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3.2.5 • Public • Published

Ant Design Pro Layout

NPM version Vue Support Vue Grammar Level NPM downloads License

💻 Preview layout:

Basic Usage

Recommend look Examples or Use Template



# yarn
yarn add @ant-design-vue/pro-layout
# npm
npm i @ant-design-vue/pro-layout -S

Simple Usage

First, you should add the @ant-design-vue/pro-layout that you need into the library.

// main.[js|ts]
import "@ant-design-vue/pro-layout/dist/style.css"; // pro-layout css or style.less

import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import Antd from "ant-design-vue";
import ProLayout, { PageContainer } from "@ant-design-vue/pro-layout";

const app = createApp(App);


After that, you can use pro-layout in your Vue components as simply as this:

    <router-view />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive, useRouter } from "vue";
import { getMenuData, clearMenuItem } from "@ant-design-vue/pro-layout";

const locale = (i18n: string) => i18n;
const router = useRouter();

const { menuData } = getMenuData(clearMenuItem(router.getRoutes()));

const state = reactive({
  collapsed: false, // default value
  openKeys: ["/dashboard"],
  selectedKeys: ["/welcome"],
const layoutConf = reactive({
  navTheme: "dark",
  layout: "mix",
  splitMenus: false,



Property Description Type Default Value
title layout in the upper left corner title VNode | String 'Ant Design Pro'
logo layout top left logo url VNode | render -
loading layout loading status boolean -
layout layout menu mode, sidemenu: right navigation, topmenu: top navigation 'side' | 'top' | 'mix' 'side'
contentWidth content mode of layout, Fluid: adaptive, Fixed: fixed width 1200px 'Fixed' | 'Fluid' Fluid
navTheme Navigation theme 'light' |'dark' 'light'
headerTheme Header Bar theme 'light' |'dark' 'light'
menuData Vue-router routes prop Object [{}]
collapsed control menu's collapse and expansion boolean true
selectedKeys menu selected keys string[] []
openKeys menu openKeys string[] []
isMobile is mobile boolean false
onCollapse | @collapse folding collapse event of menu (collapsed: boolean) => void -
menuHeaderRender render header logo and title v-slot | VNode | (logo,title)=>VNode | false -
menuExtraRender render extra menu item v-slot | VNode | (props)=>VNode | false -
menuFooterRender render footer menu item v-slot | VNode | (props)=>VNode | false -
menuItemRender custom render Menu.Item v-slot#menuItemRender="{ item, icon }" | ({ item, icon }) => VNode null
subMenuItemRender custom render Menu.SubItem v-slot#subMenuItemRender="{ item, icon }" | ({ item, icon }) => VNode null
collapsedButtonRender custom collapsed button method slot | (collapsed: boolean) => VNode -
headerRender custom header render method slot | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode -
headerContentRender header content render method only layout side slot | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode -
rightContentRender header right content render method slot | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode -
footerRender custom footer render method slot | ({ width, ...BasicLayoutProps }) => VNode false
tabRender custom tab render method slot | ({ width, ...BasicLayoutProps }) => VNode false
breadcrumbRender custom breadcrumb render method slot | ({ route, params, routes, paths, h }) => VNode[] -
locale i18n Function (key: string) => string | false false

Menu generation requires getMenuData and clearMenuItem function e.g. const { menuData } = getMenuData(clearMenuItem(routes))


Property Description Type Default Value
content Content area VNode | v-slot -
extra Extra content area, on the right side of content VNode | v-slot -
extraContent Extra content area, on the right side of content VNode | v-slot -
tabList Tabs title list Array<{key: string, tab: sting}> -
tab-change Switch panel callback (key) => void -
tab-active-key The currently highlighted tab item string -
breadcrumb Show Bread crumbs bar Boolean -


Property Description Type Default Value
markStyle mark style CSSProperties -
markClassName mark class string -
gapX Horizontal spacing between water-mark number 212
gapY Vertical spacing between watermark number 222
offsetLeft Horizontal offset number offsetTop = gapX / 2
offsetTop Vertical offset number offsetTop = gapY / 2
width number 120
height number 64
rotate Angle of rotation, unit ° number -22
image image src string -
zIndex water-mark z-index number 9
content water-mark Content string -
fontColor font-color string rgba(0,0,0,.15)
fontSize font-size string|number 16

Custom Render

Custom rightContentRender

<template #rightContentRender>
  <div style="margin-right: 12px">
    <a-avatar shape="square" size="small">
      <template #icon>
        <UserOutlined />

Custom menu.item

<template #menuItemRender="{ item, icon }">
    <router-link :to="{ path: item.path }">
      <span class="ant-pro-menu-item">
        <a-badge count="5" dot>
          <span class="ant-pro-menu-item-title">{{ item.meta.title }}</span>

Custom menuExtraRender

<template #menuExtraRender="{ collapsed }">
  <a-input-search v-if="!collapsed" />

Custom menuFooterRender

<template #menuFooterRender>
  <div>menu footer</div>

Custom breadcrumbRender

<template #breadcrumbRender="{ route, params, routes }">
  <span v-if="routes.indexOf(route) === routes.length - 1">
    {{ route.breadcrumbName }}
  <router-link v-else :to="{ path: route.path, params }">
    {{ route.breadcrumbName }}

Custom collapsedButtonRender

<template #collapsedButtonRender="collapsed">
  <HeartOutlined v-if="collapsed" />
  <SmileOutlined v-else />

Custom tabRender

<template #tabRender="{ width, fixedHeader }">
      style="height: 36px; line-height: 36px; background: transparent"
        margin: '0',
        height: '36px',
        lineHeight: '36px',
        right: '0px',
        top: '48px',
        position: fixedHeader ? 'fixed' : 'unset',
        zIndex: 14,
        padding: '4px 16px',
        width: width,
        background: '#fff',
        boxShadow: '0 1px 4px #0015291f',
        transition: 'background 0.3s, width 0.2s',
      tabRender fixedHeader:{{fixedHeader}} width:{{ width }} 
<template #footerRender="{ width, headerTheme }">
    <footer class="ant-layout-footer" style="height: 36px; line-height: 36px; background: transparent"></footer>
        margin: '0',
        height: '36px',
        lineHeight: '36px',
        right: '0px',
        bottom: '0px',
        position: headerTheme == 'dark' ? 'fixed' : 'unset',
        zIndex: 14,
        padding: '4px 16px',
        width: width,
        background: '#fff',
        boxShadow: '0 1px 4px #0015291f',
        transition: 'background 0.3s, width 0.2s'
      footerRender headerTheme:{{ headerTheme }} width:{{ width }}
    { title: 'Link 1', href: '#' },
    { title: 'Link 2', href: '#' },
  copyright="Pro Layout &copy; 2021 Sendya."

Use WaterMark

<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
  <WaterMark content="Pro Layout">
    <component :is="Component" />

Build project

pnpm build # Build library and .d.ts




Package Sidebar


npm i @ant-design-vue/pro-layout

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1.51 MB

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  • aibayanyu
  • sendya
  • amour1688
  • tangjinzhou