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database for offline-first distributed wikis

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First, we'll have a script to create documents:

var wikidb = require('wikidb');
var db = require('level')('/tmp/wiki.db');
var minimist = require('minimist');
var argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
    alias: { t: [ 'tag', 'tags' ] }
var wdb = wikidb(db, { dir: '/tmp/wiki.blob' });
var opts = {
    key: argv._[0],
    prev: argv.prev,
    tag: argv.tag
var w = wdb.createWriteStream(opts, function (err, key) {

Now we create the first document:

$ echo hello there | node create.js 'welcome page' --tag=welcome

and next we can make an updated version of the 'welcome page' by referring to its hash in a new document:

$ echo 'greetings, stranger!' | node create.js 'welcome page' \
  --prev=2e0c45ea142f59b52d616bcf17837ff4aa07d985ec2b55d13b42c4104a67f0a2 \
  --tag=welcome --tag=greeting


This script uses .recent() to pull down the recent changes:

var wikidb = require('wikidb');
var db = require('level')('/tmp/wiki.db');
var wdb = wikidb(db, { dir: '/tmp/wiki.blob' });
var through = require('through2');
wdb.recent().pipe(through.obj(function (row, enc, next) {
    console.log('key:  ' + row.meta.key);
    console.log('hash: ' + row.hash);
    console.log('date: ' + new Date(row.meta.time));
    var r = wdb.createReadStream(row.hash);
    r.on('end', function () { console.log(); next() });

Running the script shows the recent changes:

$ node recent.js 
key:  welcome page
hash: e208b25dde1e33f70ab0cb047ed5ce2e87fca1e782c5598bc2ebc7465ce478d2
date: Fri Oct 24 2014 10:04:19 GMT+0100 (BST)
greetings, stranger!

key:  welcome page
hash: 2e0c45ea142f59b52d616bcf17837ff4aa07d985ec2b55d13b42c4104a67f0a2
date: Fri Oct 24 2014 10:04:07 GMT+0100 (BST)
hello there


This package ships with a wikidb command:

wikidb create KEY {OPTIONS}

  Add a new document at KEY with the content from stdin.

  --prev=PREV  Point at a previous hash. You can point back at multiple
               hashes with more than one `--prev`..
  --tag=TAG    Add a tag. You can have multiple tags with more than one

wikidb read HASH

  Print the document contents for HASH.
wikidb get HASH

  Print the metadata for HASH.

wikidb keys

  List all keys.

wikidb list

  List all documents.

wikidb heads KEY

  Print all the heads for KEY.

wikidb recent KEY

  Print all updates to KEY, most recent updates first.

wikidb history HASH

  Print the entire history starting at HASH.

wikidb future HASH

  Print every hash that descends from HASH.

wikidb search TERMS...

  Search for documents that include TERMS.

wikidb by-tag

  Search for documents by tag name.

wikidb sync

  Bidirectional (push and pull) replication strategy.
  stdin and stdout are used to wire up the replication protocol.

wikidb pull

  Get documents from an endpoint.
  stdin and stdout are used to wire up the replication protocol.

wikidb push

  Push documents to an endpoint.
  stdin and stdout are used to wire up the replication protocol.


var wikidb = require('wikidb')

var wdb = wikidb(db, opts)

Create a new wikidb instance wdb from a leveldb handle db.

Optionally, provide:

opts.dir - location to store file blobs

var w = wdb.createWriteStream(meta, opts={}, cb)

Create a writable stream w that will populate content at meta.key and link back to previous documents using an array of hashes in meta.prev.

Optionally provide an opts.prebatch(rows, key, fn) function that will be called before rows are inserted with db.batch(). fn(err, rows) should provide the new rows to insert.

Optionally tag a document by setting meta.tags to an array of string tags.

cb(err, hash) fires with an error or the hash of the content written into w.

var r = wdb.byTag(opts, cb)

Return a readable object stream r that searches for objects by opts.tag. The objects in the stream have key and hash properties.

If opts is a string, opts will be used as the opts.tag.

If provided, cb(err, results) fires with an error or the array of results objects.

var r = wdb.tags(opts, cb)

Return a readable object stream r that produces all tags.

Use opts to bound the query (,, and opts.limit) and cb(err, tags) to collect results into an array tags.

Each object in r has a single tag property with a string value.

var r =, opts={})

Search for terms, an array of strings which must all be present in a full text scan of each head document.

The result stream has the same properties as wdb.head(): 'key' and 'hash' properties on each object.

var r = wdb.recent(opts={}, cb)

List documents with a readable object stream r ordered by date, most recent to least recent. Each object output by r has a hash and key property.

You can pass through opts.reverse and opts.limit to the underlying database query.

The default ordering is most recent to least recent.

forkdb methods

The methods in this section are inherited from forkdb and accept the same arguments.

var d = wdb.replicate(opts={}, cb)

Replicate with the duplex stream d.

Set opts.mode to 'sync' (default),'push', or'pull'` to use different replication strategies.

var r = wdb.createReadStream(hash)

Return a readable stream r with the content for hash.

var r = wdb.heads(key, opts={}, cb)

Return the heads for key as a readable object stream that outputs objects with hash properties.

var r = wdb.keys(opts={}, cb)

Return a readable object stream with a key property for each available key.

var r = wdb.tails(key, opts={}, cb)

Return a readable object stream r for all the tails of key.

var r = wdb.list(opts={}, cb)

Return all the documents in the database as an object stream that outputs objects with key and hash properties.

var r = wdb.links(hash, opts={}, cb)

Return a readable object stream r that outputs all the documents that link to hash as objects with key and hash properties.

wdb.get(hash, cb)

Fetch the metadata for hash as cb(err, meta).

var r = wdb.history(hash, opts={}, cb)

Fetch all the history for hash as a readable object stream r until a branch in the history when a 'branch' event fires with a new readable object stream for each fork.

wdb.future(hash, opts={}, cb)

Fetch all the future for hash as a readable object stream r until a branch in the future when a 'branch' event fires with a new readable object stream for each fork.


With npm, do:

npm install wikidb

or to get the wikidb command, do:

npm install -g wikidb



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