
0.1.4 • Public • Published

Feed Widget for Sanity Dashboard

A dashboard widget based on the Sanity tutorials widget with both React component and schemas included


  • cd to your Content Studio
  • Type sanity install sanity-plugin-dashboard-widget-feed:
  • The widget will be installed to ./node_modules in your Studio
  • Ensure dashboard-widget-feed has been appended to the plugins array in the sanity.json file of your Studio

How to configure the Feed Widget

In your dashboardConfig.js file (see here for more about dashboardConfig) add the following in the widgets array:

      name: 'feed-widget',
      options: {options}

Where options is an object containing the configuration for the Feed Widget. A typical options object will look like this:

  title: 'Media Feed',
  queryString: '*[ _type == "feedItem"]',
  clientConfig: {
    projectId: 'y0urpr0j3ct1d',
    dataset: 'production',
    useCdn: true
Field Required Description Default value
title Basically This is the title displayed on the widget. 'Media Feed'
queryString no This is what you're querying the sanity project for. The default (unset) value will query the included schema type of 'feedItem'. *[ _type == "feedItem"]
clientConfig no For setting an alternative sanity project or dataset to draw your feed from. Note: useCdn can only be adjusted along with a projectId and dataset. projectId: current project, dataset: 'production', useCdn: true

The 'feedItem' schema

Most of the schema should be obvious, however there are a few sneaky features to be across.


This is the image for your feed item. If you're rendering a video, then the image will be ignored unless you use the thumbnail option (see below)


Link can be to any fully qualified url you like - however if your link is to a video from a number of sources (see below), then the component will automatically render a video player within the feed. In order to control this behaviour, there are a number of 'Video options' at the bottom of the editor:

  • Link out only - prevents the default behaviour of loading a video player, and provides a simple link out instead.
  • Load player only after clicking thumbnail - stops the video loading until you click. Great for a video-heavy feed. Will create it's own thumbnail, unless you provide an image (see above).
  • Show video player controls - should be self evident
  • Enable picture in picture option (non-functional/experimental) - This will be functional in the next release, once Sanity implements React Hooks. It will render a button in compatible browsers to enable picture in picture mode. Especially great for tutorial videos in which the viewer needs access to their Desk at the same time.
  • Autoplay - use with care, as this is set per video! Won't have an effect if you're using the thumbnail option.

Video sources which will result in a video player rendering:

  • youtube
  • facebook
  • dailymotion
  • soundcloud
  • vimeo
  • wistia
  • mixcloud
  • twitch

These are supplied by react-player. Playing from file has not been implemented, but will be a future option. If you want to play a video from a different provider, then you'll need to make a pull-request against react-player, and then raise an issue in this library referencing that pull-request.

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