
0.3.0 • Public • Published


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tv4-via-typenames-node provides a typename-oriented schema loading and validation system for node. It has a minimal interface for validating typed data against JSON-schemas from like-named files. It wraps the tv4-via-typenames module, and validates data against draft-4 JSON schema.

tv4-via-typenames-node recursively loads, validates, and registers referenced schema, and all of their referenced schema, both those referenced directly and indirectly. Schema are validated against the draft-4 standard. tv4-via-typenames-node registers only correct schema, and returns errors for any incorrect schema.

A Complete Example

When you run it, it will print this message if successful:
The validity checks worked as expected!

var tv4vtnNode = require('tv4-via-typenames-node');
var SchemaFiles = tv4vtnNode.SchemaFiles;
var schema_files = new SchemaFiles({ schemasDir: './test/data/schemas' });
var init_promise = schema_files.init();
var schemas_ready_promise = init_promise.then(function (result) {
    return schema_files.loadRequiredSchema(['Person', 'ASHBC']);
function main() {
    var succeeded = true;
    var validity = schema_files.validate('ASHBC', 'hello');
    if (validity.valid != true) {
        succeeded = false;
        console.log('should be true, but validity.valid=' + validity.valid);
    validity = schema_files.validate('ASHBC', { hello: 'hello' });
    if (validity.valid != false) {
        succeeded = false;
        console.log('should be false, but validity.valid=' + validity.valid);
    if (succeeded) {
        console.log('The validity checks worked as expected!');
schemas_ready_promise.then(function (result) {
}, function (error) {
    console.log('Couldnt load your schemas. error.message=' + error.message);
    throw error;

Running the Example

This example runs in the development setup, as it uses the schemas that are part of the git repo, which are not included in the npm package. So first, clone the git repo:

git clone

You must then install the required npm packages:

npm install

This example works from the root directory of the repo for this package. It loads schemas from the ./test/data/schemas directory.

Then open up the node REPL:


and cut and paste the code below into the node REPL.

Capabilities not Supported

tv4-via-typenames-node does not:

  • support customizing the mapping between schema files and type names.


These are the main components of the API. You can find the full API in the TypeScript declaration file for this module.

The function signatures are given with their TypeScript type annotations. These examples assume that tv4-via-typenames-node's SchemaFiles class has been loaded into variable SchemaFiles.

  • constructor(args: IConfig)
    Construct an instance of this module
    The constructor is synchronous.
    let schemaFiles = new SchemaFiles({schemasDir: './test/data/schemas'});
  • init() : Promise<void>
    Initialize the instance. The initialization is asynchronous.
    let init_promise = schemaFiles.init();
  • loadRequiredSchema(query_typenames : string | string[]) : Promise<tv4vtn.LoadSchemaResultIndex>
    Call loadRequiredSchema() with a list of the top-level type names of the schema you will use.
    You may call this after init()'s promise resolves:
    let loadPromise = schemaFiles.loadRequiredSchema(['UUID', 'Person']);
    This will also recursively load any schema referenced by the named schema.
  • validate(typename, instance) : tv4.MultiResult
    Call validate() to validate a data object. You may validate data of any of the types referenced by schema loaded by loadRequiredSchema(), after loadRequiredSchema()'s promise resolves.
    let validity = schemaFiles.validate('EmailAddress', some_email_address);

See the tests for more examples of usage.


  • The name of the type (TYPENAME) of a data object is used as the key for locating all schema-related data.
  • Schema names match the TYPENAME.
  • All schema files are stored locally in: ./CONFIGURED_SCHEMAS_DIR/TYPENAME.schema.json
  • Schema IDs are: urn:TYPENAME.schema.json#
  • The $schema field is:
  • All references to other schema use the same conventions. So a $ref field contains a schema ID as above.


npm install tv4-via-typenames-node

You may use this module directly as a commonjs module.


  • es5
  • es6 promises
  • tv4

Installing as a Dependency of Another Module

If you install this package as a dependency of another module, it will install its TypeScript declaration files into that module's ./typings directory, using the npm script npm-postinstall.

Build Setup

You only need to do this if you will be building (developing) tv4-via-typenames-node.

Simple Setup

This module is built with TypeScript 1.5, so you must have it installed in order to build. npm install will install TypeScript and tsd locally. See

(You do not need TypeScript in order to use this module, as the code that makes up the distribution is all javascript.)

Start by cloning from git:

git clone

This code expects that ./commonjs is on node's load path:


And prepare your new repo for building with:

make setup

Full Environment Setup

See our full instructions for setting up a MEAN stack + TypeScript enviroment, and setup the parts you want to use. We use Atom.


To build:

make build

To force a clean build:

make clean build

To build and test:



npm install will install mocha and chai locally.

npm install -g mocha

Then run the tests:

make test

Package Sidebar


npm i tv4-via-typenames-node

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  • psnider