
0.3.6 • Public • Published

Trucks Compiler

Web component compiler and package manager

Compiles web components declared as HTML to separate Javascript, CSS and HTML files.


npm i trucks-compiler --save-dev


const trucks = require('trucks-compiler');

    files: ['components.html'],
    transforms: ['skate'],
    out: 'build',
    force: true
  (err, state) => {
    if(err) {
      throw err; 


Plugin Types

Core Plugins

Core plugins are bundled with the trucks-compiler libary and run the main compiler phases:

  • load Read the HTML import tree.
  • parse Parse the <dom-module> elements.
  • transform Run tree transformations.
  • generate Create output file contents.
  • write Write output files to disc.

An additional plugin sources reads the entire component tree by combining the load and parse plugins.

The trucks-compiler library exposes constants for each of the core plugins so you can avoid string literals when modifying the plugins list:

const trucks = require('trucks-compiler')
    , options = {
        files: ['components.html'],
        plugins: [trucks.LOAD, trucks.PARSE]

Typically you should not need to modify the plugins list but it can be useful when you need a subset of the core compiler phases to be executed, for example to inspect the component tree without writing any files.

Protocol Plugins

Protocol plugins are initialized by the load phase they are responsible for registering a protocol with a class that will resolve the URL to component files or an alternative compiler configuration. See the http plugin implementation.

Transform Plugins

Transform plugins are executed by the transform phase when the entire component tree is ready. They should perform transformations on the component tree creating output files when needed. See the csp plugin implementation.

Generator Plugins

Generator plugins are executed by the generate phase and may be used to create additional output files or perform extra processing after transformations have been applied. See the page plugin implementation.

Writing Plugins

Plugins are named functions that are passed the compiler state object and a configuration for the plugin and return a closure.

function plugin(state, conf) {
  return function(state, cb) {
    cb(null, state); 

Closures returned by the plugin functions are executed asynchronously (except protocol plugins which are synchronous) in series and may modify the state object.

Plugin functions may return an array of plugin functions which is useful to group related plugins, see the sources plugin for an example.

Loading Plugins

To load a particular plugin use the corresponding array option:

const options = {
  files: ['components.html'],
  plugins: [trucks.LOAD]

Plugins may be functions (or an object with a plugin function) but typically are declared as strings.

When plugins are declared as strings and do not resolve to an absolute path they are treated as modules to require using a naming convention.

Core plugins use the trucks-plugin prefix so in the above example the package trucks-plugin-load will be loaded.

Protocol plugins use the protocols array and the trucks-resolver prefix. For example to load the trucks-resolver-http plugin:

const options = {
  files: ['components.html'],
  protocols: ['http']

Transform plugins are defined in the transforms array and use the trucks-transform prefix. For example to load the trucks-transform-csp plugin:

const options = {
  files: ['components.html'],
  transforms: ['csp']

Generator plugins are defined in the generators array and use the trucks-generator prefix. For example to load the trucks-generator-page plugin:

const options = {
  files: ['components.html'],
  generators: ['page']

Configuring Plugins

To configure a plugin you can set a configuration object using the plugin id:

const options = {
  files: ['components.html'],
  plugins: [trucks.LOAD],
  conf: {
    plugins: {
      load: {/* plugin configuration goes here */}

By default the plugin id is the name of the function but it may be changed by assigning an id:

function plugin(state, conf) {
  return function(state, cb) {
} = 'custom-plugin';
module.exports = plugin;

To configure such a plugin use:

const options = {
  conf: {
    plugins: {
      'custom-plugin': {/* plugin configuration goes here */}


This document shows the default options used when none are provided.

const options = {
  // array list of component source files
  files: null,
  // base path for relative paths (default: cwd)
  base: undefined,
  // output directory
  out: undefined,
  // name of output files (does not include a file extension)
  name: 'components',
  // set or override the file path for the HTML output
  html: undefined,
  // set or override the file path for the CSS output
  css: undefined,
  // set or override the file path for the Javascript output
  js: undefined,
  // force overwrite files if they already exist
  force: false,
  // options to pass to babel
  babel: {},
  // override the default operating system EOL for file concatenation
  eol: undefined,
  // array list of configuration files to load and merge
  rc: undefined,
  // array list of plugins to execute
  plugins: undefined,
  // array list of transform plugins to run
  transforms: undefined,
  // array list of protocol resolvers
  protocols: undefined,
  // map of plugin configuration objects
  conf: {
    // configuration for compiler plugins
    plugins: {},
    // configuration for transform plugins
    transforms: {},
    // configuration for protocol resolvers
    protocols: {}
  before: {
    // array list to run before plugins or transforms
    plugins: undefined, 
    transforms: undefined
  after: {
    // array list to run after plugins or transforms
    plugins: undefined, 
    transforms: undefined
  // map of component identifiers to stylesheets
  // used by the `style-extract` and `style-inject` transforms
  // non-absolute paths are resolved relative to the output directory
  stylesheets: undefined

module.exports = options;



trucks(opts, cb)

Compile component files to CSS, Javascript and HTML.

Returns compiler state.

  • opts Object processing options.
  • cb Function callback function.


  • files Array list of HTML files to compile.
  • out String output directory for files.
  • force Boolean overwrite files that already exist.
  • name String=components name of the output files.
  • rc Array|String configuration files to load as options.
  • babel Object options to pass to babel transform.
  • conf Object configuration for plugins and transforms.
  • before Object before hooks for plugins and transforms.
  • after Object after hooks for plugins and transforms.
  • html String path to write the generated template markup.
  • css String path to write the generated stylesheet.
  • js String path to write the generated javascript.
  • eol String override the default EOL for concatenation.


Encapsulates the state of the compiler plugin execution.


public CompilerState(options, compiler)

Creates a compiler state.

  • options Object computed options.
  • compiler Function reference to the main compiler entry point.


Represents an output file that will be written to disc when the write plugin is executed.

To get an instance of this class call state.getFile().


public OutputFile(file, name, base, options)

Creates an output file.

  • file String path to the file.
  • name String relative path for the file.
  • base String base path for the file.
  • options Object computed options.



Prepend data to this output file.

  • buf String contents to prepend to the file.



Append data to this output file.

  • buf String contents to append to the file.


Array contents

list of file contents.


public getFileContents()

Get the computed contents for the output file.

Should be called once just prior to writing the file to disc.

Returns string file contents.


Registry for a mapping between protocol schemes and resolver classes.


Create a new scheme registry.


public setDefault(val)

Set the default scheme resolver.

  • val Function resolver class.


public getDefault()

Get the default scheme resolver.

Will be null if no plugins have registered a default handler by calling the setDefault method.

Returns a default resolver class.


public getResolver(scheme)

Get the resolver class for a given scheme.

If the scheme is invalid (false) then a default scheme is returned, if no default scheme has been registered the return value is null.

If a resolver is not declared for the scheme returns undefined.

Returns a resolver class for the scheme.

  • scheme String protocol scheme.


public register(scheme, resolver)

Register a resolver class for a scheme.

Scheme names should include a trailing colon.

  • scheme String protocol scheme.
  • resolver Function constructor function.


public factory(state, href, parent)

Create a new resolver for an href.

  • state Object compiler state.
  • href String the URL to resolve.
  • parent Object a parent resolver instance.

ComponentTree < ComponentImport

Represents the root of a component hierarchy.

ComponentFile < ComponentImport

Represents a file in the component tree.


public ComponentFile(file, contents, parent)

Creates a component file node.

  • file String path to the file.
  • contents String file contents.
  • parent Object file owner.

ComponentModule < ComponentNode

Represents a module defined by a <dom-module> element.


public ComponentModule(id, parent)

Creates a component module node.

  • id String module identifier.
  • parent Object module owner.

ComponentTemplate < ComponentTrait

Represents a template defined by a <template> or <link> element.

ComponentStyle < ComponentTrait

Represents a style defined by a <style> or <link> element.

ComponentScript < ComponentTrait

Represents a script defined by a <script> element.

Component < ComponentNode

Represents a component node with a main template, list of template partials and component local styles.


public Component(template, parent)

Creates a component node.

  • template Object primary template for the component.
  • parent Object component owner (module).


static getLevel([lvl])

Get an integer level for a bitwise level integer or a string level.

When a string is given then that level and all levels above it are enabled.

If the given argument is not a valid log level identifier or integer undefined is returned.

Returns an integer log level.

  • lvl String|Number log level.


For insights into the compiler phases and data structures see COMPILER.



Created by mkdoc on August 7, 2016




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