
0.1.83 • Public • Published

Test Model Reporter

JavaScript hierarchical object model
Any model type can validate, generate a report and write it to the file system
Currently JUnit xml and Jasmine reporters are supported:

  • JUnit Generates JUnit XML files according to the junit.xsd
  • Jasmine Generates spec files

How To

First create a simple model

The model can be crated using an API like so:

 var testcase,
    testsuite = jmr.create({
        type: "model.testsuite",
        data: {
            name: "testsuite"
    testcase = jmr.create({
        type: "model.testcase",
        data: {
            time: "now"
    testcase.set("name", "This is the test name");

    failure = jmr.create({
        type: "model.failure",
        data: {
            message: "This is a faulire message",
            type: "failure"


With that:

You can create an HTML site using Ant Reporter.

// write your file to the tests folder
jmr.write("./tests/demoTest.xml", testsuite.compile());

// tell ant where are your tests and where to put your HTML output
// Ant will collect all your *Test.xml files from test folder
        reportsdir: "tests/reports",
        testsdir: "tests"

Note: Ant dependency is not installed. You can find it in the dev dependency section.

Another example

In case you generates an object with all of your data, much simpler to burst it like so:

var obj = jmr.generate({
    type: "model.testsuites",
    data: {
        disabled: "false",
        name: "test.suites",
        body: [{
            type: "model.testsuite",
            data: {
                id: "$id",
                package: "test.test",
                name: "test.suite.1",
                body: [{
                    type: "model.testcase",
                    data: {
                        classname: "class1",
                        name: "test.case",
                        time: "now",
                        body: [{
                            type: "model.failure",
                            data: {
                                type: "fail",
                                body: "body content in here..."

Jasmine example

Note: to be able to test the specs using node run: node installer.js or install jasmine-node module.


var describe = tmr.create({
    type: "model.jas.describe",
    data: {
        title: "A suite is just a function",
                data: {
                    body: "var a;"
                type: "model.jas.it",
                data: {
                    title: "and so is a spec",
                    body: [{
                        data: {
                            body: "a = true; expect(a).toBe(true);"

Model types: 
* **model.jas.describe** describe method
* **model.jas.it** it method
* **model.jas.code** code snippet 

Note: WIP, other Jasmine functionality will be supported.

Browser Support


  • AMD

    • See tmrwebRequire-min.js file, as an example of requirejs project style

      define([], function() {

        var jmrOnReady = function (jmr) {
            // use the "jmr" object   
        return jmrOnReady;


  • None AMD

      // Use "jmr" or "testModelReporter" objects 



  • Ant reporter, issue with MAC
    • After Ant Npm installed edit the ../bin/ant file according to the following fix


Create a specific entity according to a given configuration

  • create(config)
    • config {Object} The JUnit based configuration model
      • type - The type of the class model.[testsuites | testsuite | testcase | failure | error | skipped | system]
      • data - The class data
        • available specification properties (id, name, disabled, etc...)
        • body - the class children, can be a nested class or a string value

Generate an object model according to a given configuration

  • generate(config)
    • config {Object} The JUnit based configuration model
      • type - The type of the class model.[testsuites | testsuite | testcase | failure | error | skipped | system]
      • data - The class data
        • available specification properties (id, name, disabled, etc...)
        • body - the class children, can be a nested class or a string value return an object
    • output {String} The generate output model
    • model {Object} The generated object model

Generate a report (if supported by the reporter)

* report(config) + config {Object} The configuration to be passed to the reporter

JUnit Reporter configuration {reportsdir: "the output report location", testsdir: "the test folder to be scanned"}

Write your data to a file

* write(file, data) + file {String} The file + data {String} The file content

Set the reporter type

* setReporter(key) + key {String} The key name of the reporter (currently "junit" (default) supported only)


This package can be extended to support additional reporters.

* Create a folder name based on your reporter name e.g. ./src/reporter/dot * Create a templates folder below your reporter root folder * With Mustache syntax create your templates including the incoming data * Implement Reporter.js class + implement report method (optional)

See ./src/reporter/junit and ./src/reporter/jasmine reporters for more information

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