
2.0.0 • Public • Published


Utility package that provides convenient functions for working with tags in Redux Toolkit Query. It offers various helper functions to simplify the management of tags.

The utils are implemented as higher-order functions.


You can install package with:

npm install @bonzar/rtk-query-tags-util


yarn add @bonzar/rtk-query-tags-util


To ensure correct types, you need to pass the TagTypes from apiSlice. It's recommended to create a separate file, such as apiCacheUtils.ts, for this purpose.

Create an instance of the CacheUtils class with the TagTypes passed as a generic.

From here, you can export the necessary utils for convenient importing in other files.

// apiCacheUtils.ts

import type { TagTypes } from "../apiSlice";
import { CacheUtils } from "@bonzar/rtk-query-tags-util";

const cacheUtils = new CacheUtils<TagTypes>();

export const {
} = cacheUtils;
// apiSlice.ts

import { createApi } from "@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react";

const tagTypes = ["Product", "Basket"] as const; // don't forget const

export type TagTypes = (typeof tagTypes)[number];

export const apiSlice = createApi({
  // ... other api options

Create Your Own Tag Utility

This is also a good place to create additional utils. You can do this easily with the createTagsProvider() and getTags() functions.

Creating Tags Provider

To provide additional tags based on the result, error, and argument:

const cacheUtils = new CacheUtils<TagTypes>();

export function withResultAsId<R extends string | number, A>(type: TagTypes) {
  return cacheUtils.createTagsProvider<R, A>((result, error, arg) => {
    if (!result) {
      return [];

    return [{ type, id: result }]; // tags that will be added to tags list

Creating Tags Wrapper

This can be useful to conditionally include providing tags. The invalidateOnSuccess() utility is already implemented for this purpose:

import type { TagsWrapper } from "@bonzar/rtk-query-tags-util";

const cacheUtils = new CacheUtils<TagTypes>();

export const invalidateOnError: TagsWrapper<TagTypes> =
  (errorTags) => (result, error, arg) => {
    if (!error) return [];

    return cacheUtils.getTags(result, error, arg)(errorTags);

Custom BaseQueryError

If you use custom baseQuery, you can specify a type of your BaseQueryError when creating an instance of CacheUtil class.

const cacheUtils = new CacheUtils<TagTypes, YourBaseQueryErrorType>();

Also, when you create a tags wrapper with TagsWrapper type, you should put YourBaseQueryErrorType as second generic

const invalidateOnError: TagsWrapper<TagTypes, YourBaseQueryErrorType> =
  (tags) => (result, error, arg) => {
    // ...


To provide tags, put the utility function in the providesTags/invalidatesTags field of the createApi object.

All utilities can be used as providesTags or invalidatesTags.

import { createApi } from "@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react";
import { withArgAsId } from "./apiCacheUtils";

const apiSlice = createApi({
  // ... other api creation options
  endpoints: (build) => ({
    getProducts: build.query<GetProductsResult, GetProductsArg>({
      query: (arg) => `product/${arg}`,
      providesTags: withArgAsId("Product")(), // it will provide tag { type: "Product", id: arg }

Specifying Additional Tags

You can add additional tags in the arguments of the tagsProvider, or specify a callback that will return these tags.

// it will provide tags [ { type: "Product", id: arg }, "Basket" ]
providesTags: withArgAsId("Product")(["Basket"]),

// or
providesTags: withArgAsId("Product")((result, error, arg) => ["Basket"]),

Using multiply utils

You can nest one utility inside another. In order for the types to work correctly, you need to pass the Result and Arg types to each tag utility.

For example:

const apiSlice = createApi({
  // omit other api creation options
  endpoints: (build) => ({
    getProducts: build.query<GetProductsResult, GetProductsArg>({
      query: (arg) => `product/${arg}`,
      providesTags: withArgAsId<GetProductsResult, GetProductsArg>("Product")(
        withNestedList<GetProductsResult, GetProductsArg>(
          (result) => result.basket
          withNestedResultId<GetProductsResult, GetProductsArg>(
            (result) => result.coupon.id

This is pretty unreadable :)

You can use the withTags utility to compose them and provide types to each one:

import { withTags } from "./apiCacheUtils";

const apiSlice = createApi({
  // omit other api creation options
  endpoints: (build) => ({
    getProducts: build.query<GetProductsResult, GetProductsArg>({
      query: (arg) => `product/${arg}`,
      providesTags: withTags<GetProductsResult, GetProductsArg>([
        withNestedList("Basket", (result) => result.basket), // result already typed
        withNestedResultId("Coupon", (result) => result.coupon.id),

Note that when only one utility is used, types can be omitted.

Utility Functions

Each function returns a tags provider function.

The provider may receive tags and return a callback that can be passed to the providesTags/invalidatesTags field in the createApi object of RTK Query.

You can combine them by nesting one inside another.

P.S: Types are approximate


withList<R extends Record<"id", string | number>[], A>(type: TagTypes): TagsProvider

Adds tags with the specified type and ids: "LIST", id property of items from the result array.

If the result is rejected, only a tag with the id "LIST" will be provided.


// Result
// [
//   { id: 1, message: "foo" },
//   { id: 2, message: "bar" },
// ];

// [
//   { type: "Product", id: "LIST"},
//   { type: "Product", id: 1 },
//   { type: "Product", id: 2 },
// ]


withArgAsId<R, A extends string | number>(type: TagTypes): TagsProvider

Adds a tag with the specified type and the argument as the id.


// Argument - 5

// [{ type: "Product", id: 5 }]


withNestedList<R, A>(
  type: TagTypes,
  extractList: (result: R) => Record<"id", string | number>[]
): TagsProvider

Adds tags with the specified type and ids: "LIST", id property of items from the extracted list.

The list is extracted from the result using the extractList function.

If the result is rejected, only a tag with the id "LIST" will be provided.


// Result
// {
//   nested: {
//     list: [
//       { id: 1, message: "foo" },
//       { id: 2, message: "bar" },
//     ],
//   },
// };

withNestedList("Product", (result) => result.nested.list)();
// [
//   { type: "Product", id: "LIST"},
//   { type: "Product", id: 1 },
//   { type: "Product", id: 2 },
// ]


withNestedArgId<R, A>(
  type: TagTypes,
  extractId: (arg: A) => string | number
): TagsProvider

Adds a tag with the specified type and the id, as an extracted field from the argument


// Argument - { id: 5 }

withNestedArgId("Product", (arg) => arg.id)();
// [{ type: "Product", id: 5 }]


withNestedResultId<R, A>(
  type: TagTypes,
  extractId: (result: R) => string | number
): TagsProvider

Adds a tag with the specified type and the id, as an extracted field from the result


// Result - { id: 5 }

withNestedArgId("Product", (res) => res.id)();
// [{ type: 'Product', id: 5 }]


withDeepNestedList<R, A, IdItem extends Record<string, unknown>>(
  type: TagTypes,
  extractList: (result: R) => IdItem[],
  extractId: (item: IdItem) => string | number
): TagsProvider

Adds tags with the specified type and ids: "LIST", ids as properties extracted from items in the extracted list.

The list is extracted from the result using the extractList function.

The id is extracted from each item in the list using the extractId function.

If the result is rejected, only a tag with the id "LIST" will be provided.


// Result
// {
//   nestedResult: [
//     { productId: 1 },
//     { productId: 2 },
//   ];
// }

  (result) => result.nestedResult,
  (item) => item.productId
// [
//   { type: "Product", id: "LIST"},
//   { type: "Product", id: 1 },
//   { type: "Product", id: 2 },
// ]


invalidateList<R, A>(type: TagTypes): TagsProvider

Adds a tag with the specified type and id "LIST".


// [{ type: "Product", id: "LIST"}]


invalidateOnSuccess(successTags?: Tags | () => Tags): TagsProvider

Adds the tags passed to the successTags argument, if the request is successful.

Otherwise, nothing will be provided.


invalidateOnSuccess(["Product"]); // success request
// ['Product']

invalidateOnSuccess(() => ["Product"]); // rejected request
// []


withTags<R, A>(tagsProviders: TagsProvider[]): TagsProvider

This function is used to compose multiple tags provider functions together and pass typings from the generic to each of them.

It provides a better way to type multiple tags providers.


withTags<ResultType, ArgType>([
  // no needed to pass typings for each of tags provider


Contributions to @bonzar/rtk-query-tags-util are welcome! If you find any issues or would like to suggest new features/utils, please create a GitHub issue or submit a pull request.


@bonzar/rtk-query-tags-util is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.


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