access; that is, the Batch service does not present any credentials when downloading the blob. There are two ways to get such a URL for a blob in Azure storage: include a Shared Access Signature (SAS) granting read permissions on the blob, or set the ACL for the blob or its container to allow public access.
    • fileMode string: This property applies only to files being downloaded to Linux compute nodes. It will be ignored if it is specified for a resourceFile which will be downloaded to a Windows node. If this property is not specified for a Linux node, then a default value of 0770 is applied to the file.
    • filePath required string


  • Statistics related to resource consumption by compute nodes in a pool. object
    • avgCPUPercentage required number
    • avgDiskGiB required number
    • avgMemoryGiB required number
    • diskReadGiB required number
    • diskReadIOps required integer
    • diskWriteGiB required number
    • diskWriteIOps required integer
    • lastUpdateTime required string
    • networkReadGiB required number
    • networkWriteGiB required number
    • peakDiskGiB required number
    • peakMemoryGiB required number
    • startTime required string


  • The schedule according to which jobs will be created object
    • doNotRunAfter string: If you do not specify a doNotRunAfter time, and you are creating a recurring job schedule, the job schedule will remain active until you explicitly terminate it.
    • doNotRunUntil string: If you do not specify a doNotRunUntil time, the schedule becomes ready to create jobs immediately.
    • recurrenceInterval string: Because a job schedule can have at most one active job under it at any given time, if it is time to create a new job under a job schedule, but the previous job is still running, the Batch service will not create the new job until the previous job finishes. If the previous job does not finish within the startWindow period of the new recurrenceInterval, then no new job will be scheduled for that interval. For recurring jobs, you should normally specify a jobManagerTask in the jobSpecification. If you do not use jobManagerTask, you will need an external process to monitor when jobs are created, add tasks to the jobs and terminate the jobs ready for the next recurrence. The default is that the schedule does not recur: one job is created, within the startWindow after the doNotRunUntil time, and the schedule is complete as soon as that job finishes. The minimum value is 1 minute. If you specify a lower value, the Batch service rejects the schedule with an error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).
    • startWindow string: If a job is not created within the startWindow interval, then the 'opportunity' is lost; no job will be created until the next recurrence of the schedule. If the schedule is recurring, and the startWindow is longer than the recurrence interval, then this is equivalent to an infinite startWindow, because the job that is 'due' in one recurrenceInterval is not carried forward into the next recurrence interval. The default is infinite. The minimum value is 1 minute. If you specify a lower value, the Batch service rejects the schedule with an error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request).


  • A task which is run when a compute node joins a pool in the Azure Batch service, or when the compute node is rebooted or reimaged. object: Batch will retry tasks when a recovery operation is triggered on a compute node. Examples of recovery operations include (but are not limited to) when an unhealthy compute node is rebooted or a compute node disappeared due to host failure. Retries due to recovery operations are independent of and are not counted against the maxTaskRetryCount. Even if the maxTaskRetryCount is 0, an internal retry due to a recovery operation may occur. Because of this, all tasks should be idempotent. This means tasks need to tolerate being interrupted and restarted without causing any corruption or duplicate data. The best practice for long running tasks is to use some form of checkpointing.
    • commandLine required string: The command line does not run under a shell, and therefore cannot take advantage of shell features such as environment variable expansion. If you want to take advantage of such features, you should invoke the shell in the command line, for example using "cmd /c MyCommand" in Windows or "/bin/sh -c MyCommand" in Linux. If the command line refers to file paths, it should use a relative path (relative to the task working directory), or use the Batch provided environment variable (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-compute-node-environment-variables).
    • containerSettings TaskContainerSettings
    • environmentSettings array
    • maxTaskRetryCount integer: The Batch service retries a task if its exit code is nonzero. Note that this value specifically controls the number of retries. The Batch service will try the task once, and may then retry up to this limit. For example, if the maximum retry count is 3, Batch tries the task up to 4 times (one initial try and 3 retries). If the maximum retry count is 0, the Batch service does not retry the task. If the maximum retry count is -1, the Batch service retries the task without limit.
    • resourceFiles array: Files listed under this element are located in the task's working directory.
    • userIdentity UserIdentity
    • waitForSuccess boolean: If true and the start task fails on a compute node, the Batch service retries the start task up to its maximum retry count (maxTaskRetryCount). If the task has still not completed successfully after all retries, then the Batch service marks the compute node unusable, and will not schedule tasks to it. This condition can be detected via the node state and failure info details. If false, the Batch service will not wait for the start task to complete. In this case, other tasks can start executing on the compute node while the start task is still running; and even if the start task fails, new tasks will continue to be scheduled on the node. The default is false.


  • Information about a start task running on a compute node. object
    • containerInfo TaskContainerExecutionInformation
    • endTime string: This is the end time of the most recent run of the start task, if that run has completed (even if that run failed and a retry is pending). This element is not present if the start task is currently running.
    • exitCode integer: This property is set only if the start task is in the completed state. In general, the exit code for a process reflects the specific convention implemented by the application developer for that process. If you use the exit code value to make decisions in your code, be sure that you know the exit code convention used by the application process. However, if the Batch service terminates the start task (due to timeout, or user termination via the API) you may see an operating system-defined exit code.
    • failureInfo TaskFailureInformation
    • lastRetryTime string: This element is present only if the task was retried (i.e. retryCount is nonzero). If present, this is typically the same as startTime, but may be different if the task has been restarted for reasons other than retry; for example, if the compute node was rebooted during a retry, then the startTime is updated but the lastRetryTime is not.
    • result TaskExecutionResult
    • retryCount required integer: Task application failures (non-zero exit code) are retried, pre-processing errors (the task could not be run) and file upload errors are not retried. The Batch service will retry the task up to the limit specified by the constraints.
    • startTime required string: This value is reset every time the task is restarted or retried (that is, this is the most recent time at which the start task started running).
    • state required string (values: running, completed)


  • The storage account type for use in creating data disks. string (values: standard_lrs, premium_lrs)


  • Information about an Azure Batch subtask. object
    • containerInfo TaskContainerExecutionInformation
    • endTime string: This property is set only if the subtask is in the Completed state.
    • exitCode integer: This property is set only if the subtask is in the completed state. In general, the exit code for a process reflects the specific convention implemented by the application developer for that process. If you use the exit code value to make decisions in your code, be sure that you know the exit code convention used by the application process. However, if the Batch service terminates the subtask (due to timeout, or user termination via the API) you may see an operating system-defined exit code.
    • failureInfo TaskFailureInformation
    • id integer
    • nodeInfo ComputeNodeInformation
    • previousState SubtaskState
    • previousStateTransitionTime string: This property is not set if the subtask is in its initial running state.
    • result TaskExecutionResult
    • startTime string
    • state SubtaskState
    • stateTransitionTime string


  • The state of the subtask. string (values: preparing, running, completed)


  • A collection of Azure Batch tasks to add. object
    • value required array: The total serialized size of this collection must be less than 1MB. If it is greater than 1MB (for example if each task has 100's of resource files or environment variables), the request will fail with code 'RequestBodyTooLarge' and should be retried again with fewer tasks.


  • The result of adding a collection of tasks to a job. object


  • An Azure Batch task to add. object: Batch will retry tasks when a recovery operation is triggered on a compute node. Examples of recovery operations include (but are not limited to) when an unhealthy compute node is rebooted or a compute node disappeared due to host failure. Retries due to recovery operations are independent of and are not counted against the maxTaskRetryCount. Even if the maxTaskRetryCount is 0, an internal retry due to a recovery operation may occur. Because of this, all tasks should be idempotent. This means tasks need to tolerate being interrupted and restarted without causing any corruption or duplicate data. The best practice for long running tasks is to use some form of checkpointing.
    • affinityInfo AffinityInformation
    • applicationPackageReferences array: Application packages are downloaded and deployed to a shared directory, not the task working directory. Therefore, if a referenced package is already on the compute node, and is up to date, then it is not re-downloaded; the existing copy on the compute node is used. If a referenced application package cannot be installed, for example because the package has been deleted or because download failed, the task fails.
    • authenticationTokenSettings AuthenticationTokenSettings
    • commandLine required string: For multi-instance tasks, the command line is executed as the primary task, after the primary task and all subtasks have finished executing the coordination command line. The command line does not run under a shell, and therefore cannot take advantage of shell features such as environment variable expansion. If you want to take advantage of such features, you should invoke the shell in the command line, for example using "cmd /c MyCommand" in Windows or "/bin/sh -c MyCommand" in Linux. If the command line refers to file paths, it should use a relative path (relative to the task working directory), or use the Batch provided environment variable (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-compute-node-environment-variables).
    • constraints TaskConstraints
    • containerSettings TaskContainerSettings
    • dependsOn TaskDependencies
    • displayName string: The display name need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024.
    • environmentSettings array
    • exitConditions ExitConditions
    • id required string: The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores, and cannot contain more than 64 characters. The ID is case-preserving and case-insensitive (that is, you may not have two IDs within a job that differ only by case).
    • multiInstanceSettings MultiInstanceSettings
    • outputFiles array: For multi-instance tasks, the files will only be uploaded from the compute node on which the primary task is executed.
    • resourceFiles array: For multi-instance tasks, the resource files will only be downloaded to the compute node on which the primary task is executed. There is a maximum size for the list of resource files. When the max size is exceeded, the request will fail and the response error code will be RequestEntityTooLarge. If this occurs, the collection of ResourceFiles must be reduced in size. This can be achieved using .zip files, Application Packages, or Docker Containers.
    • userIdentity UserIdentity


  • Result for a single task added as part of an add task collection operation. object
    • eTag string: You can use this to detect whether the task has changed between requests. In particular, you can be pass the ETag with an Update Task request to specify that your changes should take effect only if nobody else has modified the job in the meantime.
    • error BatchError
    • lastModified string
    • location string
    • status required string (values: success, clienterror, servererror)
    • taskId required string


  • Execution constraints to apply to a task. object
    • maxTaskRetryCount integer: Note that this value specifically controls the number of retries for the task executable due to a nonzero exit code. The Batch service will try the task once, and may then retry up to this limit. For example, if the maximum retry count is 3, Batch tries the task up to 4 times (one initial try and 3 retries). If the maximum retry count is 0, the Batch service does not retry the task after the first attempt. If the maximum retry count is -1, the Batch service retries the task without limit. Resource files and application packages are only downloaded again if the task is retried on a new compute node.
    • maxWallClockTime string: If this is not specified, there is no time limit on how long the task may run.
    • retentionTime string: The default is infinite, i.e. the task directory will be retained until the compute node is removed or reimaged.


  • Contains information about the container which a task is executing. object
    • containerId string
    • error string: This is the detailed error string from the Docker service, if available. It is equivalent to the error field returned by "docker inspect".
    • state string: This is the state of the container according to the Docker service. It is equivalent to the status field returned by "docker inspect".


  • The container settings for a task. object
    • containerRunOptions string: These additional options are supplied as arguments to the "docker create" command, in addition to those controlled by the Batch Service.
    • imageName required string: This is the full image reference, as would be specified to "docker pull". If no tag is provided as part of the image name, the tag ":latest" is used as a default.
    • registry ContainerRegistry


  • The task counts for a job. object
    • active required integer
    • completed required integer
    • failed required integer
    • running required integer
    • succeeded required integer


  • Specifies any dependencies of a task. Any task that is explicitly specified or within a dependency range must complete before the dependant task will be scheduled. object
    • taskIdRanges array
    • taskIds array: The taskIds collection is limited to 64000 characters total (i.e. the combined length of all task IDs). If the taskIds collection exceeds the maximum length, the Add Task request fails with error code TaskDependencyListTooLong. In this case consider using task ID ranges instead.
      • items string


  • Information about the execution of a task. object
    • containerInfo TaskContainerExecutionInformation
    • endTime string: This property is set only if the task is in the Completed state.
    • exitCode integer: This property is set only if the task is in the completed state. In general, the exit code for a process reflects the specific convention implemented by the application developer for that process. If you use the exit code value to make decisions in your code, be sure that you know the exit code convention used by the application process. However, if the Batch service terminates the task (due to timeout, or user termination via the API) you may see an operating system-defined exit code.
    • failureInfo TaskFailureInformation
    • lastRequeueTime string: This property is set only if the requeueCount is nonzero.
    • lastRetryTime string: This element is present only if the task was retried (i.e. retryCount is nonzero). If present, this is typically the same as startTime, but may be different if the task has been restarted for reasons other than retry; for example, if the compute node was rebooted during a retry, then the startTime is updated but the lastRetryTime is not.
    • requeueCount required integer: When the user removes nodes from a pool (by resizing/shrinking the pool) or when the job is being disabled, the user can specify that running tasks on the nodes be requeued for execution. This count tracks how many times the task has been requeued for these reasons.
    • result TaskExecutionResult
    • retryCount required integer: Task application failures (non-zero exit code) are retried, pre-processing errors (the task could not be run) and file upload errors are not retried. The Batch service will retry the task up to the limit specified by the constraints.
    • startTime string: 'Running' corresponds to the running state, so if the task specifies resource files or application packages, then the start time reflects the time at which the task started downloading or deploying these. If the task has been restarted or retried, this is the most recent time at which the task started running. This property is present only for tasks that are in the running or completed state.


  • The result of task execution. string (values: success, failure)


  • Information about a task failure. object


  • A range of task IDs that a task can depend on. All tasks with IDs in the range must complete successfully before the dependent task can be scheduled. object: The start and end of the range are inclusive. For example, if a range has start 9 and end 12, then it represents tasks '9', '10', '11' and '12'.
    • end required integer
    • start required integer


  • Information about a task running on a compute node. object


  • Specifies how tasks should be distributed across compute nodes. object
    • nodeFillType required string (values: spread, pack)


  • The state of the task. string (values: active, preparing, running, completed)


  • Resource usage statistics for a task. object
    • kernelCPUTime required string
    • lastUpdateTime required string
    • readIOGiB required number
    • readIOps required integer
    • startTime required string
    • url required string
    • userCPUTime required string
    • waitTime required string
    • wallClockTime required string: The wall clock time is the elapsed time from when the task started running on a compute node to when it finished (or to the last time the statistics were updated, if the task had not finished by then). If the task was retried, this includes the wall clock time of all the task retries.
    • writeIOGiB required number
    • writeIOps required integer


  • The set of changes to be made to a task. object


  • The Azure Batch service log files upload configuration for a compute node. object
    • containerUrl required string: The URL must include a Shared Access Signature (SAS) granting write permissions to the container. The SAS duration must allow enough time for the upload to finish. The start time for SAS is optional and recommended to not be specified.
    • endTime string: Any log file containing a log message in the time range will be uploaded. This means that the operation might retrieve more logs than have been requested since the entire log file is always uploaded, but the operation should not retrieve fewer logs than have been requested. If omitted, the default is to upload all logs available after the startTime.
    • startTime required string: Any log file containing a log message in the time range will be uploaded. This means that the operation might retrieve more logs than have been requested since the entire log file is always uploaded, but the operation should not retrieve fewer logs than have been requested.


  • The result of uploading Batch service log files from a specific compute node. object
    • numberOfFilesUploaded required integer
    • virtualDirectoryName required string: The virtual directory name is part of the blob name for each log file uploaded, and it is built based poolId, nodeId and a unique identifier.


  • Statistics related to pool usage information. object
    • dedicatedCoreTime required string
    • lastUpdateTime required string
    • startTime required string


  • Properties used to create a user used to execute tasks on an Azure Batch node. object


  • The definition of the user identity under which the task is run. object: Specify either the userName or autoUser property, but not both. On CloudServiceConfiguration pools, this user is logged in with the INTERACTIVE flag. On Windows VirtualMachineConfiguration pools, this user is logged in with the BATCH flag.
    • autoUser AutoUserSpecification
    • username string: The userName and autoUser properties are mutually exclusive; you must specify one but not both.


  • The configuration for compute nodes in a pool based on the Azure Virtual Machines infrastructure. object
    • containerConfiguration ContainerConfiguration
    • dataDisks array: This property must be specified if the compute nodes in the pool need to have empty data disks attached to them. This cannot be updated. Each node gets its own disk (the disk is not a file share). Existing disks cannot be attached, each attached disk is empty. When the node is removed from the pool, the disk and all data associated with it is also deleted. The disk is not formatted after being attached, it must be formatted before use - for more information see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/classic/attach-disk#initialize-a-new-data-disk-in-linux and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/attach-disk-ps#add-an-empty-data-disk-to-a-virtual-machine.
    • imageReference required ImageReference
    • licenseType string: This only applies to images that contain the Windows operating system, and should only be used when you hold valid on-premises licenses for the nodes which will be deployed. If omitted, no on-premises licensing discount is applied. Values are:
    • nodeAgentSKUId required string: The Batch node agent is a program that runs on each node in the pool, and provides the command-and-control interface between the node and the Batch service. There are different implementations of the node agent, known as SKUs, for different operating systems. You must specify a node agent SKU which matches the selected image reference. To get the list of supported node agent SKUs along with their list of verified image references, see the 'List supported node agent SKUs' operation.
    • osDisk OSDisk
    • windowsConfiguration WindowsConfiguration


  • Windows operating system settings to apply to the virtual machine. object
    • enableAutomaticUpdates boolean: If omitted, the default value is true.

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