DOM 3 XPath 1.0 implemention and helper for JavaScript, with node.js support.
Originally written by Cameron McCormack (blog).
Additional contributions from
Yaron Naveh (blog)
Thomas Weinert
Jimmy Rishe
and others
Install with npm:
npm install xpath
xpath is xml engine agnostic but I recommend to use xmldom:
npm install xmldom
API Documentation
Can be found here. See below for example usage.
Your first xpath:
var xpath = require('xpath')
, dom = require('xmldom').DOMParser
var xml = "<book><title>Harry Potter</title></book>"
var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml)
var nodes = xpath.select("//title", doc)
console.log(nodes[0].localName + ": " + nodes[0].firstChild.data)
console.log("Node: " + nodes[0].toString())
title: Harry Potter
Node: <title>Harry Potter</title>
Using the same interface you have on modern browsers (MDN)
var node = null;
var xml = "<book author='J. K. Rowling'><title>Harry Potter</title></book>"
var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml)
var result = xpath.evaluate(
"/book/title", // xpathExpression
doc, // contextNode
null, // namespaceResolver
xpath.XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, // resultType
null // result
node = result.iterateNext();
while (node) {
console.log(node.localName + ": " + node.firstChild.data);
console.log("Node: " + node.toString());
node = result.iterateNext();
title: Harry Potter
Node: <title>Harry Potter</title>
Evaluate string values directly:
var xml = "<book><title>Harry Potter</title></book>";
var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml);
var title = xpath.select("string(//title)", doc);
Harry Potter
var xml = "<book><title xmlns='myns'>Harry Potter</title></book>"
var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml)
var node = xpath.select("//*[local-name(.)='title' and namespace-uri(.)='myns']", doc)[0]
Namespaces with easy mappings
var xml = "<book xmlns:bookml='http://example.com/book'><bookml:title>Harry Potter</bookml:title></book>"
var select = xpath.useNamespaces({"bookml": "http://example.com/book"});
console.log(select('//bookml:title/text()', doc)[0].nodeValue);
Harry Potter
Default namespace with mapping
var xml = "<book xmlns='http://example.com/book'><title>Harry Potter</title></book>"
var select = xpath.useNamespaces({"bookml": "http://example.com/book"});
console.log(select('//bookml:title/text()', doc)[0].nodeValue);
Harry Potter
var xml = "<book author='J. K. Rowling'><title>Harry Potter</title></book>"
var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml)
var author = xpath.select1("/book/@author", doc).value
J. K. Rowling