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Simple driver for AWS S3 compatible storage

This is a simple quick to use wrapper for AWS SDK v3. This tool is crafted to streamline file management in the cloud, freeing up your time to concentrate on higher-priority tasks.


  • Upload: Upload files and directories to S3.
  • Download: Download files and directories from S3.
  • Cloud transfer: Transfer files from one storage to another.
  • Syncing: Ignore file if it exist, or replace only if it is newer.
  • Delete: Delete files and directories from S3.
  • List: List objects in an S3 directory with optional metadata.
  • Meta data: Get files' metadata.


npm i s3driver


import s3driver from 's3driver';
const remote = new s3driver();

    accessKeyId: 'AWG7P3D8VX5Z9F21L6QC',
    secretAccessKey: 'sX9KpR4HjQ8UyL3oB6ZvA2DcP1F5TtG7IiJ2R8JqD3L4O9P2L7E8',
    endpoint: 'ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com',
    bucket: 'bucket-name',

(async () => {
	// Uploading directory with public-read access
	await remote.uploadDir('./test-dir', 'test-dir/');

	// Listing files, add 2nd param "true" to get full data, and not only names
	console.log('Files:', await remote.list('test-dir'));

	// Getting metadata of a file
	console.log('Files:', await remote.getMetaData('test-dir/1.txt'));

	// Deleting a file
	await remote.delete('test-dir/1.txt');

	// Deleting a dir
	await remote.deleteDir('s3driver-test-dir');

Turn on debug messages

For debugging messages I'm using debug

# bash shell
DEBUG=s3driver node app.js
# fish shell
env DEBUG=s3driver node app.js


  • config(config): Configures the S3 driver with credentials and bucket information.

    config: Object {
    	accessKeyId: 'ACCESS_KEY',
    	secretAccessKey: 'SECRET_KEY',
    	endpoint: 'ENDPOINT_URL',
    	bucket: 'BUCKET_NAME',
  • uploadDir(dir, prefix = '', params = {}): Uploads a directory to S3, including subdirectories and files, skips empty dirs

    • {string} dir - Local directory path to upload.
    • {string} [prefix=''] - Prefix to add to S3 object keys.
    • {Object} [params={}] - Additional parameters for customization.
    • {string} [params.acl=public-read] - Access control list. Default is "public-read."
    • {boolean} [params.overwrite=false] - Whether to overwrite existing items. Default is "false"
    • {boolean} [params.overwrite_if_newer=false] - Overwrite only if the source is newer. Default is "false"
    • {number} [params.dirs_concurrency] - Number of concurrent directories operations.
    • {number} [params.files_concurrency] - Number of concurrent files operations.
    • @returns {Promise} - A promise resolving to true if the upload is successful.
  • uploadDirCloud(CONF, dir, prefix = '', params = {}): Uploads a directory from one S3 bucket to another (can be in a different cloud, using current temp dir as intermediary), skips empty dirs.
    Can handle subdirectories, overwrite existing files, and check for modifications.

    • {Object} CONF - Configuration for the another S3 connection.
    • {string} dir - Local directory path to upload.
    • {string} [prefix=''] - Prefix to add to S3 object keys.
    • {Object} [params={}] - Additional parameters for customization.
    • {string} [params.acl=public-read] - Access control list. Default is "public-read."
    • {boolean} [params.overwrite=false] - Whether to overwrite existing items. Default is "false"
    • {boolean} [params.overwrite_if_newer=false] - Overwrite only if the source is newer. Default is "false"
    • {number} [params.dirs_concurrency] - Number of concurrent directories operations.
    • {number} [params.files_concurrency] - Number of concurrent files operations.
    • @returns {Promise} - A promise resolving to true if the upload is successful.
  • downloadDir(s3Path = '', dir, params = {}): Downloads a directory from S3, including subdirectories and files, skips empty dirs.
    Can handle subdirectories, overwrite existing files, and check for modifications.

    • {string} [s3Path=''] - Prefix of S3 object keys to download.
    • {string} dir - Local directory path to save downloaded files.
    • {Object} [params={}] - Additional parameters for customization.
    • {string} [params.acl=public-read] - Access control list. Default is "public-read."
    • {boolean} [params.overwrite=false] - Whether to overwrite existing items. Default is "false"
    • {boolean} [params.overwrite_if_newer=false] - Overwrite only if the source is newer. Default is "false"
    • {number} [params.dirs_concurrency] - Number of concurrent directories operations.
    • {number} [params.files_concurrency] - Number of concurrent files operations.
    • @returns {Promise} - A promise resolving to true if the download is successful.
  • list(path = '', is_dir = false): Lists objects in an S3 bucket with a given prefix.

    • {string} path - S3 directory path to list.
    • {boolean} [full_data=false] - Flag to include full metadata for each object.
    • @returns {Promise<Array|string>} - A promise resolving to an array of object keys or full metadata objects.
  • upload(localPath, s3Path, acl = 'public-read'): Uploads a single file to S3.

    • {string} from - Local file path to upload.
    • {string} to - S3 object key.
    • {string} [acl='public-read'] - ACL (Access Control List) for the uploaded object.
    • @returns {Promise} - A promise resolving when the upload is complete.
  • download(s3Path, localPath): Downloads a single file from S3.

    • {string} from - S3 object key to download.
    • {string} to - Local file path to save the downloaded file.
    • @returns {Promise<string|boolean>} - A promise resolving to the local file path if successful, or false on failure.
  • delete(s3Path): Deletes a file from S3.

    • {string} path - S3 object key to delete.
    • @returns {Promise<string|boolean>} - A promise resolving to the deleted object key if successful, or false on failure.
  • deleteDir(s3Path): Deletes all objects in a specified directory from S3.

    • {string} path - S3 directory path to delete.
    • @returns {Promise} - A promise resolving to an array of results for each deleted object.
  • list(s3Path): Lists objects in a specified S3 directory, by default only file names array without metadata

    • {string} path - S3 directory path to list.
    • {boolean} [full_data=false] - Flag to include full metadata for each object.
    • @returns {Promise<Array|string>} - A promise resolving to an array of object keys or full metadata objects.
  • getMetaData(key): Retrieves metadata for a specified S3 object.

    • {string} key - S3 object key for which to retrieve metadata.
    • @returns {Promise} - A promise resolving to the metadata object for the specified S3 object.


Create file jestEnv.js in the package folder with connection data:


Can run it with npm run test


This is my first package on NPM, if you have any comments, ideas or suggestings feel free to open issue on GitHub: https://github.com/TheGP/s3driver

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