
1.0.4 • Public • Published

Swagger UI 'Hierarchical Tags' Plugin

This plugin produces a layout with endpoints grouped into a hierarhical list based on tags with (optional) special delimiter characters to denote hierarchy. Delimiter characters are | and : by default, but may be configured using the hierarchicalTagSeparator config option.

(ref discussions here and here)

Installation and Setup

The easiest way to use this plugin for front-end projects is to link to it from your html via unpkg. Below is a full working html document that you can use as a starting point:

<!doctype html>
    <!-- Load Swagger UI -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/swagger-ui-dist/swagger-ui-bundle.js"></script> 

    <!-- Load the HierarchicalTags Plugin -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/swagger-ui-plugin-hierarchical-tags"></script>

    <!-- Load styles -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://unpkg.com/swagger-ui-dist/swagger-ui.css" />

      window.onload = function() {
          url: "https://unpkg.com/swagger-ui-plugin-hierarchical-tags/example/pet-store.json",
          dom_id: "#swagger",
          plugins: [
          hierarchicalTagSeparator: /[:|]/
    <div id="swagger"></div>

Installing Locally Via NPM

Installation via https://npmjs.com

Install as you would any other package: npm i --save swagger-ui-plugin-hierarchical-tags

Installation via Github Packages

NOTE: This was how I was serving the package before I decided that https://github.com/shockey/swagger-ui-plugins was unresponsive. You can still get it this way, but it's probably easier to just use unpkg or npmjs now. See above for those methods.

Github Packages Instructions

You can install this package from my personal github repo. To do so, you should create a package-local .npmrc file, if not already created, and add the following to it:


Next, if you have not already set up your system to use npm packages from github, you'll have to set up github authentication for npm:

  1. Create a github personal access token for your account (tutorial). I believe the only scope you'll need for your token is read:packages (which is underneath write:packages - you don't have to check them both).
  2. Add //npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken=YOUR-TOKEN to your user-specific .npmrc file. (The one at ~/.npmrc, NOT the one in your package repo. If ~/.npmrc doesn't exist, then create it.) Make sure to put the value of your token in instead of the string YOUR-TOKEN.

Once you've done that, you should be able to install it as normal like so:

npm install --save @kael-shipman/swagger-ui-plugin-hierarchical-tags


To use a local install, require it in your client-side application and apply it to your swagger instance:

const HierarchicalTagsPlugin = require('@kael-shipman/swagger-ui-plugin-hierarchical-tags');

  // your options here...
  plugins: [
  hierarchicalTagSeparator: /[:|]/

Hierarchical Tags Plugin Options

  • hierarchicalTagSeparator - (Optional, defaults to /[|:]/) The separator character(s) on which to split hierarchical tags. Can be any string or regexp.


Live-Testing Development

  1. Clone this repo, cd into packages/hierarchical-tags and npm install
  2. Run npm start - this starts a simple development web server that serves the files under the example directory.

From here, you should be able to go to http://localhost:8080 in your browser and see the sample Pet Store API with hierarchical tags active. You can mess around with the example/pet-store.json and example/index.html files to try different inputs.

When you change the source code, just run npm run build to rebuild the plugin file in the example folder and reload the page.


(This is more of a note-to-self.)

To publish the github package, simply bump the version and run npm publish.

To publish to unpkg (via npmjs.com), just remove the @kael-shipman prefix from the package name and then run npm publish again. You should revert this change when you've successfully published the package to npm.

Package Sidebar


npm i swagger-ui-plugin-hierarchical-tags

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  • kael.shipman