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2.6.0 • Public • Published

Promises/A+ logo

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When.js is cujoJS's lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation that powers the async core of wire.js, cujoJS's IOC Container. It features:

  • A rock solid, battle-tested Promise implementation
  • Resolving, settling, mapping, and reducing arrays of promises
  • Executing tasks in parallel and sequence
  • Transforming Node-style and other callback-based APIs into promise-based APIs

It passes the Promises/A+ Test Suite, is very fast and compact, and has no external dependencies.

What's New?


  • New promise.done allows consuming the ultimate value at the end of a promise chain while ensuring that any errors are thrown to the host environment so you get loud stack traces.
  • when/node/function bindCallback and liftCallback now behave more like standard node-style APIs in that they allow exceptions to propagate to the host environment for loud stack traces.


  • ensure now ignores non-functions, like then does, for consistency. (#207)



  • New MutationObserver scheduler further reduces "time-to-first-handler" in modern browsers. (#198)
    • Also, this works around a horrible IE10 bug (desktop and mobile) that renders setImmediate, MessageChannel, and postMessage unusable as fast task schedulers. Many thanks to @plaa and @calvinmetcalf for their help in discovering the problem and working out a solution. (#197)


  • Experimental support for vert.x 2.x. Should now run in vert.x >= 1.1.0.
  • New when.isPromiseLike as the more accurately-named synonym for when.isPromise.
  • DEPRECATED: when.isPromise. It can only tell you that something is "promise-like" (aka "thenable") anyway. Use the new, more accurately-named when.isPromiseLike instead.
  • Fix for promise monitor reporting extra unhandled rejections for when.all and when.map.


  • New promise.tap for adding side effects to a promise chain.
  • New MessageChannel scheduler reduces "time-to-first" handler, in environments that support it.
  • Performance optimizations for promise resolution.
  • Internal architecture improvements to pave the way for when.js 3.0.0.

Full Changelog

Docs & Examples

API docs

More info on the wiki


Quick Start


  1. Get it

    • bower install when or yeoman install when, or
    • git clone https://github.com/cujojs/when or git submodule add https://github.com/cujojs/when
  2. Configure your loader with a package:

    packages: [
    	{ name: 'when', location: 'path/to/when/', main: 'when' },
    	// ... other packages ...
  3. define(['when', ...], function(when, ...) { ... }); or require(['when', ...], function(when, ...) { ... });


  1. npm install when
  2. var when = require('when');


  1. ringo-admin install cujojs/when
  2. var when = require('when');

Legacy environments

  1. git clone https://github.com/cujojs/when or git submodule add https://github.com/cujojs/when

  2. Add a transient define shim, and a <script> element for when.js

    	window.define = function(factory) {
    		try{ delete window.define; } catch(e){ window.define = void 0; } // IE
    		window.when = factory();
    	window.define.amd = {};
    <script src="path/to/when/when.js"></script>
  3. when will be available as window.when

Running the Unit Tests


Note that when.js includes the Promises/A+ Test Suite. Running unit tests in Node will run both when.js's own test suite, and the Promises/A+ Test Suite.

  1. npm install
  2. npm test


  1. npm install
  2. npm start - starts buster server & prints a url
  3. Point browsers at /capture, e.g. localhost:1111/capture
  4. npm run-script test-browser


Much of this code was inspired by the async innards of wire.js, and has been influenced by the great work in Q, Dojo's Deferred, and uber.js.

Package Sidebar


npm i when@2.6.0







Last publish


  • cujojs