
1.0.3 • Public • Published


Sectom is a useful npm package that has multiple easy to use functions..

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┃Getting Started


After you have downloaded node js or/and discord js you can start by entering this command in the terminal:

$ npm install sectom



  • propercase() - Functions that makes the start of each word in a string a capital letter.

  • capitalize() - Function that makes the start of a string a capital letter.

  • switch() (quick DB) - Functions that switches the value of two keys around for quick.DB.

  • switch() (quickmongo) - Functions that switches the value of two keys around for quickmongo.

  • DateDiffer() - Function that tells you the difference between two dates.

  • stringToBoolean() - Functions that converts a string to a boolean.

  • ordinal_suffix() - Function that returns a string with the correct suffix ending

  • randomNumber() - Function that generates a random number between two numbers of your choice

  • onlyNumericalString() - Function that returns a string only including numerical values.

  • onlyAlphabeticalString() - Function that returns a string only including alphabetical values.

  • removeEmojis() - Function that removes any emojis from a string.

  • isBST() - Function that returns a boolean value stating if it is currently British Summer Time

  • yomomma() - Function that generates a string with a "yomamma" joke

  • urban() - Function to generate an embed describing a word from the urban API

  • generateDiscordMemeEmbed() - Function that generates an embed with a meme.

  • isEmptyObject() - Function that returns a boolean value stating if an object is empty or not.


  • DB - A class with helpful function for both Quick.DB and Quick Mongo



propercase is a quick and easy to use function that converts a string into a propercase form


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { propercase } = modules;

console.log(propercase("the quick brown fox")); // The Quick Brown Fox


capitalize is a quick and easy to use function that converts the first character of a string into a capitalize form


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { capitalize } = modules;

console.log(capitalize("the quick brown fox")); // The quick brown fox


switch is a useful function for quick mongo users and quick db users, it switches the value of two different keys around with one another


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");
const db = require("quick.db");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;
const { quickDB } = modules.DB;

const keyOne = "myServers";
const keyTwo = "myUsers";

quickDB.switch(db, keyOne, keyTwo); // returns true if there was a success


switch is a useful function for quick mongo users and quick db users, it switches the value of two different keys around with one another


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");
const { Database } = require("quickmongo");
const db = new Database("url");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;
const { quickMongo } = modules.DB;

const keyOne = "myServers";
const keyTwo = "myUsers";

quickMongo.switch(db, keyOne, keyTwo); // returns true if there was a success


DateDiffer is a very helpful function which gives you a string showing the differences between two dates


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { DateDiffer } = modules;

console.log(DateDiffer("2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z")); // "9 years 9 months 8 days 2 hours and 56 minutes ago"

console.log(DateDiffer("2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z", false)); // "9 years 9 months 8 days and 2 hours ago"

console.log(DateDiffer("2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z"), true, true); // "**9** years **9** months **8** days **2** hours and **56** minutes ago"

console.log(DateDiffer("2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z", false, true)); // "**9** years **9** months **8** days and **2** hours ago"


formatter is a massive module for discord message markdowns and formats and allows you to quickly bold, italic, underline, use codeblocks, and more!


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { formatter } = sectom;



stringToBoolean is a helpful function that converts a string into a boolean value


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { stringToBoolean } = modules;

stringToBoolean("true"); // returns true
stringToBoolean("yes"); // returns true

console.log(stringToBoolean("no")); // false


ordinal_suffix is a function that returns a string with the ordinal suffix


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { ordinal_suffix } = modules;

console.log(ordinal_suffix("1")); // 1st
console.log(ordinal_suffix(2)); // 2nd
console.log(ordinal_suffix("3")); // 3rd
console.log(ordinal_suffix(4)); // 4th


randomNumber is a helpful function that generates a random number between your choices


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { randomNumber } = modules;

console.log(randomNumber(1, 10)); // any number between 1-10m, 1 being included and 10 not being included


onlyNumericalString is a regex function that removes anything in a string that is not numerical


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { onlyNumericalString } = modules;

console.log(onlyNumericalString("123abc")); // 123


onlyAlphabeticalString is a regex function that removes anything in a string that is not alphabetical


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { onlyAlphabeticalString } = modules;

console.log(onlyAlphabeticalString("123abc")); // abc


removeEmojis is a regex function that removes anything in a string that is an emoji


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { removeEmojis } = modules;

console.log(removeEmojis("🧡🧡💔Hello")); // Hello


isBST is a helpful function that checks if it is currently British Summer Time


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { isBST } = modules;

console.log(isBST()); // true if it is and false if it is not BST


getLondonTime is a helpful function that checks the current time or a given time in London


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { getLondonTime } = modules;

console.log(getLondonTime()); // returns the current date in London
console.log(getLondonTime(/**a passed in date */)); // returns the current date in London


yomomma is a funny function that returns a "yomomma" joke


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { yomomma } = modules;

// a possible outcome is:
// "Yo mama is so fat that Weight Watchers said I give up"


urban is a funny function that makes a discord embed for a word in the urban API


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { urban } = modules;

// this will return an embed or a embed JSON (if the second paramater is set to false)

// a possible outcome of a word is:
// "[Wagwan] is a greeting that only [roadmen] of [lvl] 10 can use this greeting is an abbreviation of \"Whats going on?\""


generateDiscordMemeEmbed is a funny function that makes a discord embed for generated meme


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { generateDiscordMemeEmbed } = modules;

const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

// Discord JS v13
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
  if (message.content == "!meme");

// Discord JS v12

client.on("message", async (message) => {
  if (message.content == "!meme");

// this will send an embed or a embed JSON (if the second paramater is set to false)


isEmptyObject is a useful function that returns a boolean stating if an object is empty or not


// Requiring Sectom
const sectom = require("sectom");

// Object destructuring
const { modules } = sectom;

const { isEmptyObject } = modules;

const obj = {};

console.log(isEmptyObject(obj)); // true

const obj2 = {
  a: 2,

console.log(isEmptyObject(obj2)); // false

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npm i sectom

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  • sectom