DefinitelyTyped icon, indicating that this package has TypeScript declarations provided by the separate @types/url-parse package

0.1.4 • Public • Published


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The url-parse method exposes two different API interfaces. The url interface that you know from Node.js and the new URL interface that is available in the latest browsers.

Since 0.1 we've moved away from using the DOM's <a> element for URL parsing and moving to a full Regular Expression solution. The main reason for this change is to make the URL parser available in different JavaScript environments as you don't always have access to the DOM like Worker environments. This module still have a really small foot print as this module's main intention is to be bundled with client-side code.

In addition to URL parsing we also expose the bundled querystringify module.


This module is designed to be used using either browserify or node.js it's released in the public npm registry and can be installed using:

npm install url-parse


All examples assume that this library is bootstrapped using:

'use strict';

var URL = require('url-parse');

To parse an URL simply call the URL method with the URL that needs to be transformed in to an object.

var url = new URL('https://github.com/foo/bar');

The new keyword is optional but it will save you an extra function invocation. In the example above we've demonstrated the URL interface, but as said in the module description we also support the node.js interface. So you could also use the library in this way:

'use strict';

var parse = require('url-parse')
  , url = parse('https://github.com/foo/bar', true);

The returned url instance contains the following properties:

  • protocol: Without slashes http:.
  • username: Username of basic authentication.
  • password: Password of basic authentication.
  • host: Host name with port number.
  • hostname: Host name without port number.
  • port: Optional port number.
  • pathname: URL path.
  • query: Prefixed with ?
  • hash: Prefixed with #


The returned url object comes with a custom toString method which will generate a full URL again when called. The method accepts an extra function which will stringify the query string for you. If you don't supply a function we will use our default method.

var location = url.toString(); // http://example.com/whatever/?qs=32



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  • unshiftio
  • swaagie
  • v1
  • 3rdeden