TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0 • Public • Published

TypingWriter Version

A package that let's you write text on the screen! (With support for the way Korean is typed!)


# npm
npm install typingwriter

# yarn
yarn add typingwriter




// Here we're importing the default export "TypingWriter", which is the TypingWriter class that returns promises
// as well as the "AsyncTypingWriter" class which is the TypingWriter class but it doesn't return promises and it queues all events.
import TypingWriter, { AsyncTypingWriter } from "typingwriter";


// Here we're importing the default export "TypingWriter", which is the TypingWriter class that returns promises
// as well as the "AsyncTypingWriter" class which is the TypingWriter class but it doesn't return promises and it queues all events.
const {
	default: TypingWriter
} = require("language-flag-colors");

Or, if you only want the default TypingWriter

const TypingWriter = require("language-flag-colors");

Or if you only want the AsyncTypingWriter

const { AsyncTypingWriter } = require("language-flag-colors");

Using the classes

import TypingWriter, { AsyncTypingWriter } from "typingwriter";

// initialize the TypingWriter on the element with the id "target".
const typer = new TypingWriter("#target");

// write the text that was inside of the target element
await typer.write();

// write the given text
await typer.write("TypingWriter");

// delete all the text in the target element
await typer.delete();

// delete 8 characters from the target element
await typer.delete(8);

// delete 8 characters from the target element but skip the first 5
await typer.delete(8, 5);

// pause any active deleter or writer

// continue any paused deleter or writer

// wait 5seconds
await typer.wait(5000);

// fully exit the class and remove any wrappers

const asynctyper = new AsyncTypingWriter("#target");

// same as the TypingWriter but you can queue everything;
asynctyper.write().delete(8).wait(5000).delete(8, 5).exit();

Available options

The options object can be passed the to classes as the second argument.

Option Description Available values
cursor the character the cursor should be string | false (false to disable cursor), default: "|"
typingInterval the interval in which text should be typed "humanized" | number | [number, number], default: "humanized", the array of numbers is to get a random interval between given numbers.
deleteInterval the interval in which text should be deleted "humanized" | number | [number, number], default: "humanized", the array of numbers is to get a random interval between given numbers.
autoStart automatically start typing on class creation boolean, default: false
append append text given in write to existing text of the element boolean, default: false
cursorStyles whether or not the cursor styling should be added to the DOM boolean, default: true
cursorClassName the class name the cursor should get string, default: "typingwriter__cursor"
wrapperClassName the class name the wrapper should get string, default: "typingwriter__wrapper"
loop (only for AsyncTypingWriter) loop the given queue boolean, default: false


Due to the complex nature of this package, it is possible that some features may not be perfect. If you believe so and found a solution, feel free to open a pull request.


There are a lot of typers that do this, but almost none of them have support for Korean which I needed for my localized website. Nor were there a lot of typers that support typing multiple elements at once. Hence why I decided to make one that has it all!




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